November 26th, 2012

[info]offthescale in [info]mutatismutandis

Thread: RicStar have futher emotions.

Characters: Rictor and Shatterstar.
NPCs: --
Location: Their hiding spot in the attic, Xavier school.
Timeline: Monday, 26 November 2012. Extremely early morning.
Description: If Star didn't want company, he shouldn't've hidden in the spot Ric knows about. :)
Rating: F for feels, idk.

Shatterstar wasn't in the infirmary this time. )

[info]speedblur in [info]mutatismutandis

Thread: Tommy and open to allllll, in the infirmary.

Characters: Tommy, open to anybody (especially Hellions). I'm up for multiples! Just start a new subthread if you want in and we'll see how coherent he gets for anybody. This is your chance to interact with Tommy on drugs, kids.
NPCs: Possibly the Xavier medical staff.
Location: Xavier infirmary.
Timeline: Slightly forwarddated to Tuesday, 27 November, afternoon.
Description: Having been through surgery for his injury, pumped full of antibiotics for the resulting blood poisoning, and been floating unconscious on a sea of painkillers for the better part of three days, Tommy finally wakes up. Which comes as a big surprise to him.

Fortunately for Tommy, he'd hardly been awake at all at any point since he'd been found by SHIELD on the roof of the field station slumped unconscious over his gun. )

[info]eldritchgirl in [info]mutatismutandis

Thread: The Rasputins

Who: Piotr and Illyana
Where: Piotr's room
When: Monday Night, November 26, 2012
What: Illyana checks in on her injured brother.
Rating: PG?
Status: In Progress

Her eyes tightened, trying to pull at a shadow of a memory that wasn't there. )

[info]ex_firecrack463 in [info]mutatismutandis

Narrative: A Letter for Jamie (Jubilee [Closed])

Characters: Jubilee
Location: Xavier’s School
Timeline: November 26th, 2012
Description: Jubilee drops a note off for Jamie.
Rating: G

Just know that I still think of you as my friend. )

[info]man_or_beast in [info]mutatismutandis

Letters: Jeanne-Marie and Walter

Who: Jeanne-Marie and Walter
Where: Xavier Campus
When: Sunday, November 25, onward
What: JM and Walt make good on their plan to try writing each other.
Rating: PG

A handwritten letter on plain white paper, sealed in an envelope, is left under Jeanne-Marie's door. )

November 2015



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