Monday, April 26th, 2010

Taste of Magic

Loki Laufreyson

Basic Information

Birthday:Never Marked in Time
Family Members:Honor Father - Odin
Honor Brother - Thor
Relationship Status:Married-estranged
Interested In:Having some fun and shaking up the system
Looking For:Anyone can enjoy the elegance of a good trick, women, troublemakers. Uptight watery bints and sour-faced wizards need not apply
Political Views:Both sides are spoiled children
Religious Views:I’m good to my followers. As good as you’d expect.

Personal Information

Activities:Gambling, shapeshifting, pissing Calypso off, crazy antics, reading
Interests:jokes, pranks, winning, magic, fire
Favorite Music:Hasn’t been played in ever
Favorite TV Shows:History Channel, Punk’d
Favorite Movies:Bah, the bad guys always get it.
Favorite BooksPoetic Edda, American Gods, How to Be a Supervillian
Favorite Quotations:Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
About Me:I applaud the idea of the place, an island cut off from the ties and constraints of the real worlds. But come on, they kiddie proofed the whole damn verse. You couldn’t even stub your toe if you tried. Baking, splashing in the pool and grabbing fanny when you have a whole new world of possibilities and excitement? It was a waste of a gift.

So I brought in the chance for some growth: some randomness, the chance to get what you want, keep people from getting tame and dependant on the system. The casino let’s you sate your darker urges, play it dangerous, maybe even get something out of it.

Contact Information
IM Screen Name(s):NyxNotNicks - AIM
GorramWolf - AIM
LeoStar85 - AIM
Address:The Casino of the Island. You can’t miss it, even if you resisted
Neighborhood:Between a cranky broad and grumbling baker
Website:Taste of Magic

Education and Work

I came like this, baby.Long ago
Second Concentration:Fire
Third Concentration:Pissing off others
Position:Casino Owner, Barter,
Description:One of three rulers of a magical island dominated by a casino that pulls people in from every corner of the multiverse at random, runs an otherworldy casino.
Time Period:Prehuman History


Member Of:Norse Myths ROCK, Petition to Free the Big Bad Wolf, Overeaters Anon, Prankers of the World!, Play Zepplin’s Immigrant Song and I’ll cut you.
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Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Everyone knew it was coming. The end of the world as we knew it. Great care is being taken to protect the living. The newly formed world government, consisting of leaders from several of the great nations, have worked together to create Salus, a home for the survivors of what they may as well declare the apocolypse.

But something doesn't add up. People go missing for days at a time and then return as if nothing was wrong. One day, they'll wake up changed...but it never lasts long.

Through it all, the residents of Salus are surviving. They're socializing, creating, and falling in love. Despite all they've gone through and are going through still, they're living. But the question remains: are they truly being sheltered by 'the good guys'?

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Tuesday, March 9th, 2010






Character Directory

Everyone knew it was coming. The end of the world as we knew it. Earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts, floods, illnesses we can't even begin to describe. But no one wanted to accept it until it was too late. By the time the world's leaders started to take action, over two thirds of the population on the once beautiful planet had been wiped out.

Great care is being taken to protect the living. The newly formed world government, consisting of leaders from several of the great nations, have worked together to create sanctuary. Using a blend of diplomacy, technology, and medicine, they created Salus, a home for the survivors of what they may as well declare the apocolypse. By most regards, Salus could just be a country club or an all-inclusive resort. There's plenty of food, one of the few places left that has any at all. There's a swimming pool, a track, even a stable. Every person has a bedroom of their own and a semi-private bath. The complex spreads out over ten miles, and includes plenty of recreational activities for everyone.

But something doesn't add up. People go missing for days at a time and then return as if nothing was wrong. One day, they'll wake up changed...but it never lasts long. Sometimes they wake up in an entirely different place than where they fell asleep. The cuts and bruises they're receiving every day aren't from the natural disasters they've already survived, or the minor ones that are still occurring every so often.

Through it all, the residents of Salus are surviving. They're socializing, creating, and falling in love. Despite all they've gone through and are going through still, they're living. But the question remains: are they truly being sheltered by 'the good guys'?


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Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Image Hosted by

three sentences

Rules are simple enough!
- Three sentences only. They can be as long or short as you want them to be. Introductions are not necessary. There is no setting to this game.
- No strikeouts. However, the format of the post is completely up to you as long as it's grammatically correct!
- Your character must be fictional. If you want to play a real person, then kindly find another community.
- No Godmodding. Ever.
- No duplicates. Even though the character may appear in different forms, only one version is allowed. Please check the tags to see if your character is taken!
- If a character is inactive after three month, it is up for grabs.
- Posts open to the whole community are open here. Let the community know if a post is locked to a particular character or group of characters.
- Any threads rated above PG-13 must be moved to a personal journal with a warning in the title. We are open to anything, from slash to smut, but you must abide by this rule.

how to join

Well, joining is moderated, so just click the joining button and you'll most likely get accepted. If not, then I will definitely PM you or contact you in some way to work things out!
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Wednesday, February 24th, 2010



{an au roleplay experience}

City Map
Contact Us
Other Games

You awaken in a room that is devoid of decorations. You are lying on a small cot, a table beside you. Upon the table is a device, similar to that of a PDA. Closer inspection reveals your name inscribed upon the back below an insignia the likes of which you have never seen.

The device is on. On the screen is
a note, written in your native tongue. Once the letter is finished, it disappears and in its place is a map leading you to your assigned housing. The door to the room opens at this time and a computerized voice tells you to exit. The corridor is long and narrow. It deposits you out onto an unfamiliar street. The city is large, the architecture foreign. The door behind you closes and you are left alone.

Feel free to explore. You cannot leave the city but all of your needs will be met. Anything you can want, within reason, can be found here. The locals are mostly friendly and compassionate. Their duty is to make your stay here a comfortable one. After all, you are their guest. You are their responsibility.

You are now a member of Project Papillon.

[[info]projectpapillon is an au, panfandom rp experience; all characters must be au representations of their canon counterparts]

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Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010


Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe. The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all the time. Some of them have no idea how they came to arrive, and some can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.


Feb 6th starts a brand new plot!
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Tuesday, January 19th, 2010



{an au roleplay experience}

City Map
Contact Us
Other Games

You awaken in a room that is devoid of decorations. You are lying on a small cot, a table beside you. Upon the table is a device, similar to that of a PDA. Closer inspection reveals your name inscribed upon the back below an insignia the likes of which you have never seen.

The device is on. On the screen is
a note, written in your native tongue. Once the letter is finished, it disappears and in its place is a map leading you to your assigned housing. The door to the room opens at this time and a computerized voice tells you to exit. The corridor is long and narrow. It deposits you out onto an unfamiliar street. The city is large, the architecture foreign. The door behind you closes and you are left alone.

Feel free to explore. You cannot leave the city but all of your needs will be met. Anything you can want, within reason, can be found here. The locals are mostly friendly and compassionate. Their duty is to make your stay here a comfortable one. After all, you are their guest. You are their responsibility.

You are now a member of Project Papillon.

[[info]projectpapillon is an au, panfandom rp experience; all characters must be au representations of their canon counterparts]

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Friday, January 15th, 2010



{an au roleplay experience}

City Map
Contact Us
Other Games

You awaken in a room that is devoid of decorations. You are lying on a small cot, a table beside you. Upon the table is a device, similar to that of a PDA. Closer inspection reveals your name inscribed upon the back below an insignia the likes of which you have never seen.

The device is on. On the screen is
a note, written in your native tongue. Once the letter is finished, it disappears and in its place is a map leading you to your assigned housing. The door to the room opens at this time and a computerized voice tells you to exit. The corridor is long and narrow. It deposits you out onto an unfamiliar street. The city is large, the architecture foreign. The door behind you closes and you are left alone.

Feel free to explore. You cannot leave the city but all of your needs will be met. Anything you can want, within reason, can be found here. The locals are mostly friendly and compassionate. Their duty is to make your stay here a comfortable one. After all, you are their guest. You are their responsibility.

You are now a member of Project Papillon.

[[info]projectpapillon is an au, panfandom rp experience; all characters must be au representations of their canon counterparts]

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Friday, January 8th, 2010



{an au roleplay experience}

City Map
Contact Us
Other Games

You awaken in a room that is devoid of decorations. You are lying on a small cot, a table beside you. Upon the table is a device, similar to that of a PDA. Closer inspection reveals your name inscribed upon the back below an insignia the likes of which you have never seen.

The device is on. On the screen is
a note, written in your native tongue. Once the letter is finished, it disappears and in its place is a map leading you to your assigned housing. The door to the room opens at this time and a computerized voice tells you to exit. The corridor is long and narrow. It deposits you out onto an unfamiliar street. The city is large, the architecture foreign. The door behind you closes and you are left alone.

Feel free to explore. You cannot leave the city but all of your needs will be met. Anything you can want, within reason, can be found here. The locals are mostly friendly and compassionate. Their duty is to make your stay here a comfortable one. After all, you are their guest. You are their responsibility.

You are now a member of Project Papillon.

[[info]projectpapillon is an au, panfandom rp experience; all characters must be au representations of their canon counterparts]

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Sunday, December 20th, 2009

World's End - a pan-fandom post-apocalypse RPG


World’s End


"This is what happens when the world ends."

Taken and Held
World’s End is a panfandom game focusing on the survivors of destroyed worlds, and what they choose to do afterward. Some try to eek out a new existence at “The World’s End,” a world many of the displaced arrived at after the destruction of their home world. Others seek to combat what is commonly called “the darkness,” the eater of worlds, and prevent it from corrupting and destroying even more worlds. Some study “The Door” at The World’s End, and the machinery left behind by Ansem the Wise, hoping to gain information that may allow them to restore the lost worlds and those who lived there.

The outlook is bleak, and oblivion waits just outside the door, but they aren’t called “survivors” for no reason, and there may be a way to fix this yet. But they’ll have to work with strangers to do it, if they don’t destroy themselves from within first.

Opens January 4 2010!

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Monday, December 14th, 2009

"World's End" - A Post-Apocalypse game


World’s End


"This is what happens when the world ends."

Taken and Held
World’s End is a panfandom game focusing on the survivors of destroyed worlds, and what they choose to do afterward. Some try to eek out a new existence at “The World’s End,” a world many of the displaced arrived at after the destruction of their home world. Others seek to combat what is commonly called “the darkness,” the eater of worlds, and prevent it from corrupting and destroying even more worlds. Some study “The Door” at The World’s End, and the machinery left behind by Ansem the Wise, hoping to gain information that may allow them to restore the lost worlds and those who lived there.

The outlook is bleak, and oblivion waits just outside the door, but they aren’t called “survivors” for no reason, and there may be a way to fix this yet. But they’ll have to work with strangers to do it, if they don’t destroy themselves from within first.

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Friday, November 20th, 2009

World's End


World’s End


"This is what happens when the world ends."

Taken and Held
World’s End is a panfandom game focusing on the survivors of destroyed worlds, and what they choose to do afterward. Some try to eek out a new existence at “The World’s End,” a world many of the displaced arrived at after the destruction of their home world. Others seek to combat what is commonly called “the darkness,” the eater of worlds, and prevent it from corrupting and destroying even more worlds. Some study “The Door” at The World’s End, and the machinery left behind by Ansem the Wise, hoping to gain information that may allow them to restore the lost worlds and those who lived there.

The outlook is bleak, and oblivion waits just outside the door, but they aren’t called “survivors” for no reason, and there may be a way to fix this yet. But they’ll have to work with strangers to do it, if they don’t destroy themselves from within first.

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Monday, November 16th, 2009

World's End


World’s End


Taken and Held
World’s End is a panfandom game focusing on the survivors of destroyed worlds, and what they choose to do afterward. Some try to eek out a new existence at “The World’s End,” a world many of the displaced arrived at after the destruction of their home world. Others seek to combat what is commonly called “the darkness,” the eater of worlds, and prevent it from corrupting and destroying even more worlds. Some study “The Door” at The World’s End, and the machinery left behind by Ansem the Wise, hoping to gain information that may allow them to restore the lost worlds and those who lived there.

The outlook is bleak, and oblivion waits just outside the door, but they aren’t called “survivors” for no reason, and there may be a way to fix this yet. But they’ll have to work with strangers to do it, if they don’t destroy themselves from within first.

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Friday, November 13th, 2009


World’s End


Taken and Held
World’s End is a panfandom game focusing on the survivors of destroyed worlds, and what they choose to do afterward. Some try to eek out a new existence at “The World’s End,” a world many of the displaced arrived at after the destruction of their home world. Others seek to combat what is commonly called “the darkness,” the eater of worlds, and prevent it from corrupting and destroying even more worlds. Some study “The Door” at The World’s End, and the machinery left behind by Ansem the Wise, hoping to gain information that may allow them to restore the lost worlds and those who lived there.

The outlook is bleak, and oblivion waits just outside the City's borders, but they aren’t called “survivors” for no reason, and there may be a way to fix this yet. But they’ll have to work with strangers to do it, if they don’t destroy themselves from within first.

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Sunday, October 11th, 2009


Deep within the Canopus System lies the planet, Soter, a world strangely similar to Earth that was abandoned long ago by its original inhabitants. Placed on the black market, the planet was eventually purchased by a eccentric man known only as The Collector. He spent many years restoring the planet's greatest city, Colligo, to its former glory and many intergalactic entrepreneurs believed he intended to turn Soter's Colligo into one of the greatest vacation destinations the known galaxy had ever seen!

They were wrong.

Instead, Colligo became The Collector's display case for his personal collection of people. During the time he spent restoring Colligo, he also began selecting worthy specimens to start his collection with and others to be added to it later on. These unfortunate people, after having been grabbed from their respective planets, times, and realities, awaken within Colligo's grand library filled with books who's spines and pages are blank and devoid of pictures or words, unaware of where they are or how they got there. They are soon ushered out of the building and into the city by guards dressed in medieval armor that step off podiums, breaking the illusion that they are merely statues. No matter what abilities the new collection possesses, fighting these guards is impossible - as is leaving Colligo or the planet. If one tries, they find themselves back in the library and being pushed out into the city once more by the guards.

You, unfortunately, have caught The Collector's eye and have been added to his collection. Where you are is unknown, how you got there is an even bigger mystery, but you're faced with two choices: learn to live in this city or die trying to escape it.


colligomods | colligo | colligo_network | colligo_threads | colligo_ooc


‡ This is a multi-fandom game with active in-game plots and friendly players. Any fictional characters, major or minor, are welcome to apply. ‡
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Sunday, September 20th, 2009

When Cupid Missed: Panfandom Fluff


So, right. We all make mistakes. We all screw things up. Even the self-proclaimed Gods screw things up now and again, right? They just have the power to cover it up so we can pretend it never happened. You remember that big plague that accidentally wiped out half the universe? Of course you don't - they hid that little mistake with some creative bookkeeping.

So why is that when Cupid missed, he got banished to some forgotten, alternate universe that had been divested of all its people?

Sure, all right, the person in question might have been a God, and sure, all right, the person he hit might have had a serious grudge against the person he was shooting for, and granted, their romance might have ended up in world-burning flames ...

... but why wasn't anyone around to cover his ass?

Fortunately, he had a friend so to speak, who pulled a few strings and struck a few deals. The world would be populated with people for him to practice his aim on, and maybe if he got good enough, they'd reinstate him.

Until then, he was on his own in an empty world filled with what people could be spared from their own realities.

Wanted Characters

Any and all characters from any and all fandoms are welcome here.


Rules & Application & Characters & PBs & Setting & Credit
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Saturday, August 22nd, 2009



[info]purgatorium | [info]oh_oh_cee | [info]purgatwitter | [info]thesource

The Source-- aptly called, for its creation of the core worlds of the multiverse. At the beginning of everything, it set the creation process in motion and let it go. Since then, innumerable worlds have been born, as well as countless alternate versions of those. Years passed--billions of years--and at last, The Source's finely-tuned machine began to fail. Lucifiel and others turned against it. War was waged in Purgatory.

And then-- Gabriel chose to stand against his creator's orders. The Arc took control of Purgatory, luring still more Arcs and angels away.

The Source decided to begin again.

Just when destruction seemed certain, Gabriel rose up and threw his own strength against that of his maker. The two opposing forces, instead of defeating one or the other, opened a rift in the multiverse. In mere hours, as The Source retreated and Gabriel returned to Purgatory to recover, strangers had begun to arrive in Purgatory.

It's only a matter of time before The Source attempts again-- and when it does, who will win?

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Tuesday, July 21st, 2009


Deep within the Canopus System lies the planet, Soter, a world strangely similar to Earth that was abandoned long ago by its original inhabitants. Placed on the black market, the planet was eventually purchased by a eccentric man known only as The Collector. He spent many years restoring the planet's greatest city, Colligo, to its former glory and many intergalactic entrepreneurs believed he intended to turn Colligo into one of the greatest vacation destinations the known galaxy had ever seen.

They were wrong.

Instead, Colligo became The Collector's display case for his personal collection of people. During the time he spent restoring Colligo, he also began selecting worthy specimens to start his collection with and others to be added to it later. These unfortunate people, after having been grabbed from their respective planets, times, and realities, awaken within the Colligo's Grand Library, a massive building filled with books, most of whose pages are blank, devoid of pictures or words. They are unaware of where they are or how they got there and are soon ushered out into the city by guards dressed in medieval armor. No matter what abilities the new addition possesses, fighting the guards is impossible - as is leaving Colligo.

You, unfortunately, have caught The Collector's eye and have been added to his collection. You're faced with two choices: learn to live in this city or die trying to escape it. The choice is yours.

Colligo is a panfandom game set in an original world. We are het/slash/femme friendly and welcome any fandom out there. The Collector wants you.
// premise // rules // faq // taken // wanted // holds // application //
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Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

Halfway House







Character Directory

Most Needed Characters

More Heroes! (characters from Harry Potter, Twilight, Heroes, Dr. Who/Torchwood. Anyone and everyone!)
The White Rabbit
Original Characters
Poor little Alice. All she really wanted to do was get the hell out of Wonderland.

Unfortunately, the Queen of Hearts, also known as Queen Redd, had other ideas...which is why poor little Alice is presently languishing in a prison chamber that no one has managed to find, where she is slowly going mad. Queen Redd, having basically taken over Wonderland, lured its most famous visitor back and locked her away, reasoning that with Alice in confinement, no one stood a chance of thwarting her.

In the palace of the Queen of Hearts is a long, sumptuous corridor lined with mirrors, so that the Queen may admire herself from every angle as often as she likes. To construct this corridor, she laid claim to every mirror in Wonderland...each of which has its own special magical property.

The White Rabbit and the Caterpillar, desperate to find some way to rescue Alice and restore Wonderland to its usual chaotic but peaceful glory, began to put these magic mirrors to their own use. Among them is a mirror of their own creation, the Mirror of Erised. It was through these mirrors that different individuals were called from different lands, times, even worlds - all summoned to a Wonderland that none of them could ever have imagined. The Queen of Hearts was initially furious, but the Rabbit and Caterpillar disguised their true intentions by explaining that the visitors were summoned for the Queen's own amusement. She could entertain herself by watching them muddle through a specially created 'subsection' of Wonderland, also called Erised, trying to understand where they were and how to escape, while dealing with the existence of the other people who were also there. Some of them look the same; some have similar powers; all are equally bewildered. And all are needed to break Alice from her place of confinement and save Wonderland.

But be warned. Though this is a Wonderland gone horribly wrong, it is Wonderland nonetheless, and things here are not always what they should be. Certain powers may prove restricted. Certain weapons may prove to sometimes be completely useless; will you shoot that minion of the Queen? Your gun might fire bullets...or it might fire bubbles, or flowers, or fish. Who can you trust in this madcap world? What is real?

Every character retains his or her memories of their own lives and personalities and so on, but none remember falling through the mirrors. They have no recollection of the Queen's mirrored hall, or how they came to Erised. Each simply wakes up in his or her bed at the Halfway House - so named because it's halfway between sanity and madness. From there, it's up to them whether they can join forces with the other players and determine what their purpose is, and how to survive in a world where nothing's quite right...without losing their minds.

Occasionally they will meet other characters. The White Rabbit and the Caterpillar, and the Cheshire Cat - they know of the residents of Erised. After all, they chose them to be their champions. But can the visitors to Erised, the unwilling heroes of this tale, bring themselves to trust, and to believe?

GAME OPENS June 1st!. Join today!

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Sunday, May 10th, 2009

The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG

You love freeform, pan-fandom roleplay right? You like playing characters you enjoy and seeing how they interact with other characters.

But the last time you went to a freeform, multi-fandom group, you were kicked out because you didn't ship the 'right' pairings.

Or you were kicked out because you liked the 'wrong' game console.

Or you were kicked out because you had a different sense of humor.

Or you left because the 'official chat room' gossipped about you behind your back.

Or any of the above.

That is why NFPDR was created. NFPDR is a pan-fandom (all fandoms apart from Harry Potter are welcomed), freeform RPG, but without the social politics associated with fandom. We don't care who you are, what you look like, what game consoles you own, or anything irrelevant. All we care about is your character. NFPDR: fandom without fanbrats.

NFPDR is freeform, panfandom (except Harry Potter), and friendly to het, yaoi, yuri and even non-smut RP. We do comedy and serious. We do canon and crack. What we do NOT do is people launching personal vendettas against eachother, cliques of players ganging up on outsiders, and in general anything that resembles backstabbery and high-school-playground-ism. 

Further information about NFPDR can be found here:
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