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PURGATORIUM [ the ooc edition ]

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Hi! [24 Aug 2009|08:03am]

Wow, I just kind of jumped in without introducing myself! Ha.

Hi, everybody! I'm Britt, bringing in Dean Winchester from Supernatural. He's canon only through episode 2.21. His brother's dead, no demon was willing to make a deal (they were still banking on John to jump-start the apocalypse), and he may have gone just a little bit crazy. Of course, that was two years ago. He's definitely not a very happy camper, lol.

Anyway, I can't wait to write with you guys! :D
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[17 Aug 2009|05:58am]

Oh, hey. I should make an intro post, shouldn't I? I mean, being as I'm already racking up the comments and whatnot.

Anyway, I'm Anne and I'm here with two pups. The first one, this oh-so-loveable-and-easy-to-get-along-with guy, is Dr. Sheldon Cooper from the fantastic tv show, The Big Bang Theory. He's a physicist and it's very likely that he's got Asperger syndrome even though it's never been flat out said on the show. Though, the fact that it's gone undiagnosed wouldn't be odd, considering his parents are, well, morons. ANYWAY! This means that he's got little to NO social skills. He even made a flow chart to try and figure out the proper way to make friends with someone. His own friends only tolerate him half the time, it seems. He's obsessive over things, and rarely forgets a detail. He's also very aware of just how smart he is and thinks of himself as better than most people thanks to his intellect. Oh, and he's a gigantic nerd. If it's dorky, he knows waaaaay too much about it.

And moving on, we'll find Bumblebee of the legendary Transformers fame ([info]hesmilkingit). Only this is movie!Bee because I'm lame, and somehow when he was transported from his world and this one there was a bit of a mixup and now he's in a human body. Which he does not like. And I don't mean in a pretender way where he can still transform, he's just plain human. Actually, he's even more human than Sam is these days. And... Yeah. Anyway, he's super nice, goofy, and laid back as long as Sam's not in trouble (and now, as long as no one's messing with his kids. He will kill you with a wooden spoon if he has to if you try and hurt Sam or his kids) so feel free to make friends with him!

Both of my pups are available for plottage and you can catch me on AIM via TrstMeImThDctr or email me at a.regular.decorated.emergency@gmail.com

(Sheldon and Bee)
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Introduction [15 Aug 2009|12:32am]

Mr. Dark is pleased to announce the arrival of the most magnificent and mesmerizing attraction of the season! Behold, Cooger and Dark's Pandemonium Shadow Show, it is a diabolical festival bent on destroying human life one soul at a time. Come one and come all sinners, dare temptation and human imperfections, Mr. Dark promises you'll have a good time. Dare you ride the carousel backwards a year? Or perhaps you wish to ride it forward ten years? Whatever the case, come this way. The carnival is in town for a while.

Dark, aka the Illustrated Man comes from Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. He is the proprietor of the carnival and is manipulator of men and women who feeds off of fear, greed and hopelessness, it's what makes him stronger. He lures people into his carnival and exploits their deepest desires and warps them using his freaks and his attractions. He is a horribly charismatic man and also very diabolical, he inspires childhood memories and hands out promises if only one can trust him and enjoy one's self on a ride..

His carnival is currently lacking a number of freaks and exhibits so he's on the lookout for new recruits. If you're interested, send me a message and we'll flesh someone out. =)

My name is Iggy and I can be found at perfectxinxdeath on AIM and my email is SeaWitch89@gmail.com if you wanna get a hold of me.

I would really, really love more freaks. =P
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