Below is information about the "Advertise your multi/pan-fandom RPG!" asylum on InsaneJournal. To join this asylum, click here. You may leave the asylum at any time.
This is a community created for users to post ads for their multi-fandom/pan-fandom roleplaying games. There are a few simple rules here:
1. Only multi/pan-fandom games are allowed. That means game ads for games that are soley focusing on one fandom or are filled with only original charactrs will be removed.
2. Post once every three days. Deleting your old ads does not make you exempt from the rule. It will get you banned.
3. Don't fight with anyone.
4. Posts are now moderated.
Affiliates insane_games - Advertise your Insane Journal games. rpresources - Get your tutorials, resources, codes, and layouts here.