Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Feb. 25th, 2009|11:48 am]
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Who: Dean Winchester & Jessica/Niki Sanders
Where: C110, Dean's room
When: Day 33, early evening?
What: Roving scotch and brick fire pizza
Status: Complete
Rating: R (language)

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[Feb. 21st, 2009|10:15 pm]
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[Current Mood |aggravated]

Who: Niki/Jessica Sanders OTA
When: Day 33
Why: Boredom and in need of drinks.
Status: Incomplete
Rating: R for Language

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[Jan. 7th, 2009|12:55 am]
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[Current Mood |calm]

Who: Jessica Sanders and OTA
When: Day 27, mid-morning
What: Deciding to use this place for some pampering, she heads to the indoor Jacuzzi.
Rating: PG-13, just in case
Status: Incomplete, active

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[Nov. 10th, 2008|09:41 pm]
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[Current Mood |cold]

Who? Niki/Jessica Sanders and OTA
When? Afternoon.
Where? Out and about with a bottle of scotch.
What? Drinking and forgetting
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

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Niki from five years in her future arrives [Oct. 17th, 2008|09:20 pm]
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Who: five years gone! Niki Sanders and OTA
When: Day 19
Where: Somewhere on the grounds
Rating: PG-13 for course language.

Niki was sitting in front of the bar, drinking one too many whiskeys as it where. She was angry with Peter, he killed Micah, it was him. He left her, angry and alone. She found solace in alcohol, something she had been finding lots of solace in, AA be damned. She watched as her tumbler hit the television and slid down, coating the t.v., wall and rug. Nathan, a man she knew biblically, was also now the president of the United States and saying something rather important was lost on Niki as she fell into a drunken stupor. She woke up hours later, in a place she didn't readily recognize as her bar, with Peter. She was not sure if she might have crawled into their apartment and just landed wherever she landed? She woke up with a major start when she noticed that she was alone, no Peter and no idea where she was?
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