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Aug. 31st, 2011


{ w h o } Gil (solo)
{ w h a t } A different kind of entertainment.
{ w h e n } Wednesday night
{ w h e r e } Downtown
{ r a t i n g } PG
{ s t a t u s } Complete

He didn't know exactly where he was going, but it wasn't hard. )

Aug. 29th, 2011


Misery and company. -OPEN

Who: Michael and Gil
When: Monday Evening
What: Michael and storms do not get along
Where: Just outside the dining area.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Power frizzle )

Aug. 27th, 2011


{ w h o } Walt. (solo, but open to reaction posts)
{ w h a t } Thunderstorms and Walt.
{ w h e n } Saturday into early Sunday morning.
{ w h e r e } The carnival grounds.
{ r a t i n g } PG

You came to melt the noise away... )

Aug. 25th, 2011


{ w h o } Gil and Walt
{ w h a t } It's Gil's turn to check out what Walt's got.
{ w h e n } Thursday morning
{ w h e r e } Walt's performance area
{ r a t i n g } PG-13 (violence/gore)
{ status } Complete

But you just didn't survive being a man like Walt Schmidt without medical treatment. )

Aug. 24th, 2011



{ w h o } Gil & Luc
{ w h a t } An open invitation
{ w h e n } Wednesday evening

Left outside of Luc's tent )


Shave and a hair cut....

Who: Gil and Vlad
What: Routine facial hair maintenance.
Where: Outside Vlad's trailer
When: Tuesday late afternoon
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete

Vlad had the towels in the warmer over a box of cooling wood coals, Evelyn's hair had been done for the evening performance and now it was the chance for anyone that wanted a shave or trim to come by before the show started. As he waited, he drew the straight blade of his razor over the leather strop with a distinctive sound. Vlad had to admit to enjoying doing shaves. There was something very relaxing about the scent of the soap and the heat of the towels and he prided himself on never having nicked a customer.

When he saw Gil approaching, Vlad smiled and checked his blade. "Mr. Godwin. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Aug. 22nd, 2011


{ w h o } Luc and Graham and Gil and [OPEN!]
{ w h a t } The miracle man has a cure for everything. Even annoying people!
{ w h e n } Wednesday morning.
{ w h e r e } Luc's place.
{ r a t i n g } PG.

'Luckily for you, I have just the thing.' )

Aug. 20th, 2011


{ w h o } Gil and Kati
{ w h a t } A slightly unusual proposition.
{ w h e n } Monday evening
{ w h e r e } Kati's trailer
{ r a t i n g } G/PG

It's a reputation thing. )

Aug. 19th, 2011


{ w h o } Gil and Walt
{ w h a t } Curiosity killed the Walt
{ w h e n } Thursday, after Gil's last show.
{ w h e r e } Gil's stage.
{ r a t i n g } PG
{ s t a t u s } Complete

You make it a habit to go snooping around other people's equipment? )

Aug. 13th, 2011


{ w h o } Gil and Marjan
{ w h a t } Gil continues to explore the carnival and get to know the others.
{ w h e n } One fine day
{ w h e r e } Midway
{ r a t i n g } TBD, G for now

Gil hadn't been there that long, but... )

Aug. 12th, 2011


{ w h o } Gil and Chance
{ w h a t } Supply lists and first impressions.
{ w h e n } Early afternoon.
{ w h e r e } Gil's trailer
{ r a t i n g } G
{ s t a t u s } Complete

I'm not talking about champagne here, I'm talking about plain water. )

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