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metemmods [userpic]

Greetings, all you beautiful Metem folks!

We are now active on DW! As before:
-FRIEND "metemmods" and the NPC accounts listed below.

-JOIN metempsychosis_dw, metem_logs, metem_ooc and, if you want, metem_dressing.

The posting permissions should now be up for everyone; please let one of us mods know if you can't post.

Also, here are the accounts for the various NPCs, for purposes of granting circle access:
Metempowers is Gaia and Corruption.
Metemminions is Nigel, Roger, Mimi, and the witches.
Metemnymphs are the maenads and oreads.
Metemmonsters are the snakes, ghosts, and various other beasties that make lives interesting for the godlings.
Metemfae are the faeries.
Metemextras are the random incidentals-- gunmen, dead NPCs, and so on.

Finally, even though we are still working on some general page updates, most of the important items should be correct up on DW. If anyone sees a mistake or a bad link, or if you requested a month of paid time and didn't get it, please let one of the mods know so we can fix it.

We hope to see you over at Dreamwidth very soon!

metemmods [userpic]
Transition in Progress!

Hello, Metem darlings!

We mods are hard at work getting everything ready to go live on Dreamwidth! And I swear, once we're done, I will start posting again!

Keep using the IJ comms for now, but we do have the comms and mod accounts set up on DW! So, with your new accounts, please:

-FRIEND "metemmods" and "metemminions"

-JOIN metempsychosis_dw, metem_logs, metem_ooc and, if you want, metem_dressing.

Now, posting permissions on DW will be sent through when we're ready to go live, and again, we promise to import everything over so you shouldn't lose any threads. Nextgen accounts do not have to be ready by the 13th, but you are certainly welcome to have them up and running by then.

Those who are getting the 1-month paid accounts, those will go into effect on the 13th.

If anyone wishes to update their contact information and add, remove or change methods of contact, please let a mod know and we'll get it taken care of.

Any questions/concerns? Let us know! ♥

metemmods [userpic]
Solstice announcements!

Welcome to Solstice, everyone! All the godlings for 24 hours are back to their immortal selves! Use the time well. ♥

And announcements! We have lots of them!

News Under Here! )

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please let us know!

metemmods [userpic]

Hey guys, it's about the middle of the month, and so far, September's looking a lot like August. Have no fear, Ash and I are gearing up some event fun to come later on, but we want all of you involved in playing too! So, here's a little way to get the plots flowing, hopefully! All you have to do is fill it out with copy and pasting, and talk with each other! You are all very strongly encouraged to participate. That's one step down from "mandatory."

Also, over the past few months, you've gotten to know your mods, but now we get to start learning about our fellow players with a Player of the Month (and this is purely voluntary to participate--but if we could get a volunteer for October, please let us know!), and this month it's Angie!

All About Angie! )

metemmods [userpic]
Winding down August...

Hey guys! Just a couple little announcements.

First off, if you haven't wished our dear Ash a happy birthday, make sure you do so! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ASH! ♥

Also, of course, AC will be tomorrow night--you'll have until 11:59 p.m. CST to get your tags in. I know August has been a slow month, and we'll be happy to blitz whoever needs it. Just let us know--we'll try and get a groupchat up for that.

And we do have some great surprises coming up for you here in September, so be watching the OOC board for details!

metemmods [userpic]
Two Year Anniversary!!

Well, Metem, congratulations, we've done it! Today marks our two-year anniversary! Way to go! That is a milestone to be proud of!

In honor of the festivities, we have some great stuff for you!

First off, we're announcing a slight change to the rules! Most of you probably won't even notice this, but we're actually lifting the cap on character slots. Although everyone still gets ten free slots, you now have the option to petition for additional PCs. The process is exactly the same as always: write up an app and submit it, just make sure you put "Petition for Additional Slot" in the subject header when you comment. Then, in addition to reviewing the application itself, Mod Paul will take into consideration your current activity levels and characterizations to determine if the extra slot is warranted and will approve or deny on a case-by-case basis. It's that easy!

Secondly, Event 11 is coming up on June 23rd, and we're giving you the introductory information so you can begin making your plans!

Event 11! )

Lastly, we've been playing together now for a long time, with some folks newer to the group than others, but we've become good friends, yes? But, really, how well do we actually know each other? Well, over the next few months, you'll get the opportunity to get to know your mods a little better than before! And, if you guys like, we may expand this to have a featured player of the month do the questionnaire as well! To start with, here're some tidbits about the gal who started all this, your fearless leader!

Get to Know Your Lead Mod! )

metemmods [userpic]
Couple of Announcements!

OK, Metem!

First off, your friendly plot mods have decided that we're going to bring Event 10 to a soft close tomorrow. Meaning that, while you are all more than welcome (and, in fact, strongly encouraged) to go ahead and continue your plot threads to get your keys and finish those up, the godlings can post under their usual circumstances in the real world again. They'll find that only 1 second has elapsed since they were taken, if they were paying enough attention to tell. Gloss post will go up tomorrow, so start thinking about what everyone's been up to over the past month! This should give everyone a nice little break before Event 11 hits on June 23rd (more information on that to come later!).

Also, don't forget that Activity Check is on Saturday!

We've got some exciting things planned as our second anniversary approaches, so keep watching the OOC!

metemmods [userpic]
Event 8 is coming!

Normally, I'd do this on the 13th, with tomorrow being our 18-month anniversary. (Way to go, Metem! I'm so proud of you! ♥) But it's only once a century that we get a date like 12-12-12, so I'm doing it today. ^_^

Just as a reminder, we open the game to the Mayan pantheon beginning on the 21st, so if you've been wanting a Mayan, now's your big chance!

Also, moms- and dads-to-be, I will be expecting birth announcements on the 21st (be watching the OOC for the announcement to go up), so these are your last few days to prepare custody, names, PBs, icons and powers!

And speaking of the births, here's how things are going to play out for Event 8:

Event Details Here )

And, also, dear godlings... A meme of sorts, but everyone is required to participate. Please comment below with at least one in-character wish for a gift for each godling, if they could have ANYTHING they wanted as a present for the season. ^_~

metemmods [userpic]
Changes, they be a-coming!

Hello, Metem!

First off, happy pre-Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a lovely holiday. This also means that we are exactly one month from the Winter Solstice! You guys excited? I know I am, because two very special things will be happening then!

Obviously, the 21st will herald the births of the Next Gens. So, if you haven't decided on names, PBs, powers and custody, now is the time to be doing so. Everyone should be fully prepared to make birth announcements next month. Oh, and just in case you're wanting to know such things, here are some labor-and-delivery things you might want to know about.

Secondly, and probably even MORE exciting... On December 21st, Metempsychosis will be expanding and opening up the Mayan pantheon. Just the one for now, but we will now have seven pantheons instead of six. So, if you've been holding out for some Mayan figures, now's your big chance! ^_^ I tell you this now so that you can have them ready to app if you want to on Opening Day.

Plot-wise, we are just about finished on the strategy thread--Dite has the floor open for any questions or concerns. Otherwise, the discussion is over and the godlings will be returning to their normal lives in the real world on whatever day we get that wrapped up. Assume there was a "honeymoon" period at the Maison between that discussion and the day they return where you can have encounters or whatever you like. Yes, as always, you are all welcome to backdate logs and whatnot.

But, that's not all. This may not be something you like hearing, but it does need to be done for the good of the game. Admittedly, I've been pretty lax on things like activity and whatnot, but that's going to change come January. Sorry, guys, but I am going to start enforcing the rules on that here very soon. With it being the holidays and people being busy and all, I'm willing to let things slide through the end of the year, but now is the time to get into good habits before I have to bring the hammer down.

Just to refresh everyone's memory: every character is required to contribute to the game FIVE times every month, be it through posts, logs, comments, or a combination of the above. You are also required to TAG every entry you post on with your characters' names. Characters who fail to meet the minimum activity requirements will be moved to Standby status during the next month. If they make the activity requirements while on Standby, they will be moved back to active status. If not, they will be removed from the game after two consecutive months of insufficient activity. If you know you will not be able to make requirements, you MUST request a formal hiatus and/or speak with me about the situation, or else you will still be held to the requirements. If a character is removed from the game due to lack of activity and you still wish to play him/her, you will be required to wait 14 days and then formally resubmit the application. If you feel there were extenuating circumstances preventing you from posting or from contacting me about it, you may appeal, and things will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Also, we're going to be changing how the activity checks are done starting with the check for January activity (which will begin on February 1). Previously, I would just go through the tags for the month and count them up for you guys. Not anymore--now YOU will be responsible for reporting your activity each month. Beginning on the first, I will put up an activity check post on the OOC and you will have until the 3rd to post links proving at least five contributions for the month. Failure to respond to the Activity Check post within that timeframe will result in AUTOMATICALLY being moved to Standby/removed from the game even if you had sufficient activity for the month, unless you notify me in advance that you'll be unable to respond during that time.

Also, guys, I know I try to let you know when announcements go up, just because I don't make all that many of them, but, really. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you're checking the OOC board--just because I'm a mom doesn't mean I'm your mom. As a rule of thumb, you can expect things typically on the 1st and 13th of any given month. You should also be able to set up alerts to let you know when new posts go up. Please use these resources and/or stay vigilant. I don't want to hear any excuses about not knowing something because you failed to check the boards.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not asking a lot from you. I'm really not. And in the event you still can't make it, I am very easy to reach--all you have to do is let me know about it as soon as you can. So please, we're all grown-ups here--we can take responsibility for our own activity, and this makes it a lot easier on me, so I really appreciate your cooperation.

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, let me know.

metemmods [userpic]
Upcoming Announcements!

Hello, Metem!

First announcement: A VERY happy birthday to our very own Ash today! Give her lots of birthday love if you haven't already!

Second announcement: Don't worry about this month's activity check, even those of you who ordinarily would be facing Standby. I've got much bigger things in the works than worrying about your posting for August. Not that this means you're allowed to slack off, because big things are coming this September! Which leads us into...

Third announcement: I'm telling you this now so you'll all have plenty of time to plan things out!

Beginning Tuesday, September 11th, all of the godlings who have been publicly "outted" are going to find themselves the targets of domestic terrorism prompted by the words of Mimi and Roger, and carried out by otherwise-ordinary American citizens. And yes, this goes for all the godlings whose divine personae are publicly known--if the general public doesn't know who they really are, they do not have to be targeted (unless you really want them to be). Exactly how you want to do this is up to you, but keep in mind that these will all be serious attempts on their lives. They could be attacked anywhere: at home, at work, just out and about on the street. And the methods could vary widely (e.g. car bombs, being attacked by gunmen, arson, anthrax letters, flash mob attacks, etc.). That said, although you are welcome to do so if you choose, you do not have to have your characters injured or killed by this event--although please tell me if you actually intend to have your character(s) die. The attacks can also take place anytime between September 11th and the 21st. On the 22nd, the second part of the event will commence. More details on THAT later. ^_^

Questions? Comments? Let me know! ^_^

metemmods [userpic]
Welcome to YEAR TWO!

Congratulations, Metempsychosis! We have reached a milestone few games can boast: OUR ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! And I have all of you to thank for it. ♥♥♥

So! To mark the occasion, starting TODAY the 13th and going through the Summer Solstice (the 20th), each and every godling is going to receive a surprise visitor at some point during the week. These will be taking place almost exclusively on the log community, so, PLEASE, be watching for your characters' names! If you would like to be notified when your turn is up, let me and/or Mod Paul know, and we'll make sure someone gets you a heads-up.

The plot is moving forward, my sweets. Excitement lies ahead. ^_^

Meanwhile, of course, all characters are welcome to keep posting as normal while waiting for their turns with the visits.

To continue with the anniversary celebration, however, a MEME! Yay! And not just any old meme, one that I hope will see a great deal of participation! Yes, it's a drabble meme! Here's how to play:

1) Post a comment with the names of the character(s) you'd like to see involved, and a prompt for them. If you wish, you can include notes requesting a particular rating limit or other specifications.
2) Someone then uses the prompt (and accompanying notes, if any) to write a drabble (any length) in reply. If more than one person wishes to respond, that's OK! The more takes on it, the merrier. Yes, you CAN post anonymously and you can respond to your own prompts, if you wish.

Any questions? Comments? Let us know! ♥

metemmods [userpic]
Contest closing and other announcements

Okay! Well, the contest is officially over! I had been planning to take the top 3-5 pairings, but since only 4 were nominated, then (assuming all goes as planned, art-wise), they're ALL the winners!

In other news, to help move the game along, we will be resuming normal time come midnight CST January 31st or when we get through the event threads, whichever comes first. So, start planning for your glosses now. Of course, as always, this does not necessarily mean that the threads will be closing--if you still wish to continue them, they'll be there. But the real-time aspect will be continuing normally by the month's end. And again, as always, backdated threads from during the gloss are welcome at any time; just make sure you mark their timestamps.

In light of this, since the duration of this was not expected to go this long, there will be no January activity requirement measured. Not that this means any of you are given license to be lazy--keep posting away! ^_^

Any questions? Let me know. Otherwise, a gloss post will be going up in a few days.

metemmods [userpic]
Our 3-Month Anniversary!

Congratulations, everyone! Metempsychosis has reached its three-month anniversary today! We especially want to thank each and every one of you for making it an awesome game and helping us get this far. ♥

And, of course, we do have some announcements to make!

Our first new change is that we are expanding the character slot cap from 5 to 10. That said, however, we would still prefer to have a few well-played characters than a bunch of mediocre ones, so there is ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE to fill your slots up right away.

With this in mind, however, in an attempt to better balance the pantheons, we are imposing a temporary cap on the Greek pantheon at 13 characters. This is only TEMPORARY, though, so those of you who are wanting additional Greeks needn't panic! We will remove the cap after we get 2 more characters each in the other five pantheons. So, that means we'll need a total of 4 Celts, 3 Egyptians, 2 Hindus, 2 Judeo-Christians, and 5 Norse. Not so bad, right?

Also, the anniversary is going to kick off some new developments plot-wise, so be watching for updates from our Plotbunny Mod!

Again, thank you everyone for making Metem the greatest game out there! We love you guys. ♥

metemmods [userpic]
Just some reminders

Hey everyone!

Things are going great--much fun with the mini-event!

Just some quick things:

There are still players who have not posted on the gloss post, so please do so! That way we can keep the Past Days Digest accurate.

Also, though July's rather got overlooked with the event, there will be an activity check for the month of August on Thursday, September 1st. Don't worry, the mods will be doing the checking (no need for players to do anything special), but if you have characters who don't have at LEAST 5 tags for this month, you have the next few days to post! Remember, it can be any combination of posts, comments and logs.

And, a note to remind everyone that our Plotbunny Mod will be at DragonCon from September 1st to September 5, returning on the 6th. Your other mods will be here if you have any questions or needs during that time.

metemmods [userpic]
Happy 1-Month Anniversary!

Congratulations, everyone!

Today marks the 1-month anniversary since we officially opened Metempsychosis to gameplay! I know, it doesn't seem that long, does it?

So, to mark the anniversary, first off, we'd like to announce a change: Since the game calendar generally matches up to the real-world calendar, we're going to stop announcing when the day changes on a regular game day. You'll only see the New Day announcements for events and glosses from here on out. We figure this will help declutter the OOC board.

Now, on to the fun stuff!

Once our plotbunny mod is feeling better, we'll be having our first major in-game event this month, so there's something to be excited about. More details about the event (and the gloss which will follow it) will be coming soon.

And now, to celebrate, we present you with some memes!

MEME 1 (OOC): Build a Soundtrack!
- In the comments below, suggest songs that would be appropriate to the characters currently in the game (and, no, you are not restricted to suggesting things only for your own characters). List the names of the character(s) and why you feel it is appropriate.
- Examples might include: Choosing a song that describes a character, a song that your character would listen to while doing his/her favorite thing, a song about something/someone your character detests, or even a song that describes your character's social life (this also extends to finding the perfect songs for pairings, whether they have been established ICly or not, or for groups of characters).
- Songs regarding past-life situations are also ok.
- YouTube links are encouraged!

MEME 2 (IC): Any 5 Questions!
- On the main board, have your character(s) ask any other character(s) any five questions you like. This must be based on IC knowledge/curiosity.
- The character(s) being interviewed must then answer the questions ICly.

Have fun everyone! ^_^

metemmods [userpic]
New Resource!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that we have a new reference for everyone: The Powers Database! It can be found on the Reference page.

Basically, it's a side-by-side guide to what everyone in the game can do, and how powerful they are.

Strength is measured on four levels: Major Deities, Minor Deities, Demigods and Mortals. Those appearing under the same heading have powers of equal strength, obviously.

Powers are also classified by how they work. Active powers require a deliberate, conscious action to work. Subconscious powers do not require purposeful intent to function (they just sort of "happen"), but they do require that the character is doing something that would trigger it. Passive powers are completely uncontrollable, and function even if the character is asleep or unconscious.

Please, everyone take a look at the list and make sure everything appears accurate. Thank you!

metemmods [userpic]
New Chat Option!

Dearest players,

Seeing as, upon the introduction of our newest player, it was pointed out that we have no formal chat, well... NOW WE DO!

An IRC channel, #Metemchat, has been set up for players who are IRC users to come and talk about anything and everything, game-related or not.

An AIM room will probably be opened in the future, but this is a start.

Your Player Outreach Mod

metemmods [userpic]

Okay, ladies and gents!

How are we all liking the new, faster pace? Is it working well for everyone?

Don't forget, we're going to be having a gloss here after tomorrow, and it will bring the two calendars into alignment again. We WILL make a post so everyone can decide their goings-on, and, yes, logs dated for during the gloss can go up at ANY time if they take place.

Also, the mods have decided that there will be NO Activity Check for the month of June. However, the activity requirements will begin to count for real starting July 1, so make sure to get your participation in and don't forget to tag any post where your character participates!

Questions, comments and other feedback are welcomed below.

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