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May. 9th, 2012



Who: Genny and Quinn
When: 5/8/12, middle of the night!
What: Girl talk! (Including Jeff & Nick, Diego, and some plotting)
Rating: PG(ish?)
Warnings: Language

May. 2nd, 2012


Aim Log: Puck and Santana

Who: Puck and Santana
When: 05/01, 05/02
What: Discussing Puck's schooling
Where: prospective houses
Warnings: language

Apr. 3rd, 2012


Who:  Rachel & Quinn
What: Chats about the wedding and life
When: Tuesday evening
Rating: G

Mar. 31st, 2012



Who: Puck, Kurt
What: Puck needs sartorial advice for his date with Sugar
When: Friday evening
Rating: G

I'm sure she doesn't expect you to get her a puppy... )

Mar. 28th, 2012


Aim log Brittana

Who: Brittany and Santana
When: 03/27, late, 03/28 early
Where: houses
What: talking about Sugar's entry
Warings: PG 13, mentions of homophobia


Aim Log: Puck and Santana

Who: Puck and Santana
When: early 3/28
Where: respective houses
What: Talking about love, getting Puck to ask out Sugar
Warnings: PG13


Aim Log: Brittany and Will

Who: Brittany and Will
When: 03/28 evening
Where: aim
What: Brittany wants to ask about Sugar
Warnings: PG, talks of homophobia


Group AIM

Who: Santana, Finn, Diego, Will, Rachel, Erik, Quinn, Blaine, Sugar, Brittany, Puck, Kurt
What: Santana and Britt officially announce their engagement, Quinn gets to come home so there should be a dinner party in her honor, Kurt and Finn and Rachel have at it re: the wedding and feelings of betrayal, and everyone else tries to get people to stop yelling at each other.
When: Late Tuesday night
Rating: Mature

I have an announcement )


AIM Logs

Who: Santana, Kurt
What: Santana wants to gush about Brittany’s ring. Kurt needs to take a raincheck.
When: Late Tuesday night
Rating: G

You go ahead and pencil it in. )

Who: Kurt, Blaine
What: Kurt just needs to hear a voice that’s on his side
When: Late Tuesday night
Rating: G

Am I the only one who thinks this is all ridiculous? )

Who: Rachel, Kurt
What: Rachel and Kurt has things out re: the wedding
When: Late Tuesday night
Rating: G

I wanted to be part of your wedding, Rachel. )

Who: Kurt, Finn
What: Kurt and Finn hash out things re: the wedding
When: Late Tuesday night
Rating: G

Let’s put it out there, man to man. )


AIM Logs

Who: Finn, Sugar
What: Finn’s apologetic for how Sugar’s gotten dragged into things.
When: Late Tuesday night
Rating: G

I wanted to say I’m really sorry about the way you got dragged into things. )

Who: Santana, Sugar
What: Santana wants to know if Sugar thinks Puck is cute
When: Tuesday night
Rating: PG

i'm really good at planning parties )

Who: Puck, Sugar
What: Puck asks Sugar out on a date
When: Late Tuesday night
Rating: G

Hey, Sugar, it’s Puck )


AIM Logs

Who: Sugar, Mr Schue
What: Sugar wants to talk to Mr Schue about Santana threatening to murder her.
When: Tuesday night
Rating: PG

telling someone you're going to kill them is bullying, right? )

Who: Santana, Sugar
What: Santana’s still angry at Sugar, but there are apologies all around.
When: Tuesday night
Rating: PG

i'm sorry i said i was gonna kill you  )

Mar. 27th, 2012


AIM Logs: Will with Quinn, Finn, Puck & Santana

Who: Quinn, Will
What: Quinn requests some tutoring help from her Spanish teacher.
When: Saturday afternoon, March 24, 2012
Rating: G
is that Spanish tutoring still an option? )

Who: Finn, Will
What: Finn invites Mr. Schue out to bowling.
When: Saturday evening, March 24, 2012 prior to the bachelor party
Rating: G
do you uh, maybe wanna go bowling tonight? )

Who: Puck, Will
What: discussions of love, engagements, and marriage while planning the party.
When: Saturday evening, March 24, 2012 prior to the bachelor party
Rating: PG
love works in mysterious ways )

Who: Santana, Will
What: Will has mixed feelings around all the “love and engagement” going around. Santana reveals something and...just wants Brittany to love her.
When: Sunday evening, March 25th, 2012 (possibly backdated prior to Finchel wedding)
Rating: PG
where does that leave me? )

Mar. 24th, 2012


Aim logs: Puck & Finn, Puck & Rachel

Who: Puck and Finn
When: 3/24 afternoon
What: Puck's curious about where Finn is; bachelor party planning
Where: respective houses
Warnings: PG

you gotta let loose a little  )

Mar. 25th, 2012


AIM logs: Blaine with Quinn, Santana, Erik

Who: Quinn, Blaine
What: Quinn has some concerns, and some questions.
When: Saturday night, March 24, 2012
Rating: PG
Note: These are all kind of blurred together and running simultaneously; the Quinn and Kurt one below cross-reference the most, though.

Jeff and I are having a hair styling competition whenever my arm heals. )


Who: Santana, Blaine
What: Santana's taking Rachel out to celebrate, but Blaine's a little anxious over everything that's hitting all at once.
When: Saturday night
Rating: PG

Rachel's having a bachelorette party? )


Who: Erik, Blaine
What: Erik is not yet fully informed about the extent of New Directions drama, but he has a question for Blaine, anyway.
When: Saturday night
Rating: PG

Apparently there's a wedding going down tomorrow morning, though, so it's all hands on deck. )



Who: Brittany, Kurt
What: After she finds out that Santana slept with Puck, Britt asks Kurt for advice. And also for help encouraging Lord Tubbington to come out of the closet.
When: Late Saturday night.
Rating: PG

I’m sure there’s a pamphlet for that. )


AIM Logs

Who: Puck, Kurt
What: Puck wants Kurt to come out for Finn tonight. Kurt wants Finn to call his mom.
When: Saturday night
Rating: G

Well… bowling is always fun. )

Who: Kurt, Blaine
What: Kurt’s telling Blaine he doesn’t have a choice in coming out with the boys. And Quinn need’s a dress for the wedding tomorrow.
When: Saturday night.
Rating: G

Are we sure she’s not pregnant? )

Mar. 21st, 2012


AIM Logs: Will, Rachel, Quinn, Finn

[note: I would have posted these last week if I wasn't so busy. I'm also too lazy to format them, but they're fairly short anyways.]
Who: Rachel, Will
What: a brief discussion about re-establishing the Bully Whips and getting some support from her and her dads
When: Sunday, March 11, 2012
Rating: PG
so I need another opinion from a student )

Who: Quinn, Will
What: moving out of ICU and arranging time to complete and accommodate schoolwork
When: Sunday, March 11, 2012
Rating: PG
i just...don't get it and can't focus long enough TO get it. )

Who: Quinn, Will
What: Quinn comments about her thoughts on Finn and Rachel’s getting married.
When: Wednesday March 14, 2012
Rating: PG
I don't really know how I feel about it. )

Who: Will, Finn
What: Will tries to put his two-piece in about Finn getting married to Rachel so young.
When: Friday, March 16, 2012
Rating: PG
Are you sure you're ready for this type of commitment Finn? )


AIM log: Quinn & Blaine

Who: Quinn, Blaine
What: Quinn has hopeful news, and Blaine doesn't like sitting around his house alone all week.
When: Tuesday night, March 20, 2012
Rating: PG
Note: With brief second-hand appearance by Kurt, courtesy of Rebecca, :)

I'm all bored of hospital gossip. Like which nurse is sleeping with who. )

Mar. 15th, 2012


Aim Log: Puck and Mr. Schue

Who: Puck and Will
When: 03/14, evening
What: Puck needs to talk
Where: Aim
Warnings: light cursing

Mar. 10th, 2012


AIM Log: Group Chat

[Note: Because I'm apparently bonkers, I formatted the chat - or at least as long as Kurt was in - for people to see and read. *collapses*]

Who: Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Quinn, Diego, Jeff, Rachel, Finn, Erik, Will
What: Santana is sick and loopy, Diego is old, Quinn is trying to keep her mind off things with Blaine’s help, Rachel and Kurt are planning for the future, Finn’s happy to see Rachel, Jeff and Erik make plans for game night, and Will can’t understand why as a teacher he’s forced to see these things…
When: Late Friday night
Rating: PG-13

But this is a good sign. Glass half full and all that. )

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May 2012




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