[action, open]
16 February 2010 at 07:05 pm
[After hearing of some date auction thing and given everything she'd heard about the holiday, Lenalee had set off to bake, making sure to put extra frosting on Adachi's after what she had promised last time.

With one batch down and another currently in the oven, she hummed softly as she started on her brother's breakfast and coffee. Also needed to make lemon frosting. And to have her own breakfast. More hearts were in order; busy, busy, busy and so content over it she was practically waltzing around the kitchen.]
16 February 2010 at 08:05 am
Demyx! I got those CDs, ours and Black Stones'. I don't have a CD player, but if you do, I could bring them to your place?

[Reira's sounding a little more chipper today. She got a decent sleep, had some good conversations, and she's got plans to keep herself busy today in case - well, she's not thinking of that right now.]
voice | open
16 February 2010 at 12:46 pm
Valentine's day and a date auction. (Derisive, mocking tone is a-go.) Cute. I'm tempted to say that the point of prison has been entirely and unceremoniously missed and, as much as spending time locked away is at the bottom of my 'list of things to do', so is playing children's games.

If you wanted to liven things up, all you had to do was ask. I'm sure I could help with making a slice of nice, wholesome family fun that everyone can enjoy which doesn't rely on silly little cultural events and marketing gimmicks.
[Accidental Voice/Private]
12 February 2010 at 01:17 pm
Reira's sitting on her bed, having talked with a few people - and even seen Ashton, or who Ashton used to be - and still not really having found any comfort. On the floor, Shin is chewing happily on her communicator, but she doesn't even notice - not even when it opens up a private voice channel with someone she's never met.]

Wh-what am I going to do? [And suddenly, she bursts into loud, shaking sobs. Whoever's on the other end is going to get a very strange surprise.]

((ooc: Xion? This one's for you! Hope this works for you as a way to introduce them.))
11 February 2010 at 09:40 pm
[she sounds so amused] Well, shit. Nothing like a good Valentines if you have alcohol and a bed buddy.

Too bad more than half the people here are tight asses underage. Though there's really nothing that's stopping them.

And I'm pretty sure none of us have bed buddies.

[ooc: strike outs can be heard by those people with incredibly good hearing. Faith doesn't keep it on the down low]
[Action/Open - slightly backdated to before the procedure]
11 February 2010 at 02:12 pm
[Valentine's day...

She should be ecstatic, but all she can do is restlessly pace the grounds and wonder about Ashton. Any minute now, that woman will be doing the procedure, and despite all her promises that it's safe - well, Reira can't help but worry, honestly. Not after everything she poured out to him last night, and the kisses they shared.

They should be out celebrating, she thinks sadly. Why do those dragons matter so much to him?

She stops at the beach, when Shin, who's been walked out at her side, starts to whimper and claw at her leg. She takes off her sweater-coat and lays it on the sand, then sits with Shin in her lap, who very quickly falls asleep. Her restless eyes wander the false horizon, looking for anything that might comfort her.]
11 February 2010 at 05:14 pm
[Naoya snorts at the list of crimes that scroll in front of his eyes. And laughing. A lot.]

This list is incomplete. Very much so. Then again, they'd probably run out of data if they listed them all... even if half of them are Loki's fault.

And what kind of crime is 'looking unreasonably fashionable', anyway? ... Though I suppose I can't disagree with that one.

[He shakes his head.]

Still... of course, He would seek to imprison me. And yet... this doesn't seem to be a place of His making. It's not His style, really... and there's a distinct lack of angels.

I suppose all I can do right now is wait. Unless someone here knows more about this place... this is broadcasting to a network, I can tell that much.
[video | open]
10 February 2010 at 07:35 pm
[You'll see the video running over a beaming, red-haired demoness at some odd angles before it finally settles into place, showing her lab with an Ashton sitting in a new device. It is a large, silver chair with three helmets, one for each head—dragon or otherwise. Wires are spilling out from it all over. Some don't even appear to be connected to anything. There is a big blue light, dimly humming behind the chair, but otherwise the scene is rather quiet, until...]

Greetings, Marina! Welcome to my latest invention, dragon-separation-kun!! Try to keep up, Komui. Today, we will be separating the two dragons from Ashton.

[She turns to flash a smile at him.] Ready, Ashton?

U-um, yes? [He was looking to the ground. He didn't want to move his head too much, it was obvious, but it wasn't like he had much choice in that. The dragons made no motion whatsoever. After a moment, he sucks in a breath and looks straight ahead.] Yes. I am ready.

[Anissina smiles and starts pulling down an almost comically over-sized lever. The blue light behind Ashton starts to glow brighter.] Don't worry. You should barely feel this with all the numbness!

O-okay. [Ashton steeled himself for the unknown. His face had a look of slight fear on it. He was initially very apprehensive about broadcasting the experiment, but she had insisted, and he wasn't about to turn back now.]

[Anissina throws the lever the rest of the way and the blue light glows until the screen is just filled with light. Hope no one has sensitive eyes! A moment or so later, Anissina, who is wearing darkened goggles—when did she put those on?—is looking at Ashton.] Well, that's not good.

Isn't it? ["Ashton" smiled. His eyes were closed as he took in a deep breath.] Are we not free?

[Then, more certain.] Yes, we are free.

[His brows knit in confusion, eyes opening. One iris was colored a very bright amber with a reptillian pupil. The second one's center was if someone had set a smooth turqouise gemstone within. "Ashton" looked down at his hands, and seemed to be surprised at how they moved at his command.]

This is unexpected. [The two heads on "Ashton"s back are still present, but their stares are blank; expressions flat.]

(OOC: Anissina, Ashton, Dragons.)
[voice | video | closed] backdated to a little earlier than midnight
07 February 2010 at 01:09 pm

[Ashton was awake, still, unable to sleep with any regularity. If it wasn't feeling like he had a fever, it was the day's events catching up with his mind, keeping him from rest. He tried to pass out on the couch to no avail.]

[He put on his headset, briefly thinking of making a public announcement... but then he remembered last time, and also the hour of the day, so he made some private calls instead.]

[voice | filtered to Jennifer and Sakura] )

[video | private to Reira] )

[Video | Action | Open]
04 February 2010 at 04:24 pm
[ An image appears of that of a young man in his early twenties maybe. He had long strawberry blond hair and blue eyes, he also looked mildly confused as well. Looking into the communicator he seemed to be even more confused, it was like something was not right here.]

Hey can anyone hear me? [ His voice was a mostly calm one but still a bit of shock showed in that voice as he ran a hand though his hair.] "Look I need some help, I have no idea whats going on here but something is not right at all."

[ Eddie then looked over to the door wondering if it was locked, standing up he moved towards it.] ...This is so messed up.
[voice - backdated to earlier in the evening]
31 January 2010 at 08:57 pm
[Mystic Maya was hurt. badly.]

[Pearl woke up at around six or seven to find herself in the hospital, wearing a hospital gown but not...sick or injured or anything, as far as she could tell.]

[but someone had hurt Mystic Maya, and her cousin wouldn't tell her who, how, or why. laughed it off and said she'd fallen.]

[...and told her she shouldn't channel Dahlia again.]

Could someone tell me what happened last night? I think...I think I hurt someone important to me.
[Action || Open]
31 January 2010 at 10:39 pm
[Not really up for sleeping at the moment. There are some things that have been bugging him, to be honest. Buuuuuuut there's nothing he can do about it here... His plans just won't work in this setting. It's all wrong. But at least this way... Things won't change.


Nevermind that, right now anyway. Kaoru's snagged a book and has taken it upon himself to read in the common room. Literature is something he enjoys. This book isn't by an author that he's familiar with, but that seems to be the case with the selection entirely. He's not going to complain. Yet, anyway. If it gets boring... Well then that will change.]
31 January 2010 at 02:34 pm
[Anyone who's outside can clearly hear the masked man singing, his voice is somewhat sad and reminicent. He's holding a rose with a black ribbon tied around the stem and keeps it close to him as if letting it go would be the death of him.

He brings his hand up to adjust his mask slightly and with out realizing it hits a button which activates the video feed, making the song audible to anyone paying attention.

At the end of the song, he leans against a tree and slowly sinks down until he's sitting on the ground with his head in his hands making it look almost as if he's crying.]

(OOC: The song he's singing is called No One Would Listen, it was deleted from the movie for time restraints and I thought it would be a good one to have him sing here. Here's a link to it :)

No One Would Listen)
[action | accidental voice | open]
30 January 2010 at 08:43 pm
[ After being freed from being 'restrained', the first thing Eliot did was creep around the building ... and promptly fall asleep in the common room. Not on the many sofas available to civilization, but incidentally, on a table. Awkward. ]

Nnnghhhhuuuahhh ...

[ He rolls over, and his stomach growls. Loudly. Now sitting up, he rubs his eyes and groans. Tired Eliot is hungry. ]

Where the hell's a map when you need one?
30 January 2010 at 07:02 pm
[The voice feed cuts in halfway through a frustrated noise.]

Don't, Itachi.

Don't? But I thought you said I could do it if I enjoyed it? )

((OOC: Red is Itachi's voice.

ETA: *cough* uh, for those of you wondering about the "otouto-sama" nonsense, Itachi is trollin. See thread for reference.))
30 January 2010 at 04:05 pm
[It takes a lot of deep breathing and courage-building to get Reira out of her room at night after what happened last time, but somehow she manages to slip out of the shelter and back to the club. This time, she's not planning on singing - she and Sakamoto had been discussing a dance party, and she's curious to see if anyone will have arrived. It seems like a wonderful night to get completely hammered and dance with some good-looking people.

Hopefully some slightly less complex ones.

The music is considerably louder at night than during the day; Reira steps into the sea of flashing lights and pulsating bass and heads for the bar. A bot brings her a gin and tonic (light on the tonic - she's aiming for drunk tonight) and she sits on one of the stools, sighing softly.

So far, she seems to be the only one. But the bar's dark, so it's possible that someone might appear from the shadows.]

{{mild adult content and talk of such inside!}}
[Voice | Open]
29 January 2010 at 05:07 pm
I heard there's a baseball team here! Can I join?! I bat cleanup, and I play third base! Please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase!!
[action | open]
29 January 2010 at 03:32 pm
[If you're walking through the park this evening you might notice a Kitty in a tree. Or she might notice you. Either way, after her unexpected torturing of and bonding with Allen earlier, she was feeling...thoughtful.]
[voice | open]
29 January 2010 at 11:03 am
Hello Marina Asylum inhabitants!

This is Anissina von Khrennikov. [Are you suitably impressed?] I wonder if you could explain for me some of your favorite advancements and technologies from your world. You may consider me interested so don't waste it! And if you have thoughts about things we need here, I'm listening.
27 January 2010 at 09:39 pm
Hikaru! Did you know that we're trapped with perverts?~

How could anyone think such things.~

[Why yes, he is teasing all of you out there that were dirty children "yesterday"]