[Action | Closed]
23 October 2010 at 08:13 pm
PM ♕ Prospitian Monarch
[In the furthest back room of the post office is PM's studio apartment. In the center of the sparsely-decorated room, the parcel mistress has set up a folding table and spread it with a white and red checkered tablecloth. Not exactly a luxurious setting, but it's not a date, after all. Just a friendly dinner guest. No need to go all out! Negotiating with the robots for "red" dishes was interesting, to say the least, but she finally figured out the menu: steaks cooked rare with stuffed peppers and dinner rolls on the side. After that, red velvet cake for dessert. The coffee maker brews a fresh batch from its place on the mini-fridge, but there's also water, in case that's what Terezi prefers.]

[The office door is locked tight, but she is listening carefully for her guest to arrive.]
[Video | Action | Open]
23 October 2010 at 09:34 pm
[It's quiet out tonight, at least, so Jun is in the park, staring up at the stars.]

Hey. I've got a question.

[He leans back, pausing before he speaks, but when he does, his tone is a bit demanding. He wants answers.]

Would you rather save ten other people at the cost of your own life, or save your own life at the cost of ten other people?

[He's not sure why he's asking. He would have died either way, and it was a lot more than ten, but no one needs to know that.]

[[ooc; If anyone wants to run into him at the park, that's fine, too.]]
[ voice | open ]
23 October 2010 at 11:16 pm
[She's had far too much coffee today to sleep, and she can't get comfortable since Naoya's stupid cat decided to make her stomach into a body pillow (even though she can't bring herself to push it off, either).]

Is anyone actually awake right now? [Aside from you, Ushiro, and your morbid questions haha, pot and kettle]