April 15th, 2017




Hey guys, Rica here! As you probably know by now, Haunt has stepped away from the game but you have nothing to worry about because I'll keep this underwater adventure going for as long as I'm able!

However, given the size of the game and how busy my meatspace life is these days, some changes will be made. Some of them are things me and Haunt talked about awhile back, while others are more spur of the moment. Bear with me as I try to work out some details - I've already started working on some things and intend to get the rest done in this coming week. Here's what I got so far:
• MarinaNova will evolve into a pseudo-sandbox game. We will still run events and plot like before but some of the more administrative things will be scaled down or removed completely.

• Activity checks are no longer a monthly thing. There will be a check in post every three months starting in June, where you can voice your intent to stay in the game. No minimum activity requirements, I just need to know you're still around.

• Applications are no longer in effect. Instead, I'm converting the taken list into a player-character directory that relies on you filling in the info yourselves. It's a little experimental but I hope it's going to make for a more relaxed environment with more freedom to test out characters without the pressure of applications and activity checks. Please fill out the form for yourselves and your current characters! This will count as showing intent to stay in the game and make things easier on all of us in the coming week!

• On that note, a million thanks to the application assistant team! You guys have been so great and you've really made processing apps so much easier. Thank you so much for the time and effort you've put into this game!

• Tomorrow will be the very last Sunday Speakeasy! I will instead be doing monthly event/plot posts starting in May. You are very much encouraged to use [info]marinanova_ooc to plot amongst yourselves or post memes.

• The [info]marinanova_lol comm is officially retired. Please use [info]marinanova_ooc for any meme needs you may have!

• The mod contact email has changed to marinamodcontact@gmail.com. I'm still working on changing all the links but if you find the wrong email anywhere in about a week, please let me know so I can change it!

• In regards to the IC plot, something fun is coming up really soon and I hope you trust me with the new direction the game is going in!

• I'd also like to welcome Oli onboard the mod team - she'll mainly be helping me with NPC's and plot planning going forward. With Haunt's departure, Veridical and Smith are no longer involved in the running of the prison so look forward to some fun new NPC's in the near future.

I have a long long list of things I want to work on over the next week or so, both with cleaning and tightening info posts as well as working on the changes to the game plot. I appreciate your patience during this time of transition and if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, don't hesitate to comment here or email me at marinamodcontact@gmail.com and I'll get to it as soon as I'm able!

I love you guys.