April 14th, 2017



-1 Haunt

Hey, everyone, I am dropping Kitty which means I'm exiting the game which means I'm also leaving as a mod. Do not worry though! The game is continuing. Rica is still here and she'll be making an announcement within the week about it.

It's been a long run. I started this game on Day 10 with Yuuri as a player and then took over as a co-mod a few years after that. I've enjoyed these last eight years with all of you and everyone else who has passed through our inverted snowglobe of a prison. I'm thankful for everything we got to do together and all the wonderful CR built up over that run over all the many characters I played including the occasional NPC.

I am still on plurk for everyone who wants to keep in touch.

Time to wave goodbye in the only way truly fitting.
