May 15th, 2014



Soul plot and follow-up on vamp attacks

Hey guys! Are you up for some major vamp plotting? Of course you are!

First of all I want to thank everyone who volunteered to get eaten by Spike! The response has been absolutely overwhelming and I love every one of you for giving me the opportunity to make the lives of your characters a little more miserable! The punishments for eventual injuries will be announced on monday (Day 272) so if there's anyone who've changed their minds regarding the level of damage or who just plum forgot to sign up for injury punishments, please do so HERE. I'd also appreciate if you'd let me know so I can sign Spike up for assault!

And now for what's coming next...

As you might've noticed by now, there's been escalating tension between Spike and Jack Harkness for some time now. This recent wave of attacks was part of that escalation and will culminate in a retaliation attack from Jack this week. After that Spike will go lay low in Sector 6 for a little while, mostly so the rest of the playerbase gets a good chance to plot. Quite a few of you are involved by now, either by being a victim or by virtue of being a member of the Defense Force. I highly encourage anyone who wants to get in on this plot to do so! The end game for this plot is planned as a forced besouling, but a lot could still happen along the way... and that's where you come in!

Victims, friends of victims, Defense Force members and everyone else... this is the place for you to plot. Will you report the attacks to the Defense Force? Retaliate on your own? Start an investigation for how to shove a soul in someone's body (which is already sort of underway) or reach for the torches and pitchforks? I am extremely open to ideas here and I'd really love for you to talk amongst yourselves as well!