May 14th, 2014



Shared Dreaming Event

The engineers have collected data on what happens when inmates share their bodies. Now it's time to collect some on what happens when they share their minds. Former inmate, Anissina, developed a potion that caused shared dreaming in the last prison. The engineers have decided to create a variation of that potion to release into the air in the wee hours of Day 272 where it will circulate without detection.

Shared dreaming will start during the morning of Day 272 (beginning Monday, May 19.) Characters will be sleeping an extra 24 hours ICly.

Your character will sleep more deeply and much longer than they otherwise would have. It will also make characters who keep different hours feel drowsy enough that they'll want to head home to bed. It's even possible that bench or patch of grass suddenly look cozy and drift off there. Even characters without normal respiratory systems or the need for sleep will find themselves subject to being affected. (We're looking at you vampires and androids!)

The potion will not only allow characters to share their dreams, but it will also enhance the dream experience. They may feel more vivid than usual or be more plentiful.

If you don't want your character to be affected, then they managed to avoid the affects of the potion. Good for them! Please remember it was entirely random chance and not a condition of your character's training or heritage. There's no reason someone must be unaffected! If you do have them sit this out they won't be able to see any of the dreams. They may find themselves sleeping through the day dreamlessly or they may be awake. They can try to wake other characters with little to no success. They should be able to tell the others are still alive and not in any immediate danger.

There will not be a mingle for this event. You will make a post describing your character's dream (or dreams since it's not uncommon to have more than one through the night) and people tag into them. Much like with real dreaming your character may realize they are dreaming or they may not. The same is true for your guests. The primary dreamer can take care of designing the dream world or the dream can evolve with the combination of minds present. Players will need to work these details out together.

Dreams can be just as average, bizarre, traumatic, or sexy as you'd like. The potion may be amplifying things after all!

When people do finally start waking up on Day 273 it should be very much like waking up from any dream. The memories may be very strong at first and then fade with time. But this did happen. It won't be uncommon for people to realize they shared a dream or saw unusual things. Don't expect other characters to wipe things out completely. Also, don't expect characters to remember everything in stunning clarity. If you absolutely want a guest not to remember something you'll need to be clear about that upfront or avoid it entirely. You can't decide what someone else remembers after the fact. You also can't share memories involving other characters currently in the dome without their permission.

Questions here. Plotting anywhere on this post!