March 3rd, 2014



No notifications

I don't know if this is affecting anyone else or if it's just me (and if so, why???) but I don't seem to be getting any notifications from IJ at all at the moment, not on tags and not on new posts in the communities.

I've gone through my threads and found tags I need to reply to (later, I'm afraid) which are: Kitty re. Reid post, Martha's radio story post, and Ianto on the Yuuri thread in the library. If I owe anyone any other tags, please could you let me know, either by replying here (I'll check in manually) or by email: unfeathered72 at gmail dot com.

Also, Emily, it's Ianto's tag on the Elua thread. :-)


ETA: Bizarely, all my notifications seem to have turned up now, all at once!