Las Vegas Network

May 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'caroline+salvatore'

Oct. 1st, 2017


network post: mon-el (new vegas)

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I think some good news would be great right about now - and I've got some! The military people look like they are doing a good job of fighting off the killy guys. So maybe the strip won't be so dangerous soon. But finding more safe places inside the wall might be a good idea, in case we have to stay here for longer. Uh, the area outside the wall isn't really the safest and it will be harder to keep the non-fighters safe if we're losing people.

So, feel like doing a bit of scouting again?

Sep. 25th, 2017



Having my whole family here is odder than being stuck in this horrifying place. I'm not scared of this place, but the people here are just monsters!


Do you need help with the twins?

[Uncle Kol]

I wish I could see you, but Freya told me that unlike the others you have the Hollow with you.

Sep. 21st, 2017



I will tear this wall down if someone does not explain to me what the hell is going on here!

Where am I? Why are there men fighting? Why did I wake up here? Have this device on me.

Someone has a lot of explaining to do or I will crumble that wall!

Sep. 9th, 2017



What the hell is going on?

Elena? Where are you?



Could get used to this

Sep. 7th, 2017



Mikaelson Family + Caroline Salvatore + Alex Udinov

Caroline and I had an idea that I wish to speak to you about.

Sep. 6th, 2017



So, since I can't exactly gamble...suggestions for staying busy? Something to keep my mind off sad things

Sep. 1st, 2017



Can the makeshift school we have going here take five-year-olds?

Aug. 30th, 2017



Mom? Dad?

Did I come back here?




Are you alright? Please be alright.

Aug. 29th, 2017



So. Who is good to eat around here?

Aug. 27th, 2017



Now this is much better. I don't think I want to be seven again. I don't even want my girls to be seven, they're growing too fast.

Aug. 21st, 2017




Aug. 17th, 2017



How about whoever is responsible for this just sends me home and I don't rip their heart out in return. Don't get me wrong, I love Vegas but I have a more pressing matter back in Mystic Falls.

Aug. 13th, 2017



I think I preferred the zombies over my daughter being a teenager.


Are you alright?



Ooooh you're in so much trouble now! My mama is the sheriff and she's gonna get you.

Aug. 10th, 2017



I don't know why, but today I was reminded of the fact that my mom wanted me to be a butcher. I could have had my own shop, and be carving corned beef, but I told her 'no mom, I want to be a lawyer, and fight the good fight'. Guess I should have listened to mom.

Aug. 4th, 2017



Whoever came up with the idea for the massive party hit the spot. Always a great night when I get to sing.

Aug. 1st, 2017



Since we all seem to be getting good news in the form of gifts, I thought I'd share some more good news. Caroline and I are planning a party to properly celebrate the disappearance of the poppies, and everyone is invited! We'll be having it outside by the pool on this coming Friday, and any contributions or assistance are very much appreciated. We all deserve a chance to relax, take a few moments to breathe and properly enjoy ourselves.

Anyone get nice gifts?

Jul. 24th, 2017



It's a damn relief to see those flowers gone. Not that wearing all the armour is a problem, I do it each time I leave the Normandy when I am away on missions, but didn't think it would be so helpful on Earth. Anyone feel like a bit of celebrating is in order?