Las Vegas Network

May 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'alexandra+udinov'

Nov. 1st, 2017



Vegas did not disappoint for Halloween, though I am now starting to feel like my body is revolting with a hangover.

I think I'm just going to hide the rest of day in my room, and watch Lore.

Oct. 25th, 2017



network post: elijah mikaelson

The announcement about the costumed celebrations for whatever All Hallows' Eve has become in this day and age has unfortunately reminded me of the nonsense that the Strix and their puffed up peacock of a temporary leader used to throw. Are any of you planning to attend the hotel's festivities? If not, perhaps there are other celebrations in this city that might be more worth our time and attention. I do recall hearing something about a parade, which I find certainly more appealing than the thought of costumes in any shape or form.

Oct. 20th, 2017



network post: bucky barnes

This feels like more than what you had in mind.

(...) Oh, and a friend wants to meet you.

I had You haven't had a room swap, by any chance?

Oct. 15th, 2017




How are you doing since we've been back?



network post: elijah mikaelson

Would you perhaps be interested in assisting me with a potential business venture?

Oct. 5th, 2017



network post: commander shepard

It's great to have everyone back in the same place. To clear up confusion and allay any concerns anybody might have, a small collection of us were returned to our original circumstances on the first day of the month. Now that I've been able to talk with some of the people who we believed were missing until very recently, it seems as though they merely remained in the place that had been our newest home for a little while longer.

To those who ended up staying longer than the rest of us, rest assured - we weren't turned into thin air, nor did we get spirited away to some unknown or unfriendlier place. We were merely returned to our original Vegas, sporting its unbreakable shield and all.

And I'm sure that I speak for all of us when I say, we're very glad to have everyone back in the same place.

Oct. 1st, 2017



network post: alex udinov (new vegas)

Not really sure what's going on, but something's up. You doing okay?



network post: elijah mikaelson (new vegas)

I cannot find Freya within the phone's contact list and I most certainly did not remove her from the device myself. I have not seen her since she went to create barrier spells for the safe locations on the strip. Have any of you seen her recently?

And while we are on the subject, I would very much appreciate knowing if all of you are safe and nearby. It would be prudent for all of us to remain in a single location together. Other people seem to be disappearing without warning in the last few hours, and I would quite like the same to not befall any of you.



network post: thor (new vegas)

I did not expect that we would still find ourselves in this place. Based on what many have remarked to me on multiple occasions, I believed that we would have been returned to our original circumstances by now, but it seems that we must endure a while longer - and we shall. We cannot let this place wear down our collective will.

I am concerned, however. There are less of us in our safe havens on this morning than I remember, and I am not certain whether they have just gone elsewhere in this place - or if they have vanished completely. Are any of you unable to locate your family or friends? It would be worth discovering if we have lost any and, if that is the case, how many.

Are any from our universe missing?

Sep. 26th, 2017




See. I told you I wouldn't die. Thanks for your help.


Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.

Sep. 24th, 2017



I have an important announcement to make!

Davina said yes!

Sep. 17th, 2017



Is there anyone here a doctor or medic? I'm bleeding pretty good.



Our current circumstances seem to be deteriorating rapidly. Perhaps a change of strategy is in order. Avoiding the real estate within the wall would imply to be a wise first choice.

I recommend we avoid the situation within the wall. Unless we are positively itching for a fight, of course.

Sep. 9th, 2017



This is regrettable. I am happy to report that I know where my Queen is. Alex, my friend, are you alright?



What...fresh hell is this?

Sep. 7th, 2017



Mikaelson Family + Caroline Salvatore + Alex Udinov

Caroline and I had an idea that I wish to speak to you about.

Sep. 1st, 2017



Blast from the past, huh?

Спасибо. For helping with Steve.

Don't often say it, but thanks.

Still run at night?

Aug. 29th, 2017



So. Who is good to eat around here?

Aug. 28th, 2017



Glad to see everyone is back to normal.

So how long until we can expect the next 'thing'?

Aug. 27th, 2017



Out of everything we've had thrown at us, that was the weirdest yet. Wasn't as bad as my actual childhood, though, so I'll hold off on finding the person who is responsible and punching them - for now.

You didn't have to do all that, you know.