Las Vegas Network

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October 12th, 2017



It seems strange to think I would be relieved to see this strange place again, but I find that I truly am. It may not by my home, but it is a home of sorts, and for that I am grateful.



[Private to Anders]

All in one piece? Back in your room safe and sound?
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[Private to Andrel]

Strange little world we live in now, isn't it?



It's nice to have showers again, but there's some things I'm definitely going to miss about our little Mad Max adventure.



My ship! I do believe I've just spotted my ship across the way!



To my Students:

Yes I do expect you to resume lessons.



Now that we're back in the relative safety of the hotel, I've been thinking. In past situations, we've always been together, and had the ability to protect each other. But should we find ourselves in a situation like this again, I think it might be in our best interest to come up with some kind of emergency plan.



[Private to Sam Winchester]

Can we talk about something?



network post: cassian andor

I want to find some sort of job.

Good to see you're alright. Having you disappear all of a sudden was unexpected.

You doing better? I know how worried you were.



network post: commander shepard

Don't ever do that again.

Thanks for having my back in that chaos.



network post: thor

I was gladdened to discover that you had been returned to here, and not taken elsewhere. I imagine that you are most tired of hearing the question, but are you well? That entire experience was strange, to say the least.