Las Vegas Network

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October 1st, 2017



network post: chloe decker (new vegas)

What is happening now? Lucifer? Maze? Tell me you're still around.



network post: betty cooper (the mandalay)

I hope Jughead and Vegas are okay, wherever they are.



network post: jughead jones (new vegas)

If someone doesn't tell me where my girlfriend went and why her name isn't in this stupid, broken device anymore, heads will roll.

If anything happened to her, I swear to whatever god or gods are listening, you will pay for this.



network post: alex udinov (new vegas)

Not really sure what's going on, but something's up. You doing okay?



network post: thor (new vegas)

I did not expect that we would still find ourselves in this place. Based on what many have remarked to me on multiple occasions, I believed that we would have been returned to our original circumstances by now, but it seems that we must endure a while longer - and we shall. We cannot let this place wear down our collective will.

I am concerned, however. There are less of us in our safe havens on this morning than I remember, and I am not certain whether they have just gone elsewhere in this place - or if they have vanished completely. Are any of you unable to locate your family or friends? It would be worth discovering if we have lost any and, if that is the case, how many.

Are any from our universe missing?



network post: cassian andor (new vegas)

Thor's right. We shouldn't still be here. (...) I have a bad feeling about this.



network post: anders (new vegas)

Well, I imagine things could be worse. I would have liked to be back to what I suppose is normal, if it can even be called that, but there's nothing I can do about it. If anyone's still out on the strip and in need of a safe place, my clinic in the Monaco Hotel has been unaffected by the violence. We've got food and beds and, at least sometimes, good conversation.

Are you both alright? I don't like that we're still here.



network post: bucky barnes (new vegas)

You seen Natasha or Wanda this morning? Their names aren't on the phone.



network post: natasha romanoff (the mandalay)

I know people are concerned, as it seems there's been some sort of mishap and some of us are missing people. We need to keep calm, and maintain some semblance of hope. For those who need assistance with anything, my name is Natasha, and I'm willing to help.



network post: elijah mikaelson (new vegas)

I cannot find Freya within the phone's contact list and I most certainly did not remove her from the device myself. I have not seen her since she went to create barrier spells for the safe locations on the strip. Have any of you seen her recently?

And while we are on the subject, I would very much appreciate knowing if all of you are safe and nearby. It would be prudent for all of us to remain in a single location together. Other people seem to be disappearing without warning in the last few hours, and I would quite like the same to not befall any of you.

network post: mon-el (new vegas)

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I think some good news would be great right about now - and I've got some! The military people look like they are doing a good job of fighting off the killy guys. So maybe the strip won't be so dangerous soon. But finding more safe places inside the wall might be a good idea, in case we have to stay here for longer. Uh, the area outside the wall isn't really the safest and it will be harder to keep the non-fighters safe if we're losing people.

So, feel like doing a bit of scouting again?



network post: commander shepard (the mandalay)

It was nice to see a familiar skyline when I woke up this morning, not to mention my ship looking so fantastic in the morning sunshine. I've missed all of it more than I realised.

I can't ignore that it's not all positive, though. There's a lot of names missing in my phone this morning, and I've got a feeling it's the same for all of us. I refuse to think that they've just vanished without some kind of reason or explanation. We need to figure out exactly how many people have disappeared, and find out where they are and how we can get them back safe and sound as quickly as possible.



network post: robbie reyes (the mandalay)

You had better still be here.



Network Post: Jace Herondale (The Mandalay)

Has anyone heard from a Clary Fairchild? Or Cassian Andor?

Why are some of us here but the others aren't? We have to find some way to bring the rest back.




I cannot believe we are forced to abandon so many to that place. I cannot march off to war to get these people back but I want to.