The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

November 21st, 2007

Resurrection Fest Masterlist!

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From our masterlist-maker, [info]westernredcedar:
Resurrection Fest Master List! It's Here! Wowzers, we were productive! Our boys couldn't stay dead if they wanted to!

This is organized into three sections: Fic, Art, and Drabbles written for the Week One Challenge issued by [info]lore. I have linked to the first part of any multi-part fic, unless it is not linked within the story, and then all of the parts are listed here.
The List! )

We mods thank Cedar profusely for her time, patience and effort in putting together this list. She went above and beyond, linking all the parts of multi-part fics - please remember to link your work as you go, because future masterlist compilers might not be as generous with their time.

If you find any errors or omissions, please reply here with links or the information that is needed. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated! Welcome back Snape and Lupin!!

October 31st, 2007

Ficlet: Blue Moon, PG

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For [info]lore on this, the occasion of her birthday. *hugs*

Title: Blue Moon
Author: [info]mnemosyne_1
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~450
A/N: October 31, 2020 is a blue moon...

Blue Moon

Ficlet: Lore for [info]_lore

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Happy Happy Birthday [info]_lore! You make [info]lupin_snape the place to be, work so hard for all of us, and give the best *hugs*. :)

Click here for a Birthday Ficlet/Resurrection Fest entry!

Title: Lore
Author: Cedar
Word count: 750
Rated: PG

Have a wonderful day, honey!

October 27th, 2007

Mod post: Res fest, Halloween, Chat, Tags, Sekrit Project and more!

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Resurrection Fest: The Ship Who Lived is drawing to a close. Week 5 starts tomorrow and only lasts until Wednesday. If you signed up for a week and missed it, you're welcome to jump in at any time, of course!

There's been a request from the international crowd to name your time zone when making a chat post. That sounds like a good idea, so let's all try to do that from now on. If you need an example, something like this would be fine:

"Anyone want to chat? It's roughly 9 p.m EST as I post this. See you there!"

Halloween is Wednesday! If you are so inclined, feel free to post seasonal drabbles, stories, art, icons, etc. all this week! We'll also gladly take pictures of you or your friends in Snape and/or Lupin costumes. Oh! And links to your previous Snupin Halloween stories/art/etc.

An admission: About the secret project... )

Please remember that I am moving primary modding for the Lupin_Snape communities to InsaneJournal. This post is going on IJ first and LJ second. By December 1, I will only post on IJ and will link on LJ with closed comments. Read the linked post if you'd like more details.

And my apologies again to the people who signed up to help me find links to art and stories we need to lock up. I was all ready to go and then something happened, and time clean got away from me. I'll contact the volunteers this week and feel free to say No if you don't have time anymore. I will completely understand!

Tags - You can tag your posts on any Lupin_Snape community with existing tags at any time. If you would like to help out by tagging your own posts, please feel free to click the Tag button on the post once it's made. You have to hold down the Control key to select multiple tags, or, you can type them in, separated by commas.

Thanks in advance to [info]westernredcedar, who has volunteered to gather up the Resurrection Fest links. I am also looking for someone to gather up links that are exclusive to the IJ communities (both Lupin_Snape and ByMoonlight) for cross-posting here. If you're not watching the IJ communities, you're missing out!

Also, has anyone made syndication feeds for either the IJ communities OR the LJ Lupin_Snape? Let me know and I'll link them here!

Finally, let me just heap praise on you all again for being such fabulous community members! There's been a lot of fandom upheaval lately, but I feel this community has weathered it well. Thank you all for your wonderful selves. You make this place special. ♥ to all!

love, lore

ETA: You guys!! *blush* ♥ some more!

October 26th, 2007

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Title: Midnight Mysteries
Artist: brunaghot
Rating: PG13?
For the Resurrection Fest on the prompt that Snape took some antivenin and Remus wasn't really killed by a mispronounced AK and got stuck here by Harry's summoning of the dead. How does he get back to his body? Dum dum dum!
AN: Not betaed or anything like that, also I haven't (and refuse to) read DH, so there may be some inconsistencies... also the title is lame but it has a reason:

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October 21st, 2007

Week Three: The final fic. Sob!

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Well, the magnificence that is Week Three of the Lupin/Snape Resurrection Fest is coming to a close, and in celebration </a></strong></a>[info]westernredcedar and </a></strong></a>[info]blpaintchart have been collaborating ACROSS THE GLOBE for your reading pleasure. Yes, double the authors, double the daftness. We know.

There have been many theories put forth as to how our boys survived the end of DH, but we have irrefutable proof that the secret and intimate conversations we are about to reveal to you are in fact the absolute truth about what happened as the Battle of Hogwarts concluded. What is this proof you ask? *pats pockets, sorts piles of papers, makes shifty eyes*  Um, it was just here somewhere. *ahem* You'll just have to trust us. *nods*

Here it is...drum roll please...

Title: To keep you alive, and safe.
Authors: </a></strong></a>[info]westernredcedar and </a></strong></a>[info]blpaintchart
Summary: Lupin and Snape are alive and well, in dialogue form.
Word count: 2800
Rated: PG-13
Warnings: naughty language, poorly used innuendo, bad puns

A/N: </a></strong></a>[info]westernredcedar and </a></strong></a>[info]blpaintchart would like to give each other a sloppy kiss, a pat on the rump and a slab of Honeydukes finest  for writing this even with an eight hour time difference between them.
Also, thanks to _</a></strong></a>[info]lore for letting us post all week. Whee!


October 20th, 2007

FICTION: Reunion

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Title: Reunion
Author: Irena Candy
Pairing: SS/RL
Word Count: 840
Rating: G
Summary: After the end, a new beginning.
Disclaimer: Anything that you recognize is the property of J.K. Rowling. Everything else is the product of this fan's imagination.
Warning(s): none

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October 19th, 2007

Week Three: Friday Fun!

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Well, it's nearly the end of the working week, and to celebrate that fact, I bring you some Friday fun!
Firstly, I would like, if I may, to share my Snape and Lupin Top Trump Cards.  Woot!
Here they are, hiding at my LJ

Now we've got that silliness over and done with, let's bring on today's story:

It's called 'Game Over' but I don't want you getting the wrong idea, and crying yourselves into a fit: Week Three ain't over yet!  What fabulous treasures will the weekend postings hold?  Who knows? (We haven't finished writing one of them yet!)
But, I digress.  Here is today's daft:

Title:  Game Over
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  PG
Word count:  100 x 6



October 18th, 2007

Week Three: Day Four

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Well, it's Day Four already in your super-soaraway Week that is known as Three.
Imagine that!'s offering is... go on, have a guess.
A poignant and heart-warming love story, full of delicate imagery?  No.  Try again.
A multi-layered dark, violent and disturbing tale of passion?  Nope.  Last chance.
A piece of AU daft, fashioned entirely from dialogue?  Correct!  How did you guess? 
Here, have a prize *hands you crisco, from westernredcedar*  Sorry it's not a very good prize, but it's the only one we have here at Team Week Three.  Anyway, 'least said, soonest mended,' as my Gran used to say, so without further ado, on with the fic.....

Title:  Everything's all Write.  (I know, the titles are getting worse.  Sorry 'bout that!)
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  R (to be on the safe side, but if you're expecting heaving mucky man-sex, you'll be disappointed.  Again)
Disclaimer:  You mean I'm not the owner, and I'm not making any money? *jaw drops*
Word count: 800 approx
Notes:  I'm going to dedicate this to lore, for being such a lovely mod, and not kicking my sorry arse out of the comm (yet!)
Summary:  Do you want to know who REALLY wrote a certain set of wizardy books?

October 17th, 2007

Week Three: Wednesday Woot!

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Wednesday already, eh? 
So, I thought in order to celebrate what shall now be known as Week Three's Wednesday Woot!  We would have a little break from AU, and instead try a drabble cluster where nobody goes to the cinema, studies anthropology, or needs an aeroplane in order to fly.
In other words, something *gasp* nearly canon-compliant!

But don't worry if it's not up your alley; normal AU service will be resumed tomorrow.

Title:  Rub a Dub Dub, Three Wizards in a Pub
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  PG-13
Disclaimer:  I don't own the characters, I don't earn the cash.
Word count:  100 x 10
Summary:  They cheated death, and now they need a drink.  (And so does Lucius.)

October 16th, 2007

Week Three has a new logo!

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Hello again, friends of Snupin! 
Firstly, look at our shiny new icon!  It's a tag-line to be proud of, and no mistake.  BIG thanks to the lovely skree_ratling for making it.
*round of applause*

Today is a very important day.  It was on this day twenty years ago that the South of England woke to find complete devastation caused by the worst storm in three hundred years.  It was also on this day twenty years ago that I agreed to go out with a bloke (probably just for a few weeks.)  That bloke is Mr blp.  I'm not sure if there is a link between the storm and the bloke, but I do know that it makes me feel very, very old.

Anyway, enough rambling!   Shall we have a resurrection fest drabble bundle to cheer me up?
I think so.
How about.....

Title:  Snupin goes to the Movies.
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  PG-13
Word count:  100 x 6
Disclaimer:  I don't own the characters, I don't earn the cash.
Summary:  What happens when the muggle movie-makers get their hands on this story?

October 15th, 2007

Welcome to Week Three of the Resurrection Fest!

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Ah, welcome to week three! Come in and take the weight off your sling-backs.

This week it is I, blpaintchart, along with my lovely assistant, westernredcedar, who will be playing the good cop/ bad cop of Snupin for your delight and dismay. We have something for each day, and trust that by the end of the week, you will be sick to reptile-induced-death of Snupin dialogue.

So, let us rejoice in the re-floating of the Ship!

Don't forget, ours is the only Ship that sits peaceably together all evening reading very intellectual yet slightly dull books whilst wearing slippers, before retiring to the bedroom for some seriously kinky fucking.
Which, I think, is something to take comfort and delight in!

Enough rambling, let me present the first fic this week:

Title: Snape's on a Plane. (Sorry! Sorry. I tried to resist, but was too weak.)
Author: blpaintchart
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1629
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, I don't earn the cash.
Notes: Help! The format has gone wonky and there aren't paragraph breaks. The posting at LJ is much easier to read.
Summary: An AU way of dealing with all the DH dead.

October 12th, 2007

Resurrection Fic: Unbroken

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Title: Unbroken
Author: [info]innerslytherin
Pairing/Characters: Remus/Severus, Dumbledore, Tonks
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: [info]lupin_snape Resurrection Fest
WC: ~9100
Summary: If someone swears an unbreakable vow, they cannot die until the vow is completed...
Warnings: character death (in a way)
Notes: They don't belong to me; if they were mine I'd treat them better. ^_~ Many, many thanks to my betas [info]lore and [info]aunty_marion.

Unbroken )

October 10th, 2007

Resurrection Fest: Rise to the Newness of Life

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Title: Rise to the Newness of Life
Pairing: Snape/Lupin (implied), past Lupin/Tonks
Rating: PG
Note: this was written for the [info]lupin_snape Resurrection Fest. There is a very mild crossover with another fandom. Otherwise it is DH-compatible.
Summary: Remus Lupin left explicit instructions that he wished his funeral to take place during a full moon. Could this mean more than it seems?

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October 7th, 2007

One more drabble

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Title: Draco’s Mom Has Got It Goin’ On
Challenge: Resurrection
Word count: Roughly 300. It’s sort of a triple drabble.
A/N: (1) This is intended largely (obviously) as humour. (2) I decided that I liked exclamation mark!Narcissa; she amuses me. (3) The “let me summarize” line is a nod to The Princess Bride.

(Draco's Mom Has Got It Goin' On)

October 5th, 2007

Resurrection fest challenge word - breath

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Title: Glorious breath
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 509
Notes/warnings: Oh how I suck at titles.

October 4th, 2007

Resurrection Fest Drabble: This Kiss

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Title: This Kiss
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Prompt: Breath
Notes: I was bored and frustrated at work yesterday, so I noodled around with this. In my head, it's what follows in the very next moment after "We Could Be Heroes", but it stands alone as well.

Do ghosts feel? )

Resurrection challenge completed!

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Title: Moonlight
Word Count: 189
Rating: R – Adult language
Challenge: Resurrection
Characters: Severus, Lupin
Notes: JKR owns all the characters.

Maybe I cheated a little in the use of prompts....!???!

Resurrection challenge - Reincarnation & Rebirth

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Title: Every Full Moon
Word Count: 162
Rating: Gen
Challenge: Resurrection
Characters: Severus, Lupin
Notes: JKR owns all the characters.  2 prompts – reincarnation & rebirth

October 3rd, 2007


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Title: Take Two
Author: [info]bluestocking79
Rating: PG
Pairing: a way. ~looks shifty~
Word Count: 1141
Challenge: Resurrection Drabble Challenge
Prompt: Reincarnation
Summary: Two hard-luck cases get the second chances they deserve.
Disclaimer: I don't own them; JKR does.
Warnings: Gender queering, in a way...but please, don't let that put you off, because it's very innocent.
Notes: I started this for the Drabble challenge, but it took on a life of its own, so that it is now more of a fic than a drabble. I'm not quite sure what to make of the result, but I thought I'd offer it anyway.

Also: this is my first actual post here!

Follow the link to read the fic on my IJ: Take Two.

Planning Transitions

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My last one!

PG-13 Snape figures out a plan to get them both from the afterlife back. It's rather unorthodox.
100 words, prompt word: "transition."


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G A living Remus somehow revives Snape.
100 words, prompt: "Breath."

Ironic )

The Kinky Gates of Heaven

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PG-13 Snape and Tonks are lucky Lupin cheated. (Snape cheated too.)
350+ words, prompt: "Ankh."

Art for the Resurrection Fest

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Title: Resurrection
Artist: neodandiesrule
Rating: PG-13 for the subject ?
Characters: Snape and Lupin
Challenge: Resurrection Fest
Disclaimer: the two of them belong to JK Rowling.

Notes: the concept of this drawble appeared into my head when I read about the fest, so here you are, an unofficial entry :)
PLEASE don't scroll down immediately, first look at the top and then downward, if the pic isn't too small for that.Thanks :D. Also, this was drawn quite quickly, so please excuse the sketchy look ...

On a dark foggy night

October 4th, 2007

Resurrection challenge - "Growth"

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Title: Growth
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG13/language?
Challenge: Resurrection
Characters: Severus, Lupin
Notes: JKR owns all the characters


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