The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

December 27th, 2013

Art: Two Hot Guys, by Shadowycat

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Title: Two Hot Guys

From: Shadowycat

Summary: Just because...

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Genre: Established Relationship

Warnings: Nudity or Partial Nudity

Artist Note: Thanks for keeping this fest going! :D

Prompt: Art #24 - Do you really need an excuse to get the boys naked? You do? Well, this is that excuse, from Smallbrownfrog.

December 26th, 2012

Art: Art for "The Strange and Curious Dreams of Herrn Ulrich Vilsak", for Carolinelamb

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Art for "The Strange and Curious Dreams of Herrn Ulrich Vilsak", for Carolinelamb

From: Serpenscript

Summary: Illustrations for Caro's fic, The Strange and Curious Dreams of Herrn Ulrich Vilsak

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Warnings: Slavery, nudity

Notes: When I was trying to decide what prompt to pick, I read your fics. I meant to write fic, but the scenes from this fic in particular really stuck with me vividly and I wanted to draw them. I went with a different style than usual, to capture the gritty, timeless feel of the story. I hope you like the art, and that a bunch more people read and comment on your fic because it's beautiful!

This art is intended for the recipient only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics.

December 31st, 2011

Art: "Secrets to Share" for cordeliadelayne

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Secrets to Share, for cordeliadelayne

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Severus and Remus become an item and Remus learns of a secret that Severus has been keeping since his childhood.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC-17) NWS

Warnings: crossdressing

Notes: Thank you mods for letting me continue working on this bit of a monster. I really appreciate all your time and your patience. Thank you L for always being my sound off board and general hand holder.

Happy Holidays, cordeliadelayne. Your 4th prompt just resonated with me and I wanted to do so~ much more but I hope you are happy with what I created for you!

October 3rd, 2011

BLU2: Hammock/Under the Caribbean Sun

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Our next piece will be posted on or Tuesday, I hope. There is no set posting schedule, but now I'm pushing to be done by next Monday.

Title: Hammock/Under the Caribbean Sun
Artist/Author: Karasu_hime/Bonfoi
Rating: Art - NC17, Story - R
Word Count: ~6600
Summary (story): Obligations fulfilled, wounds tended, Remus decides to spirit Severus away to Paradise.

Mod Notes: This is Karasu's second appearance in BLU2. She has little ones that walk and talk at home now, so deliciously naughty pieces like this from her are becoming a rare treat. Bonfoi may be the biggest Snape/Lupin cheerleader since...well, me! If you haven't received a comment from her in the past two years, you've not posted anything creative! So, be sure to let Bonfoi and Karasu know if you check out their works - you probably owe one of them a comment! ~_^

love, lore

September 29th, 2011

BLU2: Mirror/The Player on the Other Side

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Our next piece will be posted on or before Saturday. Do you all feel up to a 30k epic on the weekend? There is no set posting schedule.

Title: Mirror/The Player on the Other Side
Artist/Author: Serpenscript/Ellid
Rating: Art and Story - NC17
Word Count: ~5600
Summary (art): On the left side, a human Remus shags Severus. Severus' wrist is cuffed to an echo of himself, being shagged by werewolf!Remus. Behind them is the mirror of Erised.
Summary (story): Severus Snape has disappeared, trapped in a powerful magical artifact. Only someone who is willing to risk everything can bring him back. Will Remus Lupin be the one, or is it too late?

Mod Notes: Serpenscript worked hard on the layers of color and texture in her piece. If you notice the details, be sure to tell her - I'm sure it would make her glow with pleasure! Ellid is another member who's been around since before I arrived, and her work has never failed to stun. If you read this story over the next few days, a note letting Ellid know you were there might be especially appreciated.

love, lore

September 27th, 2011

BLU2: Silent Longing/I Have Never

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Our next piece will be posted on or before Thursday. Actually, I hope to start a 30k epic tomorrow. There is no set posting schedule.

Title: Silent Longing/I Have Never
Artist/Author: Ghot/Kinky_Kneazle
Rating: Art and Story - NC17
Word Count: ~5600
Summary (art): Remus and Snape are laying on a bed. Snape is sleeping, Remus is... not.
Summary (story): During the first war there is very little that Remus has not been forced to do.

Mod Notes: Ghot's fantastic line work and lighting never fail to impress, especially in setting a mood for this piece. She's also been an invited member of the Daily_Deviant community, and some of the skills she exercised there are "on display" here. Hee! Kinky_Kneazle has been a member of this community for as long as I can remember. She always makes an impression, and I think you'll find this piece as unforgettable as her other works.

love, lore

September 20th, 2011

BLU2: Shower/Showered in Love

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Our next piece will be posted on or before Thursday. There is no set posting schedule.

Title: Shower/Showered in Love
Artist/Author: Shadowycat/Azurerosa
Rating: Art and Story - NC17
Word Count: ~5900
Summary: Remus works after a full moon to make his 10th anniversary with Severus memorable. Severus is momentarily not pleased.

Mod Notes: Azurerosa joined Lupin_Snape just over two years ago, and she quickly became an invaluable volunteer and mistress of our Drabble Nights. This is Shadowycat's second piece of art in the BLU. She said it was her first time drawing people in the shower - and I think she hit it out of the park!

love, lore

June 30th, 2011

NSFW *fluttering hands* Whew! Done! BTW, I love Lupin_Snape folks!

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NSFW. Image heavy thank you to the Snupinteers in my life!  )

May 8th, 2011

Art: Bathtub Gin

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Title: Bathtub Gin
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin
Summary: A youthful Remus and Severus having some good, clean fun in the bathtub.
Disclaimer:I don't own these characters, I just molest them relentlessly in my spare time
Warnings: Rimming, goofy sex face. Read more... )

January 11th, 2011

Art Rec: 1 November 1981 by loupgarou1750 [NSFW]

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Done for Severus' birthday, [info]loupgarou1750 posted art at [info]severusbigbang.

The day after the attack, when the Dark Lord may be gone, and Lily certainly is, Severus has no one to take out his pain upon but himself.

Powerful and poignant, this piece says volumes about Severus' passionate nature and his his control.

The art: 1 November, 1981. Open to all.

August 29th, 2010

Art Rec: Belt by wandarer3 @ DeviantArt, NWS

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Title: Belt
Artist: wandarer3 @ DeviantArt
Rating: NWS
Warnings: Nudity, BDSM, sub!Snape

*waves timidly* I may write Snarry, but I love reading and viewing Snanyone. Accordingly, I thought I'd point you guys toward a sub!Snape BDSM Snupin piece by an artist I haven't seen mentioned here before. Her faces and bodies are wonderfully gnarled and bony and not at all Fabio beefcake, and in this piece there's a delicacy of colour that reminds me a little of Fanlay's wonderful work.

April 8th, 2010

Snupin Showers: Day 8

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Snupin Showers 2010:
Title: Happy Bunny
Author: [info]snapesgirl
Rating: R (maybe an NC-17 if you squint)
Warnings: Plushie p0rn
Challenge: Snupin Showers (Day=April 8)
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, I am only borrowing them for this bit of silliness
Summary: Spring is when a young animagus' fancy turns to a sexy wolf
A/N: The idea of Severus being an animagus has its popularity in fandom.

happy bunny )

February 6th, 2010

Romantic Art Rec: A Lean and Hungry Look by Undun [NWS]

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While searching for something else, I found this gorgeous, evocative, and passionate piece by Undun a.k.a. [info]undunoops, at Moonshadow, 2 October 2005. {Please enter the archive, search for artist Undun and find it in the gallery as a link.}

Rating: NWS
Warning: Nudity

Why I recommend it: The lines of their bodies are fluid, flowing over and under each other with grace. This is what I privately call "a stolen moment" piece--the two lovers at ease in their own world. The musculature is only hinted at with the soft chalk, but I feel as if waiting a moment will earn me a glimpse of movement.

What I saw: At ease with each other and their bodies, Remus and Severus are caught in a languid moment, such as true lovers share.

June 19th, 2009

(2 sketches) "I'll Blame You in a Minute" and "Go on, I'm listening" (NWS)

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Uhh...I might have gone overboard in my Porn Battle entries, but I did 2 very quick sketches of Lupin/Snape.

Both links will take you to an art dump post with two other Not-Work-Safe arts from different fandoms. Tread with care and don't forget the lube. ;)

Title: "I'll Blame You in a Minute"
Artist: [info]osmalic
Rating: NC-17/NWS
Notes: for the prompt "accident" (for Porn Battle 8)
Disclaimer: Characters and their kinks are not mine.
Warnings: Semi-nakedness.

...any second now.

Title: "Go on, I'm listening"
Artist: [info]osmalic
Rating: NC-17/NWS
Notes: for the prompt "colleagues" (for Porn Battle 8)
Disclaimer: Characters and their kinks are not mine.
Warnings: Suggested naughtiness.

That's interesting, go on, please.

March 3rd, 2009

Art: Entwine (NWS)

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Title: Entwine
Artist: Omni (aka: rip_von_christ)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Warnings: NWS, yo.
Dislcaimer: I claim no rights to the characters, just the scribbles.
Note: This is the image I created for the BLU banners. Only...this is the uncensored version. Also, this is like only the second time ever that I've attempted drawing pr0n. Forgive me.

The image without that pesky little black box...and a BONUS FICLET! )

December 16th, 2008

Art Blast

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I've done several snupins this week.

[info]artlulz was a community created for artists to get prompts and we had to complete are art in 15 minutes-super fun! A few snape/lupin came out of it.

G rated:
artlulz snupin

I've posted my Kinky_Kristmas over at Daily_Deviant.

NOT WORK SAFE, at all.

Cane and Able

x-posted to ij snape_lupin, lj snape_lupin, lj.

July 28th, 2008

ART: HP sketch dump, PG13-NC17/NWS

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I posted my sketch dump over at my journal, which is a compilation of ancient sketches of Harry Potter. Because I have been obsessing over the Lupin/Snape pairing SINCE 2000 (I have no life), there are more RL/SS art. There's one gen!Marauders though, but you can skip right through it. Also, somewhere, there is voyeur!Lily.

Title: HP sketch dump (5 HP art)
Author/Artist: [info]osmalic
Rating: NC-17/Not Work Safe
Pairing/characters: Snape/Lupins, with one gen art of the Marauders, and there's also one where there's voyeur!Lily
Disclaimer: Not my characters, and the art is purely from my overactive imagination. JKR owns all characters.
Warnings: Some hand-jobs and what may look like non-con with voyeur!Lily at one part. Take caution. Especially of old and decript sketching styles. :D
Notes: Yup. It's a dump. With rant. Beware.

July 14th, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Short Art Prompt #30, NWS

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Title: Untitled
Artist: Curiousqity
Media: Ebony pencil on white copy paper.
Rating: R for subject matter, implied violence, no bits showing, NWS
Disclaimer: Characters depicted are both over 18 and belong to JKR.
Prompt: Short Art prompt #30 - Heavy s/D: sub!S, bondage, cruel R
Notes: I don't have a scanner, so I photographed this and then messed with it in Photoshop to get rid of the off colors, but it still doesn't look like the original. No photo references were used, just wooden posing dolls.


NWS art under cut )

June 26th, 2008

ART: Not Thinking (NC-17)

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Title: Not Thinking
Artist: [info]zephre
Subject: Severus, Remus, and no thinking whatsoever
Medium: photoshop and tablet
Rating: NC17
Gift art for: [info]gardendoor for the hp_art_xchange 2nd Quarter 2008.

(image at my journal)

June 24th, 2008

ART: A Moment on the Sofa (NC-17)

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Title: A Moment on the Sofa
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Remus/Severus
Artist's Notes: quick illustration for [info]red_day_dawning's Moonlight Investigations.  Remus and Severus make love on Severus's sofa, a moment so inspiring that they solve the case shortly thereafter!
originally posted to [info]red_day_love

(see image at my journal)

March 17th, 2008

Art: Better Then Chocolate, NC17

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Title: Better Than Chocolate
Artist: [info]ghot
A/N: Done for the [info]ides_of_march fest!
Prompt: First Time.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Even uncomfortable in the dank dungeons Remus doesn't regret having forgotten his chocolate, he's got something much better.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything related to it.
Highlight for Warnings: * Blow job, man bits. *

Better Than Chocolate

March 10th, 2008

ART: Happy Birthday, Remus (NC-17)

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Title: Happy Birthday, Remus!
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Snape/Lupin/Bill
Warnings/Kinks: threesome, body paint, piercings, corset/cross-dressing
Summary: What does a Potions Master get a kinky werewolf for his birthday? Edible body paint and a corseted Weasley, of course.  ;)
A/N: This image owes parts of its creation to  Dianamoon's chat kink of the week "body art" and the website "They Fight Crime". We've caught these three in a non-crime-fighting moment, though. Heh.

(full image at my journal)
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