The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

January 25th, 2013

Snupin Santa and comment statistics

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Hi everybody, I know this is way beyond late, but I hope you can forgive me.

I hope everyone enjoyed Snupin Santa as much as I did. I was responsible for counting all of your comments, and here are some fun facts:
  • There was a total of 529 comments written before the reveal. We had 63 different reviewers commenting on different 42 gifts.
  • The most commented gift was Evening at Home, which got 28 comments.
  • The longest comment was written by [info]serpenscript.

Top 5 commenters:
[info]snapealina 44
[info]islandsmoke 42
[info]bonfoi 41
[info]etain_antrim 37
[info]countesszero 31

Thank you to everyone who commented, and remember:
Comments are still more than welcome even after the author and artists have been revealed.

January 9th, 2013

Snupin Santa 2012 Master List!

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Presenting the master list of gifts from the Snupin Santa 2012 Multimedia Gift Exchange! Gifts are listed in alphabetical order by title.

Snupin Santa 2012 Master List )

And now, the riveting notes section!

We had a total of 42 gifts given by 36 participants. If I told you how that happened, I'd have to kill you. ~_^

The archive passed 4 million words this year! Holy Cow! I kept looking at the count thinking we'd never make it, but as of today, the archive has 4,021,595 words! We've collectively written almost 4 times the entire Harry Potter series. WHOO!

>>>If you haven't commented on your gift yet, now's the time because I know who you are. Dun Dun DUNNNNN!

Here is your crack team of Elves, without whom, Snupin Santa wouldn't have run this year: [info]scribbulus_ink, [info]azure_rosa, [info]carolinelamb, [info]garonne, [info]islandsmoke, [info]karasu_hime, [info]nimrod_9, [info]phantaz_magoria, [info]snapealina, [info]shadowycat, [info]starduchess, [info]unbroken_halo
I wouldn't have made it through the Fall/Holidays, especially, without the help of the final three up there - Shadowy, Starduchess and Halo. Shadowy and Star practically ran HP_Halloween (a significant October time-sink) for me and Halo the same for Snupin Santa itself. But everyone on the Elf list helped significantly by proofreading, tagging, rec collecting, list-making, mail-wrangling and hand-holding (of me!), and we couldn't have come this far without each and every one of them. Thank you so, so much, ladies. There aren't enough words in the English language to sing your praises!

That said...Snupin Santa as an exchange has come to an end and will take the form of a Fantasy Fest next year. 36 participants isn't quite enough to do effective matching anymore, and many of you supported the idea at the start of the season. We should also remember and give thanks to McKay, the exchange founder, for all her years of service in the name of giving the gift of Snape/Lupin for the holidays.

I have a bit more about gift re-assignment to participant names on the archive, but I'll save it for a few days and let you bask in the post-holiday reveal glow. For now, there are Participant+++ Icons to enjoy, (our faithful commenters might want to look at these as well), and icons for all Snupin Santa participants, past and present.

Thanks once more to the Elf Army, the participants and pinch hitters, and our readers, reccers, and commenters! Thanks also to Severus Snape for having a birthday and existing so that we can continue to pair his crochety self off with that wonderfully smexy (or angsty!) werewolf for years to come.

Ho Ho Ho!
Snupin Santa

January 3rd, 2013

Rec Collection - Last Call!

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OK, this is it! Last call for recs for all those wonderful stories, and gorgeous art pieces. I will be collecting rec's up until the reveals – January 9th, so get caught up on your reading, rec your favorites, and don't forget to let me know!

You can post the link your rec's here, in comments, or on any of the other rec collection posts on IJ, LJ, or DW.

Remember, the rec has to contain a reason for your recommendation (It can be as simple as "this is awesome and so beautiful/hot/creative" etc.), and the journal entry on which the rec is posted must be publicly accessible.

I know a lot of you have rec'd things on your journals. Any story or piece of art that I have three rec's for, I will send on to the Daily Snitch, which has a large readership. So let me know, and we'll spread the Snupin love!

January 2nd, 2013

Snupin Santa Round-up, Week 4

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This is the wrap-up post for the final week of Snupin Santa! We hope you are still enjoying the fest and leaving lots of love for our dear authors and artists. Remember: comments can be left at any of the three journals as well as the website!

If you see something you love, please rec it and let us know here, just choose your platform: LJ, IJ, or DW

Art for "The Strange and Curious Dreams of Herrn Ulrich Vilsak" for Carolinelamb, NC-17.
Upon Deeper Inspection & Remus Lupin and the Traitorous Snake for Wolfiefics, G.
Morning at Home for Phantaz_magoria, PG.
On a Winter's Night for Ellid, G.
The Kiss for the Community, PG.

Upon a Crimson Tide We Sail for Carolinelamb, NC-17.
High Heels and Holidays for Karasu_hime, NC-17.
The Uninvited Guest for Shadowycat, NC-17.
Chasing the Dragon for Stasia, PG-13.
The Werewolf Schoolteacher, the Potions-Master-Turned-Baker, and a Pasticceria Altogether for Rivertempest, PG-13.
Through Time for Bonfoi, PG-13.
Twelve Steps to a Happy Holiday! for Unbroken_halo, PG-13.
Such Is This Life for the Community, R.

And that's a wrap! Thanks to all of our wonderful authors and artists!

Masterlist and reveals will go up on Severus' birthday, January 9th. )

love, lore and the elves

December 31st, 2012

Art: The Kiss, for the Community!

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This is our last gift post for Snupin Santa 2012! Expect participant icons over then next day or so, and reveals will be on January 9! Don't forget that the rec posts will be open for your use through January 9. If you make recs, let us know on LiveJournal, IJ, or DW.

The Kiss, for the Community!

From: Chibitoaster

Summary: Slowly, Remus leaned in, his hand griping Severus's face and holding him in that perfect spot.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

This art is intended for the recipients only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics if you are not a member of Lupin_Snape.

Story: Such Is This Life, for the Community!

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Such Is This Life, for the Community!

From: Littleisle

Summary: Severus arrives from his trip with Bill with a little surprise. Needless to say, Remus is not happy.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Word count: 8231

Warnings: Mpreg, non-explicit sex

Author Notes: I've had two amazing betas who have really helped me shape the story!!! Thank you both so very much! I was a little stubborn with certain aspects, so if you don't like anything, it was moi.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

Art: On a Winter's Night, for Ellid

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On a Winter's Night, for Ellid

From: Shadowycat

Summary: The full moon watches over a happy scene.

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

This art is intended for the recipient only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics.

Art: Morning at Home, for Phantaz_Magoria

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Morning at Home, for Phantaz_Magoria

From: Shadowycat

Summary: From the prompt: A domestic scene where one or both of the boys are bare-chested or have bare feet

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

This art is intended for the recipient only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics.

December 30th, 2012

Story: Twelve Steps to a Happy Holiday!, for Unbroken_Halo

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Twelve Steps to a Happy Holiday!, for Unbroken_Halo

From: Ellid

Summary: The holidays can be a time of joy, peace, and vigorous carnal indulgences, but not if you're Severus Snape. This must change, and if that means spending Advent doing a bit of soul searching en route to seducing the hairiest member of the faculty, why, never let it be said that Severus has backed down from a challenge....

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Word count: 4411

Warnings: Really PG-13 and a pinch due to innuendo and implied sexual activity

Author Notes: This is for Unbroken_Halo, who requested a fic wherein Snape decides that spending Christmas with Lupin is preferable to being alone one more time. I hope this is what you had in mind!

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

Story: Through Time, for Bonfoi

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Through Time, for Bonfoi

From: Knowmefirst

Summary: Severus and Remus meet through time.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Word count: 2236

Characters: James Potter, Sirius Black, Minerva Mcgonagall, Harry Potter, Eileen Prince

Warnings: Angst, bullying

Author Notes: I would love to say thank you to LL and B for their beta work. All other errors are mine. I hope you like it, I had so much fun writing it. Thank you to the Mods for their immense patience with me.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

December 29th, 2012

Art: Upon Deeper Inspection & Remus Lupin and the Traitorous Snake, for Wolfiefics

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Ladies and gentlemen, with our last story post, the Snupin Santa site has passed 4 million words!! *throws confetti*

Upon Deeper Inspection & Remus Lupin and the Traitorous Snake, for Wolfiefics

From: Karasu_hime

Summary: Image 1: The beginning of a romance has ace Detective Severus Snape stymied.
Image 2: Remus Lupin chases a man who might not be all that he seems.

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Notes: Happy Holidays, Wolfiefics; I hope you enjoy your gift! I drew the second one first and realised it wasn't a prompt that you asked for! D'Oh! I hope you like it anyway!

This art is intended for the recipient only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics.

Story: The Werewolf Schoolteacher..., for Rivertempest

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The Werewolf Schoolteacher, The Potions-Master-Turned-Baker, and a Pasticceria Altogether, for Rivertempest

From: Osmalic

Summary: Five years after Deathly Hallows, Remus and Teddy move to an Italian wizarding town. For some reason, Remus starts frequenting the local pastry shop where Severus is the head baker.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Word count: 11,617

Characters: Teddy Lupin, OCs

Warnings: Some angst

Author Notes: The original prompts really had me leaving my comfort zone, and I can only beg for forgiveness if I butchered a beautiful language. I only had Google Translate to rely on for Italian translations. A HUGE thank you to the mods of this year's exchange. I know I was naughty, but I hope you forgive me. Finally, thank you to the offline person with whom I exchanged ideas and who edited.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

December 28th, 2012

Story: Chasing the Dragon, for Stasia

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Chasing the Dragon, for Stasia

From: Rivertempest

Summary: Dealing with chronic spell damage, Remus Lupin considers every day a bloody miracle that he is still alive. Coincidentally, there is another miracle waiting for him, just around the corner.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Word count: 23,916

Characters: Andromeda Tonks, Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter, Various OC's

Other Pairings: References to past Remus/Tonks, Remus/Sirius

Warnings: Language, implied drug use (and withdrawal), violence, humour, angst, UST

Author Notes: Stasia, I hope you like my take on your prompt - it called to me until I was scrambling like mad to write it. It turned out longer than I had anticipated, so overwhelming thanks to my beta, D, for getting everything back to me so quickly. Many thanks to lore for her trust and patience!

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

Story: The Uninvited Guest, for Shadowycat

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The Uninvited Guest, for Shadowycat

From: Leakywitch

Summary: Remus and Severus survive the war but neither one is happy. Someone doesn’t like it and decides to do something about it.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Word count: 5700

Warnings: Explicit sex, some language and a smidgen of angst.

Author Notes: I hope it pleases. :-) A million thanks to my beta, K. You really came through for me with this one. I owe you big. ;-)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

December 27th, 2012

Story: High Heels and Holidays, for Karasu_hime

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High Heels and Holidays, for Karasu_hime

From: Phantaz_magoria and Serpenscript

Summary: After the war, Severus takes steps to disappear from the Wizarding world as completely as possible. Remus tries to find him.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Word count: 8534

Warnings: Cross-dressing, public sex, dirty talk

Authors Note: Happy SnuSa Karasu!

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

December 26th, 2012

Story: Upon A Crimson Tide We Sail, for Carolinelamb

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Upon A Crimson Tide We Sail, for Carolinelamb

From: Bonfoi

Summary: Piratical practices, dark and dangerous, that's what the history books will say. But they'll never write about the brave Capt. Lupin or his first mate, Severus Snape, and the reckoning they had with the pirate king Sir Thomas Riddle.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Word count: 8843

Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black, Regulus Black, Tom Riddle (Voldemort), Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Harry Potter, Nymphadora Tonks

Other Pairings: Lucius Malfoy/Regulus Black – Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape/Regulus Black – Sirius Black/Nymphadora

Warnings: Graphic non-con – Allusion to Child Abuse – Violence – Death

Author Notes: CarolineLamb, you inspired great things, dark things, a few strange things, too. I hope this offering shivers your timbers and fans the romantic fires. I know it did for me. I couldn’t make Severus walk the streets—he pulled his wand on me! But, I bent him until he kind of broke, so I hope this deviation from your original prompt won't be taken amiss.

Many thanks to Snupin Santa and the all your hard work. To the elves who go above and beyond every year, you all totally rock! To my beta, without whose hard work and fortitude I couldn't have done it, many, many thanks for pushing through the icky parts. Any remaining mistakes are mine.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

Art: Art for "The Strange and Curious Dreams of Herrn Ulrich Vilsak", for Carolinelamb

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Art for "The Strange and Curious Dreams of Herrn Ulrich Vilsak", for Carolinelamb

From: Serpenscript

Summary: Illustrations for Caro's fic, The Strange and Curious Dreams of Herrn Ulrich Vilsak

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Warnings: Slavery, nudity

Notes: When I was trying to decide what prompt to pick, I read your fics. I meant to write fic, but the scenes from this fic in particular really stuck with me vividly and I wanted to draw them. I went with a different style than usual, to capture the gritty, timeless feel of the story. I hope you like the art, and that a bunch more people read and comment on your fic because it's beautiful!

This art is intended for the recipient only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics.

December 23rd, 2012

Snupin Santa Round-up, Week 3

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Oh, goodness, we're already here at the wrap-up post for week three! We hope you are still enjoying the fest and leaving lots of love for our dear authors and artists. Remember: comments can be left at any of the journals as well as the website!

If you have written a rec post, please let us know here, just choose your platform: LJ, IJ, or DW

Under the Stars for Knowmefirst, PG.

The Easy Way or the Hard Way for Midlagedfangirl, R.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz for Snapealina, G.
Pack, Again for Azure_rosa, R.
The Crystal Cave for Leakywitch, G.
Book Ends for Phantaz_magoria, PG-13.
There Once Was a Time for Littleisle, NC-17.

Posting will resume on Wednesday, December 26th, so enjoy reading back through all the works.

Wishing everyone a safe and blessed holiday!

love, lore and the elves

December 22nd, 2012

Art: Under the Stars, for Knowmefirst

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We're headed into a small break, Sunday - Tuesday, and will be back on December 26. There were many longer stories posted this week in anticipation that some of you might have time to go through them. Recs are still being collected so we can show our ourselves off to the rest of the HP community, but we can only do this when a gift reaches 3 recs. So, if you see something you really like, dash off a rec in your journal. Let's make some noise as Snupin Santa heads into its final week!

Finally, Snupin Santa wishes you the holiday you wish to have. Santa couldn't imagine a more appropriate or lovely piece of art to send us into the break. Enjoy!

Under the Stars, for Knowmefirst

From: Nepenth

Summary: A kiss under the stars.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

Notes: Knowmefirst, you said give you something romantic and offered the idea of a kiss under the stars. And hopefully this will give you a happy sigh. Happy holidays!

This art is intended for the recipient only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics.

December 21st, 2012

Story: There Once Was A Time, for Littleisle

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There Once Was A Time, for Littleisle

From: Bonfoi

Summary: The power released by the Battle of Hogwarts stirs up an old ghost. There's great magic and mayhem, a disappearance and revelations, and a change of heart, or two. Along the way, there's a bit of adventure and romance. And did I forget to mention, fairies?

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Word count: 19,032

Characters: Harry Potter, Madam Pince, The Founders, Robin Goodfellow, Ariel, the Giant Squid

Other Pairings: Salazar Slytherin/Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff/other, Rowen Ravenclaw/many

Warnings: Swearing/cussing, wanking, non-graphic violence, No Remus/Tonks per se

Author Notes: Littleisle, you set me a challenge. There was so much to choose from. But, I think I settled on something that will intrigue you. Many thanks to Snupin Santa and the elves for your encouragement and the extension. This monster wouldn't be tamed right up until the end. To my for-now-anonymous beta, without whom I couldn't have done it. Any mistakes are mine and mine alone.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

December 20th, 2012

Story: Book Ends, for Phantaz_magoria

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Book Ends, for Phantaz_magoria

From: Writcraft

Summary: A long time ago, a love of books brought Remus and Severus together, but two wars stood between them. Now the wars are over and Severus is living alone in a small Muggle village, taking potions he should have stopped taking long ago. Remus wants to help, but Severus isn’t one for willingly accepting the help he is offered.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Word count: 6849

Other characters and pairings: Molly Weasley/Arthur Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks/Charlie Weasley, Teddy Lupin-Tonks, "blink and you’ll miss it" reference to Harry

Warnings: Potion addiction, non-explicit reference of one night between Remus and Tonks (note: no infidelity).

Author Notes: Thanks to the mods for their patience and to V for the beta read and the support. All remaining mistakes are my own. The title is from the Tony Harrison poem, 'Book Ends'

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

December 19th, 2012

Story: The Crystal Cave, for Leakywitch

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The Crystal Cave, for Leakywitch

From: Midlagedfangirl

Summary: Severus and Remus find themselves trapped in a mysterious crystal cave. An accident breaks Severus' hands and he can't brew the final batch of Wolfsbane Potion Remus needs.

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Word count: 6930

Characters: Harry, Minerva, Kingsley

Author Notes: Sorry it's only rated G, but I couldn't get the boys to be naughty!

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

Rec Reminder!

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Hi there!

Once again, a reminder to rec any stories and art that you especially like, and to put a link to those recs in the Original Rec Collection Post.

If you're not sure just what you need in the rec, please see my Clarification Post.

There are a lot of great stories and lovely art in the fest, so give them some love!

December 18th, 2012

Story: Pack, Again, for Azure_rosa

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Pack, Again, for Azure_rosa

From: Marauderswolf

Summary: Remus is lost without his pack. He finds it again in the most unlikely of persons.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Word count: 5301

Warnings: Strong language, violence, sexual situations

Author Notes: For Azure_Rosa, whose prompts fed the plot bunnies into this creation that is close – where the muse decided to detour is still a mystery, but here be the results. Immense thank-yous to the mods for the opportunity despite chaos and to those who kept the muse and the author going.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

Story: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, for Snapealina

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Yes, Santa only posted one (long) story yesterday. There will also be a long story on Friday and a beautiful view to send you into the break on Saturday. We'll make the extra post up by extending posting, which had been scheduled to end too early for Santa's taste anyway. ^_^

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, for Snapealina

From: Rkold

Summary: Severus' second career is finally taking off when the past intrudes in an unlikely way.

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Word count: 3163

Warnings: References to canon character deaths?

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.
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