The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

January 7th, 2015

Art: Where I always feel at home by Shadowycat

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Snupin Santa notes: Again, it's still Epiphany in a small chunk of the world, so enjoy these last 4 official works of Snupin Santa 2014. There's a goodbye, Epiphany celebrating, and closure on a long-running universe. I decided to let Shadowycat have the last "word" because she's been a supporter of Lupin_Snape from the very beginning, and because, I think you'll agree, we couldn't end on a more perfect note.

I'll be back on Severus' Birthday (January 9) with one more post to the archive and a master list. Remember, if you do some reccing, please let me know with a link in reply to any Snupin Santa post on any lupin_snape community. I'll see them. I hope some of you will think of some drabbles and tributes to Severus on the 9th!

Title: Where I always feel at home

Artist: Shadowycat

Summary: Home is where the heart is.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

HP Era: War or Post-War

Genre: Established relationship

Warnings: None

Medium: Pencil on paper

Artist Note: Lupin/Snape has been my fandom home for the past several years, and I couldn't ask for a better one. The Snupin community has always been a wonderfully welcoming place to be, with some of the very nicest, kindest, and most creative people I know. It's been a huge pleasure to be a part of it. Year after year, the highlight of my participation in the community has been Snupin Santa.

It was one of the first big fests I ever took part in, and it's always been one of my very favorites. I'll miss it dearly, but I'm grateful to be able to be a part of it one final time. Thanks so much to everyone who's worked so hard to make this a great fest year after year, and extra special thanks to Lore for keeping the fest going for so long and for making Lupin/Snape and the Snupin community in general such a great place to spend time.

December 28th, 2014

Mixed Media: The Wolves Inside Us by smallbrownfrog

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Title: The Wolves Inside Us

Author/Artist: smallbrownfrog

Summary: Sometimes the past has teeth.

Rating: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Genres: Established Relationship

HP Era: During Canon or Post-War

Word count: 91

Warnings: Implied violence

Medium: Photography and mixed media

Notes: Thank you to everybody who has kept Snupin Santa going over the years. And thank you to the people in the srsbzns writing chat who helped keep me on task to finish this. This piece is about as mixed media as you can get. Materials include: baking soda, corn starch, instant coffee (really), a moth trap, a night light, Lego minifigures and parts, a small plant, a sponge, napkins, cotton, and fabric.

Disclaimer: I do not own either the Harry Potter universe or the kingdom of Lego.

November 1st, 2014

Art Dump: various Snupin, Snape, G-PG 13

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Title: Various
Author/Artist: skitty_kat
Word Count: n/a
Rating: G-PG-13
Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin.
Notes: Various pieces of Harry Potter fanart, mostly Snape and Lupin.
I know I don't hang out here much anymore but I'm still drawing every now and then. Snupin is still in my heart!
I now have an AO3 account here where I am slowly uploading my fics and art all together.

Here at my journal (in two parts)

January 1st, 2014

Art: Merry Christmas, Mr Lupin, by Karasu_hime

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Title: Merry Christmas, Mr Lupin

From: Karasu_hime

Summary: Snape shows off his new purchase to Remus.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Genre: Alternate Reality, Romance

Warnings: Cross-dressing, Mpreg, Partial Nudity

Artist Note: Happy Holidays!

Prompt: Art #13 - Very-prego Sev in slutty!Santa dress... Remus is totally into it, from Vinib.

December 18th, 2013

Multimedia: Snupin Icons, by p_for_polkdots

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Title: Snupin Icons

From: p_for_polkdots

Summary: Snupin icons and banners with non-movie images.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Prompt: DDO#82 - Icon set - Other images, ideas, quotes, that make you think of Snape/Lupin

Note from Snupin Santa
Santa hopes you will all use some of these great new icons from Polka in making comments on the remaining fest pieces. It looks like we might just get past Christmas and into the last week of the month! Please reward the hard-working creative elves who are helping to make your season bright by commenting and even reccing your favourite pieces.

Remember, you can comment on the Snupin Santa site, or you can leave a comment on these announcement posts. Anonymous comments are welcome on the announcement posts as well.

Creative elves, remember to use the thumbtack symbol to track comments on these announcement posts. It's toward the top of the page with the other comment symbols.

Snupin Santa

December 1st, 2013

Art: Intimacy, by Shadowycat

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Happy Holidays, everyone! A Snupin Santa Holiday Fest informational post will be up in the next day, so please look for it and read when you see it. Thanks! - Santa

Title: Intimacy

From: Shadowycat

Summary: Remus loves to brush Severus's hair after a bath.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Notes: Thanks for keeping this fest going! :D

Prompt: Art #23 from Smallbrownfrog

Ho Ho Ho!
Snupin Santa

March 15th, 2013

Art: March Challenge: Lambs and Lions; PG-13

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Title: The Lion Lays Down with the Lamb Snake
Artist: [info]shadowycat
Rating: PG-13
Medium: pencil on paper
Notes: I didn't have a photo reference for the musculature this time (though I did for the basic pose) so it might be a bit sketchy. It's perhaps not the best use of the Lion/Lamb theme, but it's what stuck in my mind so I went with it. That's supposed to be a bit of sheepskin they're lying on. :D

Here Be Art )

January 7th, 2013

Art: T'Was the Night Before Christmas; PG-13

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I did this piece for Mini-Fest on LJ. This time I really wanted to do something with color. I enjoy working with pencils. I can get a lot of detail with them and they work better for a lot of things, but sometimes I just crave some color so I think I'm going to try to experiment with using it a bit more this year. This piece is quite simple, but I enjoyed doing it. :D

Title: T'Was the Night Before Christmas
Artist: [info]shadowycat
Pairing(s): Severus/Remus
Prompt: "The night that never ends"
Medium: pen and marker on paper
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

T'Was the Night Before Christmas

January 4th, 2013

Some gems from LJ's Mini-Fest comm

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While I'm putting together some Snupin Santa recs, I just wanted to share links to more Lupin/Snape goodness.

Some Remus/Severus gems found at Mini_Fest @ LJ master list 2012

FIC: Alone at Hogwarts [Remus/Severus/Sirius - PG]

FIC: All I Want for Christmas [Severus/Remus – NC17]

FIC: The Promise of a New Day [Snape/Lupin – PG13]

ART: T'Was the Night Before Christmas [Remus/Severus - PG-13]

FIC: Morning [Severus/Remus – NC17]

December 11th, 2012

Art: Love Nouveau, for Awickedmemory

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Love Nouveau, for Awickedmemory

From: Chibitoaster

Summary: The essence of Snupin with a nod to Alphonse Mucha.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Notes: It's difficult to combine styles. Instead of drawing in the exact style of Mucha, I decided to use Mucha as an inspiration.

This art is intended for the recipient only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics.

April 23rd, 2012

The Potions Master and the Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf; PG-13

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Title: The Potions Master and the Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf: A Fractured Fairytale
Author/Artist: [info]shadowycat
Rating: PG-13, mostly for some suggestive language
Genre: Hopefully humourous parody
Word Count: ~4835 give or take
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Story Summary: A very loose adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood complete with stinging plants, babbling ropes, missing assistants, and a whole lot of other silliness.
Artwork Medium: Pencil on Paper
Disclaimer: They're not my characters, but I love playing with them anyway. :)

Many, many thanks to my wonderful beta [info]bonfoi for her help, encouragement, and her shining example of improvisational silliness of the very best sort! My admiration for her talent knows no bounds.

The Potions Master and the Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf

December 15th, 2011

Art: "Four Pieces" for snapealina

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Four Pieces, for snapealina

Titles: The Joy of Cooking, Painting, In the Early Hours of the Morning, and Breakfast

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: So with a challenge that included the words fluff and domestic, I was giddy from the get go. So while only one really fits the prompt, I hope you enjoy the other scenes of the two enjoying domestic life. From prompt #3: Art: domestic scene: the two of them cooking (smut or fluff is up to you).

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG-13)

Warnings: None

October 10th, 2011

BLU2: Against the Wall/Eggs and Coffee

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Title: Against the Wall/Eggs and Coffee
Artist/Author: Ghot/Littleblackbow
Rating: Art - PG13, Story - R
Word Count: ~6000
Summary (art): Snape has his back against a wall and he's grabbing Remus by the hair and arse, drawing him closer.
Summary (story): Remus goes to collect himself and try to figure out his life going forward after the war. While out in the woods, he reflects on what was probably the most meaningful relationship in his life.

Mod Notes: Ghot's third and final piece for BLU2. Ghot almost immediately stunned us with her art several years ago. I don't think I've had my mouth closed since! What I admire about this piece is that it's so deliciously naughty while still falling well within a PG13 rating. Littleblackbow stepped into a writing roll for this piece. She's written some extraordinary fiction for exchanges, and this story fits right into her oeuvre.

love, lore

September 16th, 2011

BLU2: Chapter 3 - Tied to Tree/The Lengthy Pursuit....

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Story Complete. We'll have a short fic on Saturday or Sunday.

Chapter 3, the final chapter, is up!

Title: Tied to Tree/The Lengthy Pursuit and Ensnarement of Captain Severus Snape, Pirate
Artist/Author: Ghot/Arionrhod & McKay
Rating: Art - PG13, Story - Hard R
Word Count: Total: ~44,000; Chapter 1: ~17,000
Pairings: Remus/Severus/Regulus and combinations thereof
Summary: Captain Severus Snape has one goal in life: to retrieve his ship from the man who stole it. But chasing Sirius Black to the City of the Caesars and getting his ship back will be simple compared to the challenge of resisting two men who are determined to make port in Severus' heart.

love, lore

September 15th, 2011

BLU2: Chapter 2 - Tied to Tree/The Lengthy Pursuit....

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For this piece, one chapter a day will be posted through Friday. We'll have a short fic on the weekend.

Chapter 2 is up!

Title: Tied to Tree/The Lengthy Pursuit and Ensnarement of Captain Severus Snape, Pirate
Artist/Author: Ghot/Arionrhod & McKay
Rating: Art - PG13, Story - Hard R
Word Count: Total: ~44,000; Chapter 1: ~17,000
Pairings: Remus/Severus/Regulus and combinations thereof
Summary: Captain Severus Snape has one goal in life: to retrieve his ship from the man who stole it. But chasing Sirius Black to the City of the Caesars and getting his ship back will be simple compared to the challenge of resisting two men who are determined to make port in Severus' heart.
love, lore

September 14th, 2011

BLU2: Tied to Tree/The Lengthy Pursuit....

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For this piece, one chapter a day will be posted through Friday. We'll have a short fic on the weekend.

Title: Tied to Tree/The Lengthy Pursuit and Ensnarement of Captain Severus Snape, Pirate
Artist/Author: Ghot/Arionrhod & McKay
Rating: Art - PG13, Story - Hard R
Word Count: Total: ~44,000; Chapter 1: ~17,000
Pairings: Remus/Severus/Regulus and combinations thereof

Summary: Captain Severus Snape has one goal in life: to retrieve his ship from the man who stole it. But chasing Sirius Black to the City of the Caesars and getting his ship back will be simple compared to the challenge of resisting two men who are determined to make port in Severus' heart.

Mod Notes: Ghot is back for this Art Focus BLU with the first of three pieces! She's been delighting the members of Lupin_Snape with her art since 2007 (I think!). This might very well be one of the last Snape/Lupin pieces from Arion and McKay, as they are embarking on an original publishing journey. Whoo hoo!

love, lore

March 27th, 2011

ART: Spring Time Silliness, PG-13

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Title: Spring Time Silliness
Author/Artist: [info]snapesgirl
Rating: PG-13 for implied m-preg
Pairing(s)/character(s): Remus/Severus, with Teddy
Challenge: none
Summary: PWP?
Disclaimer: The recognizable characters and settings in this story do not belong to me. No monetary gain is sought... just amusement.
Warnings: plushie-porn; m-preg
Notes: A wee bit early April Foolery

beware of silly photos and sillier words )

April 9th, 2010

Snupin Showers Part 1: Recs

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My apologies for getting this out late in the day - I meant to send it from the office, but that whole pesky 'work' thing got in the way.
We'll start with some recs, mostly from the wayback machine:

Those I Can Save by bronzeribbons for Snupin Santa 2007  (PG-13)
I have a huge weakness for Snape and kids, plus this is just a beautiful journey for all involved, with bonus bad-ass ladies. 

Dreams and Nightmares series by MusIgneus (NC-17, warnings to be heeded on site)
I always rec this one, and that's because I consistently reread it at Moonshadow.  I have favorite chapters, but the work is wonderful as a whole. I still find that the final chapter is one of the most emotionally fulfilling endings I've read in fic. I get choked up every single time.  It begins with "A Short Measure" and you follow the sequels from there.

Two illustrations for 'His Due' by rosemont1021; art by kaleidoskope for Snupin Santa 2007 (PG-13, both WS)
Color, texture, beautiful composition - I love the romance of the second image, and the humor in the first.  The story on which they are based is also well worth a read!

In the Spring of their Forever
by karasu_hime for Snupin Santa 2008 (G, WS)
This is one of my favorites of karasu's, for the gorgeous details and intriguing character design as well as the history of relationship implicit in the image.

1979 by nepenth for Snupin Santa 2009 (PG-13)
This is a striking piece, wonderful for its contrast of light and shadow, the details that create such a great mood, and the patterns that so firmly evoke the era. Those jeans pulled tight across Snape's bum are quite appealing, too.  Hee.

A Moment of Grace by julythirtyfirst for Snupin Santa 2008 (page is PG-13)
An illustration for one of my favorites, 'The Waltz Continues' by busaikko, I love the lines and the beautiful emotion of Snape and Lupin's embrace.  The accompanying art, 'Wet Kiss', is great, too.

What Price Wolfsbane? by mific (G)
I love this style, so reminiscent of a fine woodcut or print. It's different, and yet still has a wonderful story with deep implications. 

And that'll do for now.  I'll return later this evening with more.

February 26th, 2010

Romantic Art Rec: * lick * by aleonic [PG13]

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Spreading the love, [info]aleonic created an LJ art gift for McKay in 2006 on the pies_and_sherry LJ site, known as * lick * [PG13] which took my breath away.

Why I recommend it: There's a vulnerability in letting a werewolf lick and nip your naked neck. Severus' pose and Remus' wrapping around him like ivy...their bodies so close, a sliver of moonlight couldn't find its way between them. It is love.

My summary: A moment, a gift of time, a turn of the head...there are a thousand words this drawing brings to mind.

Alternate site: Visit [info]aleonic's gallery.

January 1st, 2010

snusa mod gift for mckay (i'd just spell 'si' wrong!!)

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Thank you so much for running the Snupin Santa fest! It was marvelous as always!! I didn't create the following art piece (it should be obvious!!).   The very generous and talented tbranch (on lj) did it. Happy Birthday, Happy New Year and thanks much again!!  I'll forward the original file at your discretion.

Please do not take and use this gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.


July 20th, 2009

Art: Remus Transformation Piece 1 (PG-13)

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Title: Remus Transformation Piece 1
Artist: Omni (aka!)
Rating: PG-13? Because it's a (tasteful) nude?
Warntings: Mildly NWS. Doesn't really show anything, but still...
Notes: I ah...mentioned this nearly two years ago, when I posted "Developing a Potion..." (though the teaser images have since become broken...heh). So. got around to polishing up the first of the four images. I will post each of the others as they are digitally revised, until finally we have a wolf instead of a man.

As the moonlight hit him, he could feel the change come over him, a howl rising in his throat )

January 22nd, 2009

Art: Mile High

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Title: Mile High
Rating: PG-13
Summary: *quotes* "Snupin having Mile High Club smexx", done in the finest traditions of the group. Ie, with startled wildfowl.
A/n: [info]snapelike said it and I'm apparently obedient.

( Hold still, Lupin, or I'll drop you!" )

January 9th, 2009

Art: Something for the mods

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Lots of love and hugs for the Snupin Santa mods and all their hard work!
Looks like there're a few presents left under the tree...

Rating: PG-13
Summary: minor silliness with strategically-placed bows.
A/n: thank you so much, mods! I had fun!

Under the tree )

November 22nd, 2008

ART: The Red Chaise (PG-13)

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Title: The Red Chaise
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Artist's Notes: 30-minute drawble from the chat room.

(bigger at my journal)

September 16th, 2008

Shower Challenge: Late Photo manip (NWS, PG13)

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Of course, I started these the first day of the challenge and then completely forgot about them until today. Although she doesn't want any credit, neither of these manips would look any good without [info]karasu_hime's deft touch!

A preview that's also an icon!

NWS, PG13 Snupin shower manips )

Also, waaaay back when, I wrote a shower fic, titled Saving Water. NC17/NWS, natch!

And that's all the showering I have, folks! ♥ ♥ ♥

love, lore
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