The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

December 21st, 2014

Art: Full Moon Morning, December by chibitoaster

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Title: Full Moon Morning, December

Artist: Chibitoaster

Summary: Full Moon Nights are difficult without someone staying with Moony. But at least there's someone to wrap a blanket around Remus in the morning.

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

HP Era: During Canon or Post-War

Genre: Up to your imagination

Warnings: None

Medium: Watercolor

December 8th, 2014

Art: Forgiven by Chibitoaster

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Title: Forgiven

Artist: Chibitoaster

Summary: Both of them have carried a lot of guilt and remorse over the years. As they get older, though, they learn that there is one gift to treasure above all else in their lives.

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

HP Era: 1998-onward: After the Second War

Genre: Alternate Reality

Warnings: None

Medium: Ink and gouache on gray paper

December 31st, 2012

Art: The Kiss, for the Community!

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This is our last gift post for Snupin Santa 2012! Expect participant icons over then next day or so, and reveals will be on January 9! Don't forget that the rec posts will be open for your use through January 9. If you make recs, let us know on LiveJournal, IJ, or DW.

The Kiss, for the Community!

From: Chibitoaster

Summary: Slowly, Remus leaned in, his hand griping Severus's face and holding him in that perfect spot.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

This art is intended for the recipients only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics if you are not a member of Lupin_Snape.

December 11th, 2012

Art: Love Nouveau, for Awickedmemory

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Love Nouveau, for Awickedmemory

From: Chibitoaster

Summary: The essence of Snupin with a nod to Alphonse Mucha.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Notes: It's difficult to combine styles. Instead of drawing in the exact style of Mucha, I decided to use Mucha as an inspiration.

This art is intended for the recipient only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics.
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