The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

October 1st, 2011


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Snupin BDSM Recommendations

~ List created by Domaris Sky ~

So, that's it. My last Decade of SS/RL entry is a Snupin BDSM Rec list or call it thematic list. I don't care much. Yes, I've read all stories, some quite a few years ago, some recently. This list is expansive, but far from complete. So, go read and enjoy.
I had much fun in participating in this challenge. Thank you for the help and the comments I got in this past year.

Love and hugs, Domaris Sky.

PS: I had to split into two parts, ij didn't let me post it, because it was too large. I still cannot believe it.

The stories are sorted by title.

The stories from A - N can be found in ( Part One ),

the stories from O -Z can be found in ( Part Two ).

September 30th, 2011

Rec list: Snupin in Japan

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I have a great love of anime, manga, samurai dramas, Japanese folklore, and well, pretty much all things Japanese. I also, of course, love Snupin, and I've always thought how great it would be to have my two loves combined together! So this month's entry for the Decade of Snape/Lupin project is a list of fics/art about Snape and Lupin either in Japan or with a Japanese theme. Sadly, there aren't too many out there, but I really enjoyed the ones that I did find, and if I missed any that you know of, please share them with me in the comments!

May 30th, 2011

Teddy Recs

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For this month's Decade of Snape/Lupin entry, I thought I'd put together a list of some of my favorite Snupin + Teddy fics and art. I have to admit that at first I didn't really care much for the idea of Teddy, mostly because he was a living reminder that Remus had lost faith in Severus and married someone else. However, I was quickly won over after reading a few great Teddy fics, and now I love seeing all the different ways that authors and artists bring Remus and Teddy and Severus together as a family. Plus, I have a soft spot for fics about Remus and Severus being parents, so it's only natural that Teddy fics would appeal to me!

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but just a few of my favorites. Feel free to chime in if you have any other Teddy recs that you would like to share!

April 29th, 2011

Hpcon_envy recs + discussion (Remus working with his hands)

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For this month's Decade of Snape/Lupin entry, I thought I'd serve up a couple of recs from [info]hpcon_envy, plus a little discussion that one of the stories inspired about Remus working with his hands.

April 12th, 2011

FIC: Fire of the Past, G

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Title: Fire of the Past
Author: Socks4Dobby
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus Snape, Remus Lupin
Rating: G
Length: 800
Warnings: Implied slash, no sex
Summary: Entailing the first conversation had between Severus Snape and Remus Lupin since leaving Hogwarts.
Disclaimer: I do not own "Harry Potter" or any of the characters from it. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.

Fire of the Past

March 30th, 2011

Rec list: Snupin-as-children fics

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For this month's Decade of Snape/Lupin entry, I thought I'd do a rec post with a slightly unusual theme: Snupin as children. Of course there are plenty of Marauders-era fics with a teenage Snape and Lupin falling in love and/or fighting their attraction to each other, but I was thinking more of stories where they're just entering Hogwarts. I could only think of two stories that fall into this category, but I really loved both of them. They're more pre-slash or friendship fics than romance (Snupin gen, if that's not a contradiction in terms?), but there's something very sweet about a young Severus and Remus meeting for the first time and forming a bond of friendship--which perhaps could turn into something more as they grow older.

January 30th, 2011

Rec list: Snupin, Hawaiian-style!

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I was planning to do a rec list for this month's entry for the Decade of Snape/Lupin project, and was trying to think of a good theme. While reading some of the current Snupin Santa entries, I came across a delightful story where Snape and Lupin went to Hawaii on their honeymoon, and it struck me that this was the third Snupin-in-Hawaii story that I'd come across! A rather short list, but it was an unusual enough theme that I thought it would be worth compiling.

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January 11th, 2011

Art Rec: 1 November 1981 by loupgarou1750 [NSFW]

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Done for Severus' birthday, [info]loupgarou1750 posted art at [info]severusbigbang.

The day after the attack, when the Dark Lord may be gone, and Lily certainly is, Severus has no one to take out his pain upon but himself.

Powerful and poignant, this piece says volumes about Severus' passionate nature and his his control.

The art: 1 November, 1981. Open to all.

January 10th, 2011

Fic/Art Rec: Exile

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Hello all! For my first post to this comm, I bring you the most awesome bit of Lupin/Snape fic and art ever!

Title: Exile on [info]snapelyholidays
Artist/Author: To be Revealed
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Rating: All Ages
Media: Ballpoint on Paper, Gimp
Content info: First War AU, Original Order/Death Eater: the Teenage Years, suspenders, glasses, Snape (and Lupin) being shouty and sneaky and not liking the future Dumbledore's prepared for them. Includes unexplained prior Snupin. Much talking and no smut, alas.
Summary: After Halloween in 1981, Remus Lupin takes a detour to Hogwarts before leaving the country, determined that he's not going to lose the only loved one he has left.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Why I'm Reccing This: This is probably the most ambitious thing I've ever seen. It is a comic comprised of 31 panels that creates a story so exquisite that you feel as if you've just read an epic novel. The artist captures so much emotion in every panel that you just want to weep and shout with joy. This is the story that should have happened. It's amazing and I urge you all to go now and immerse yourselves in it.

December 18th, 2010

FIC REC~ Snupin Santa: The strange and curious dreams of Herrn Ulrich Vilsak [NC17]

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Title: The strange and curious dreams of Herrn Ulrich Vilsak

Gaining Access: open to the public
Author: Snupin Santa
Length/Word Count: 29,253
Alternate Links to Fic/Art: none yet
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Rating: NC17
Original Summary: Magical AU, Prague ca. 1890. The last days before Josefov, the old Ghetto of Prague is being torn down to be rebuilt it seems the golem returns once more to walk the streets of Prague. Remus Lupin finds himself with a strange wand, an even stranger lover and no memories to fulfill a task he doesn’t even know.
Genre: Alternate Universe, Dark Fic, Mystery/Suspense
Warnings: Darkish; Written mostly in present tense; Magical AU; Slavery; Dubious Sexual Consent; Violence; Exhibitionism

Why everyone should read this. )

November 25th, 2010

A DECADE OF SS/RL: Snupin AU - Non-Magic - Recs

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Snupin Alternate Universe Recommendations
~ Non-Magic only ~

List created by Domaris Sky

Edited: May 9th, 2013

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October 9th, 2010

Trick or Treat! I bear hp_halloween recs of the Snupin variety

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If you don’t have a lot of time and you want to enjoy the chills and thrills of the Halloween Holiday, I bring Snupin tricks and treats culled from [info]hp_halloween. They cover the years 2004 to 2008…

The double-drabbles (some may be a bit more) are listed by their rating and posting time. Double brackets denote an assigned rating given after reading. )

I inexplicably had some time on my hands and thought that these gems needed some readers!

October 6th, 2010

Snupin of various flavors (could be tricks or treats) recs from contrelamontre on LJ

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I was looking for something else when I found these forgotten gems on LJ. They are written for a timed challenge and I'm blown away because these are not drabbles, folks!

Read, enjoy, and comment!

Another Night Down [PG13] by Jadis31
Pairing: Gen with Remus and Snape, there is a side of R/S, but only mentioned. )

How Things Work [PG] by cypressblack
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, some Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Summary: Severus Snape hates Remus Lupin. Remus hates him back. That’s how things work. ...Right? )

Kiss the Rain [PG] by littlemimm [darkieslash at sci dot fi]
Summary: There is life after death. It's just slightly different. A futurefic. )

In Tea Leaves [Light R] by kynical
Pairing: Remus/Severus, implied Sirius/Remus
Summary: Remus sits at the kitchen table sipping tea from the third best mug in the house. Post OoTP )

Hands [PG13] by Penknife
Pairing: Remus/Severus (more or less), Remus/Sirius implied.
Summary: It’s the morning after a long night. Post-OotP. )

Spectator Sport [PG] by Penknife
Summary: Remus watches. )

untitled [Hard R] by dreams_in_green
Notes: PWP. Written in 45 minutes, 61 including the quick beta by bansidhe. )

October 5th, 2010

Halloween recs from hp_halloween 2009

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Since this is October…Setting the mood with the 2009 [info]hp_halloween Snupin entries!

Haunted [R] by dirty_darella

NWS Halloween Treats [NC17] by scribbulus_ink
Pairing: Remus/Severus/Sirius

Celebration [T] by pochibubblytea

NWS A Wall Comes Down [NC17] by nimrod_9
Pairing: Remus/Severus, implied Remus/Severus/Sirius

Promises [PG] by shadowycat

Carving Memories [G] by Karasu_Hime

An Extended Discovery [G] by lore

Phantom Lover [PG-13] by sweetmelodykiss

Halloween Surprise [PG13] by azure_rosa

September 2nd, 2010

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My tiny contibution to yesterday's [info]bbtp_challengecan be found here 

There are a couple more snupin shorts as well and another by bonfoi (that she didn't post here) has multiple pairings including snupin.  Check them out!!

P.S.  The icon section is HOT  and so NWS!! *g*
P.P.S.  I know you need something to read while we slackers finish up our fantasy fest entries!!

August 29th, 2010

Art Rec: Belt by wandarer3 @ DeviantArt, NWS

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Title: Belt
Artist: wandarer3 @ DeviantArt
Rating: NWS
Warnings: Nudity, BDSM, sub!Snape

*waves timidly* I may write Snarry, but I love reading and viewing Snanyone. Accordingly, I thought I'd point you guys toward a sub!Snape BDSM Snupin piece by an artist I haven't seen mentioned here before. Her faces and bodies are wonderfully gnarled and bony and not at all Fabio beefcake, and in this piece there's a delicacy of colour that reminds me a little of Fanlay's wonderful work.

August 25th, 2010

rec NWS art

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Ok, we'll try this again….everyone take a quick break from their fantasy fest to have a look at this totally NWS drawing of our favorite threesome...well one of our favorite threesomes Remus/Severus/Sirius done by  [info]someoldcat

Now everyone back to work!! *g*</div>

April 9th, 2010

Snupin Showers Part 1: Recs

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My apologies for getting this out late in the day - I meant to send it from the office, but that whole pesky 'work' thing got in the way.
We'll start with some recs, mostly from the wayback machine:

Those I Can Save by bronzeribbons for Snupin Santa 2007  (PG-13)
I have a huge weakness for Snape and kids, plus this is just a beautiful journey for all involved, with bonus bad-ass ladies. 

Dreams and Nightmares series by MusIgneus (NC-17, warnings to be heeded on site)
I always rec this one, and that's because I consistently reread it at Moonshadow.  I have favorite chapters, but the work is wonderful as a whole. I still find that the final chapter is one of the most emotionally fulfilling endings I've read in fic. I get choked up every single time.  It begins with "A Short Measure" and you follow the sequels from there.

Two illustrations for 'His Due' by rosemont1021; art by kaleidoskope for Snupin Santa 2007 (PG-13, both WS)
Color, texture, beautiful composition - I love the romance of the second image, and the humor in the first.  The story on which they are based is also well worth a read!

In the Spring of their Forever
by karasu_hime for Snupin Santa 2008 (G, WS)
This is one of my favorites of karasu's, for the gorgeous details and intriguing character design as well as the history of relationship implicit in the image.

1979 by nepenth for Snupin Santa 2009 (PG-13)
This is a striking piece, wonderful for its contrast of light and shadow, the details that create such a great mood, and the patterns that so firmly evoke the era. Those jeans pulled tight across Snape's bum are quite appealing, too.  Hee.

A Moment of Grace by julythirtyfirst for Snupin Santa 2008 (page is PG-13)
An illustration for one of my favorites, 'The Waltz Continues' by busaikko, I love the lines and the beautiful emotion of Snape and Lupin's embrace.  The accompanying art, 'Wet Kiss', is great, too.

What Price Wolfsbane? by mific (G)
I love this style, so reminiscent of a fine woodcut or print. It's different, and yet still has a wonderful story with deep implications. 

And that'll do for now.  I'll return later this evening with more.

March 11th, 2010

Chat for the next few nights & February Crack_Broom recs

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First off, I'm in the chat room tonight and I'll probably also be in there tomorrow night (Friday) as well. So if you'd like to come in and talk Snupin or ask questions or just hang out, please do! If you are overseas from the US, go ahead and check to see if people are around. There's several West Coasters that might be around, and, well, I'm a vampire (yes, me and Snape!).

Second, here are my Crack_Broom recs from last month. If you're interested in reccing there, see my last mod post. A long queue is a healthy queue!

Video: Right Where You Are by Doris
Art: Unexpected Thanks by Qui_Quae_Quod
Art: The Union of Slytherin and Gryffindor by SlippedDee
Story: Head of House by Bk7brokemybrain
Story: Sympathy for the Devil by Circe
Story: Spark by McKay
Story: Thirteen Months by Argosy

As I always say when I rec, if you go look or read, let the writers and artists know. There's no better slice of happy than a new comment on an old piece. "Thanks" would do it, trust me. ^_^

love, lore

February 28th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: Journey's End by leni_jess [NC17]

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Today, I read Journey's End [NC17] (2009-02-25) by the talented author, [info]leni_jess. This piece was part of the 2009 [info]hpvalensmut celebration on LJ. I was blown away!

Warning: First time

Why I recommend it: This is one of those "missing pieces" of canon that fits effortlessly into the books as written. It explains so much and it reveals it as well. The pacing of the story pulls the reader along with Severus as he finally gives in to his hidden desire and his passion. Remus is a strong character, losing his own chains, to be with Severus.

My summary: To fly is to feel freedom. To land is to accept everything about life: pain, passion, and pleasure.

February 27th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: In the Halls of Death by immortalautumn [G/PG]

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In the Halls of Death by immortalautumn [G/PG] (2007-12-09) was [info]immortalautumn's first post to [info]lupin_snape. How I missed this the first go round, I cannot say, but it is worth the reading and rereading!

Why I recommend it: Severus Snape is...was...a complicated, convoluted individual of strong passions and stronger nerves. He would never let anyone harm those he loved, and he'd lie to the heavens if it would protect them. It's that multilayered man that [info]immortalautumn writes about so well.

My summary: Meeting after death, Remus and Severus await the rest of their journeys into the Afterlife. There's rancor and deceit, not to mention memory and heartache, at the ephemeral King's Cross Station.

The author did not rate their piece, thus I did for the interests of archiving.

February 26th, 2010

Romantic Art Rec: * lick * by aleonic [PG13]

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Spreading the love, [info]aleonic created an LJ art gift for McKay in 2006 on the pies_and_sherry LJ site, known as * lick * [PG13] which took my breath away.

Why I recommend it: There's a vulnerability in letting a werewolf lick and nip your naked neck. Severus' pose and Remus' wrapping around him like ivy...their bodies so close, a sliver of moonlight couldn't find its way between them. It is love.

My summary: A moment, a gift of time, a turn of the head...there are a thousand words this drawing brings to mind.

Alternate site: Visit [info]aleonic's gallery.

February 25th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: (Not) Beauty and the Beast, A Fractured Fairy Tale by McKay [PG]

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(Not) Beauty and the Beast, A Fractured Fairy Tale by McKay [PG] (2005) is one of my favorite fairy tales brought to wonderful life with Severus and Remus. How could I not recommend it?

Why I recommend it: As I got into the fandom, I kept hearing about Mckay's stories and one day, I tracked some down. This little gem caught my eye and my fancy. It's not often an author takes a beloved fairy tale and really makes it his/her own. McKay does that and still leaves me loving the Grimms' Fairy Tale version I grew up with.

My summary: It's hard to stay enemies with a determined werewolf who knows when to employ tea laced with alcohol. It's even harder not to fall in love with said werewolf when all the shouting's done.

Please note the link goes to the story summary page at the archive, Chocolate Frog: McKay and Arionrhod's Fanfiction

February 24th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: The Tumid Courtship by cruisedirector [PG13]

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When I think of balloon animals now, I think of The Tumid Courtship [PG13] (for [info]meneathiel as part of Snupin Santa 2005 on LJ) written by [info]cruisedirector. Why? When it comes to taking a prompt and making it special, [info]cruisedirector has the chops and the sense of humor to do so.

Why I recommend it: I may be in a "courting Severus" phase, but this little fic brings a smile to my face every time I read it. After all, catching Severus Snape's interest takes a bit of guile and mischief, especially with the tokens Remus has chosen.

My summary: A secret admirer and his balloon animals enliven Severus' life after the war...and cause speculation to run rampant in the halls of Hogwarts.

February 23rd, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: Courting Severus Snape by firefly_quill [PG13]

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Courting Severus Snape may be asking for trouble, but oh, what wonderful trouble to have! Courting Severus Snape [PG13] (2005), the first Snupin offered by the talented [info]firefly_quill on the Lupin_Snape LJ site makes that perfectly clear.

Why I recommend it: The sheer fun of this fic was so refreshing to experience! The dialogue is witty and wonderfully paced. It's a short, fun read that really perks one up!

My summary: Falling in love is never easy, and when the object of one's affections is a prickly wizard whose heart beats for potions and Dark Magic...well, let's just say that it takes a determined lycanthrope to wear him down.
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