July 13th, 2009

[info]red_day_dawning in [info]lupin100

Prompt #253 - cross-over. The inhalation and exhalation of longing.

Harry Potter/The Lord of the Rings

Title: The Inhalation and Exhalation of Longing
Author: red_day_dawning
Word count: 100
Challenge: #253 - cross-over
Pairing: (past) Severus/Lupin; Celeborn/Lupin
Rating: pg-13
Disclaimer: JKR owns all HP characters and settings. Middle-earth, Rivendell, Celeborn, Elladan and Elrohir are from the works of J.R.R.Tolkien.
A/N: This is set during the Fourth Age. Only a handful of elves remain in Middle-earth. Lothlorien lies empty; Galadriel and Elrond have sailed away. Celeborn lives in Rivendell, alone with the sons of Elrond, until he can bear it no longer. It has been said that he was the last elf to sail.

**Link to my journal**

[info]nimrod_9 in [info]lupin100

Title: Compatibility
Pairing: Lupin/Spock
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: unbeta’d
Challenge: #253 Crossover – Star Trek


[info]nimrod_9 in [info]lupin100

Title: On the Prowl
Pairing: Lupin/Snape  with a side of Legalos
Word Count: 100
Rating: R
Warnings: unbeta’d. Implied threesome.
Challenge: #253 crossover - LOTR

[info]ellid in [info]lupin100

Title: Englishman in New York, I
Challenge: crossover (with J.D. Robb’s Eve Dallas futuristic mysteries)
Rating: G
Note: this is set in 2060 or thereabouts.

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