Nov. 19th, 2007


Title: A Movable Feast
Characters or Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13 (pre-slash)
Warnings: My first drabble challenge. :) And unbetad.
Challenge: #171 Feast
Author's Notes: Inspired by a heart-wrenching scene in As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann, which I recommend everyone who likes angsty slash to read.

Through the long, bleak hours on the road his eyes often wandered and devoured them. His mind would not lie still with hunger. He planned long moments on arrival savouring each one, their cool simplicity between his fingers as he consumed his reward.

They glistened as the coach jolted, tempting him further. But greed was unbecoming in the company of strangers. He would wait.

Together they had spent many hours travelling beyond reach of their past. Each weary day was a blessing. Each night was a movable feast, a cornucopia of pleasure, as he undid each button with reckless care.