Feb. 13th, 2010


Community Closing

For months, posting in this community has been primarily from one person. The lack of significant input from others tells me that there is little interest in this community any longer, so I don't see the point in continuing to post weekly challenges.

I'm not going to delete the community, but as of today, I will no longer be posting challenges, and new drabbles will need to be posted elsewhere.

As sorry as I am to say it after nearly 6 years of activity, [info]lupin100 is now closed.

Sep. 9th, 2007


Admin and Challenge #161 - Family Man

Hello, all - it's good to be back at the mod helm. :) Before we get to this week's challenge, I want to go over a few things.

First, I can't remember off-hand if this has even been officially okayed, but if not, I thought it would be fun to accept drawbles here if any artists would like to play with the weekly challenges the way writers do. Just please put it behind a cut if it's a large image.

Second, while I don't foresee moving the community exclusively to InsaneJournal in the immediate future, I encourage everyone to use the IJ Lupin100, whether through cross-posting or simply posting there. I'm going to cross-post all challenge posts there from now on and set up a tagging system.

Third, although this isn't a porn-oriented community, we do occasionally have adult material. Given LJ/6A's new stringency regarding underage material, I think we need to start f-locking any drabbles or drawbles that feature any characters under the age of 18 in sexually explicit situations just to be on the safe side.

If you've posted any drabbles like that in the past, please go back and f-lock them, and please lock any drabbles/drawbles that contain under-18 explicit sex from now on. We don't have a lot of that, so I don't anticipate it being a huge problem, but in the current climate, I think it's better to be safe than sorry.

This only applies to the Livejournal version of the community; under-18 sexually explicit drabbles/drawbles posted to InsaneJournal may remain unlocked.

Otherwise, things will continue as usual. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. And now, on to this week's challenge.

Challenge #161 - Family Man