February 4th, 2010

[info]ellid in [info]lupin100

Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania! 4
Challenges: north [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

"The land? It was a factory. My father worked there." Severus gestured with his wand. The image of what had been loomed over them: smokestack belching filth, the faint clack of looms, lorries bringing yarn and fiber and canvas, lorries carrying rolls of carpet north and south, grimy men and grim-faced women lining up for pay envelopes after a shift….

"And they want to put up a silly horror-themed hotel." Remus watched as the ghost factory faded into the dusk. "That's - insensitive, to say the least."

"Will you help?"

Remus hesitated. "What precisely do you want me to do?"