February 3rd, 2010

[info]ellid in [info]lupin100

Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania! 3
Challenges: north [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

Remus bit back a comment about even a vampire-themed hotel livening up the grim old Northern town. "What do you want me to do? I'm neither a solicitor nor a saboteur."

"You're a werewolf! Haunt them! Piss on the foundation!" Severus thrust his hands in his pockets as a cold north wind whipped down the street.

"That I will not. Moony isn't a weapon," said Remus, a bit too crisply. "The workers have done nothing wrong."

"I should have known better than to ask."

Remus kicked at a lump of concrete. "Maybe I could do some research on the land."