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Feb. 12th, 2010


Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania! 10
Challenges: south [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

Severus digested the news that the Tonks family owned enough stock in Four Quarters Hotels to block or modify construction of the Hotel Transylvania. Ted had always struck him as amiable but ineffectual (rather like Lupin). That he had been good at investing, and presumably finance, was not expected.

Neither was Lupin's ability to dominate a businessman like Jack Quarters.

"I assume you need to head south," he said.

"Not immediately." Remus cocked his head. "Andromeda is watching Teddy for the day. Why?"

Severus hesitated. "The least I can is stand you a pint."

Remus nodded, slowly. "You're welcome."

Feb. 11th, 2010


Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania! 9
Challenges: south [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

"I never knew you cared about truth in advertising laws," said Remus. "The recipe they use at the Hotel Transylvanias in America supposedly includes cranberry juice, not blood."

"Jolly for them." Severus glared at the construction site. The equipment stood silent, much of it covered in blue tarpaulins against the wind from the south. "How much stock does she own?"

"About thirty percent. Ted inherited it from a great-uncle, and Andromeda inherited it from him." Remus' expression was unreadable. "Add in the other Tonks heirs, and what I hold in trust for Teddy, and it's enough to block Mr. Quarters."

Feb. 9th, 2010


Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania! 7
Challenges: south [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

Severus laughed, not kindly. "No catch? She's a Black. Of course there's a catch. Is she asking for custody of Teddy? Demanding you move in with her?"

"No catch. She was just as outraged by the idea of the Hotel Transylvania as you are." Remus shrugged as they walked out into the sunlight. "She decided to holiday in Corfu - "

"She left her widow's weeds and went south for the winter?" Severus sneered at a news kiosk.

" - and met a widower from Transylvania." Remus tossed a coin at the terrified newsboy. "She's tired of the vampire jokes."

Feb. 8th, 2010


Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania! 6
Challenges: south [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

"Just because you're from the south doesn't give you the right - "

Remus, still smiling, shut the door on Jack Quarters' tirade. Severus rose as Quarters' secretary dashed past into his office.

"I take it he's not pleased."

"Rather the opposite." Remus stuck his hands in his pockets. "He had no idea Andromeda owned enough stock in his business to block construction. Neither did she, for that matter, but as long as it works, does it matter?"

Severus made a face. "Your mother-in-law - "


" - is being unexpectedly helpful. What's the catch?"

"Perhaps there isn't one."

Feb. 5th, 2010


Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania! 5
Challenges: north [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

Jack Quaters (born Squartatore in North London) looked up as his secretary ushered the tweedy, graying man into his office. "So. You have a proposal for me, Mr. Loopner - "

"Lupin." He smiled pleasantly. "It's from one of your stockholders. Mrs. Tonks."

"Tonks?" Jack frowned. "You're her solicitor?"

"Not precisely, but she's authorized me to speak for her on this matter." said Lupin, still smiling. He handed over a sealed letter. "She's decided to exercise her opt-out clause on the Hotel Transylvania."

Jack stared. "We've started construction!"

The tweedy man stopped smiling. "I'm sure something can be worked out."

Feb. 4th, 2010


Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania! 4
Challenges: north [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

"The land? It was a factory. My father worked there." Severus gestured with his wand. The image of what had been loomed over them: smokestack belching filth, the faint clack of looms, lorries bringing yarn and fiber and canvas, lorries carrying rolls of carpet north and south, grimy men and grim-faced women lining up for pay envelopes after a shift….

"And they want to put up a silly horror-themed hotel." Remus watched as the ghost factory faded into the dusk. "That's - insensitive, to say the least."

"Will you help?"

Remus hesitated. "What precisely do you want me to do?"

Feb. 3rd, 2010


Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania! 3
Challenges: north [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

Remus bit back a comment about even a vampire-themed hotel livening up the grim old Northern town. "What do you want me to do? I'm neither a solicitor nor a saboteur."

"You're a werewolf! Haunt them! Piss on the foundation!" Severus thrust his hands in his pockets as a cold north wind whipped down the street.

"That I will not. Moony isn't a weapon," said Remus, a bit too crisply. "The workers have done nothing wrong."

"I should have known better than to ask."

Remus kicked at a lump of concrete. "Maybe I could do some research on the land."

Feb. 2nd, 2010


Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania!, 2
Challenges: north [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

"Severus. I thought this already was a Muggle neighborhood." Remus leaned forward to get a better look at the foundation hole.

"The old neighbors left me alone. Tourists staying at a vampire-themed hotel?" Severus glared at the glossy sign from Northern Darkness Properties, Incorporated. "I've already had one of the investors ask if I wanted a job!"

Remus forced back a laugh. "Well, if you didn't wear a cloak in public - "

"I was wearing Muggle clothes. Do you think I'm stupid?" Severus had turned an alarming shade of red. "I've always lived here. I don't want to move."

Feb. 1st, 2010


Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania, 1
Challenges: north [info]snape100, Hotel Transylvania [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

The crane loomed over the open foundation like some prehistoric beast. Remus squinted at the neatly printed sign.

"'Future site of the Hotel Transylvania. Hard hat area. Trespassers will be prosecuted.'" He turned to Severus, who was glaring at the concrete pit with the same expression he usually reserved for mentions of Sirius Black. "It's a construction zone."

Severus bared his teeth at the sign. "It's part of a coordinated effort to bring tourism to the North. That means restaurants. Shops. Muggles."

"I'm not sure what you want me to do."

"It's a block from my house."

"Oh. Dear me."

Jan. 29th, 2010


Title: A Night on the Town, X
Challenge: the Dursleys [info]snape100, myths [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

The only dessert was commercial gateau, so Remus called for the bill. "My treat," he said as they exited to the sound of Petunia Dursley spinning a tale of Dudley's ordinary childhood. "Let someone else listen to the myth of Dursley normality."

"Thank you. I was considering hexing the telly." Severus thrust his hands into his pockets, then pulled the injured one out with a wince. "It's time I saw Poppy regardless."

"I understand," said Remus. He hesitated. "Same time next week?"

Severus frowned slightly, then nodded. "Until then."

Remus raised a hand in farewell as Severus disappeared. "Until then."

Jan. 28th, 2010


Title: A Night on the Town, IX
Challenge: the Dursleys [info]snape100, myths [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

The boxing match had switched to a sentimental profile of Dudley Dursley, Typical British Boy from a Typical British Family. Severus took great delight in skewering the lies, exaggerations, and outright myths about Dudley, his mother, and his childhood.

Remus set down his fork, laughing. "She really stole Lily's broom and tried to fly? I thought James was making that up!"

"We were trying out a Chameleon Charm so I could work on my flying during hols. Petunia grabbed Lily's Cleansweep and jumped off the top of the slide." Severus smirked. "At least she wasn't injured."

"Very true. Dessert?"


Jan. 27th, 2010


Title: A Night on the Town, VIII
Challenge: the Dursleys [info]snape100, myths [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

Whatever his flaws, Dudley was an excellent boxer. Soon they were treated to the sight of the Killer Whale lifting a belt on high while a presenter shoved a microphone into his mother's face.

"He chose the killer whale as his spirit totem during his gap year," said Petunia Dursley. "He went to Vancouver to help with potlatch distribution and the myths called to him, so - "

"Good God, she hasn't changed a bit." Severus stabbed at his potatoes. "I should get tickets to Dudley's next match just to watch her faint."

Remus laughed. "It would serve her right."

Jan. 26th, 2010


Title: A Night on the Town, VII
Challenge: the Dursleys [info]snape100, myths [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

"Dudley Dursley is a professional boxer," said Remus faintly. He gulped down half his pint. "Harry's great lump of a cousin."

"Not such a great lump as all that." Severus stared at the huge, perfectly muscled man striding into the boxing ring. "Not my type, but not the obese little sod Potter used to whine about."

The Killer Whale swirled a cape stitched with Native American gods from his shoulders and raised his meaty arms. The crowd roared its approval as he turned in a circle.

"Harry never told me Dudley had taken up boxing." Remus signaled for another pint.

Jan. 25th, 2010


Title: A Night on the Town, VI
Challenge: the Dursleys [info]snape100, myths [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

Severus did not relax until his ex had been absorbed by the crowd watching a darts game. Remus ordered food, and by the time it arrived they were deep in a conversation about last autumn's Muggle election in America.

"And your mother actually cares?"

"At least she hasn't fallen for the urban legend about voting machines," said Remus. "At least, I think it's a myth."

"And now, ladies and gentlemen - the main event! Johnny "Mad Dog" Rico against Dudley "The Killer Whale" Dursley!"

Severus' jaw dropped. Remus gaped at the telly. "Isn't that - "

"Potter's cousin?"

Jan. 22nd, 2010


Title: A Night on the Town, V
Challenge: help [info]snape100, bitten [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

Severus raised an eyebrow. "Why, Lupin. I didn't know you cared," he drawled. "I happen to agree, but if this is some attempt at soothing my wounded feelings, don't bother. It was almost ten years ago."

Remus glanced at the ex. He was handsome enough, and had his arm wrapped about a giggling youth with a suspicious sniffle. "Even so, I'm amazed you didn't gut him."

"Not worth the bother." Severus took another sip of his beer. "I've simply avoided involvement since then. Once bit, twice shy, you know."

Remus thinned his lips. No wonder he's the way he is.

Jan. 21st, 2010


Title: A Night on the Town, IV
Challenge: help [info]snape100, bitten [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

Remus automatically cast a privacy spell. The redhead had just bitten into a pickled egg, and he swallowed quickly and joined in yelling at the Premier League game on the telly.

"Your boyfriend?" Remus forced down a quick, illogical flare of jealousy. "I thought - "

"He's the Weasleys' Squib cousin. The accountant." Severus scowled at the tabletop. "I needed help with Inland Revenue a few years ago. We dated for a few months."

"It didn't end well, I take it."

"Dumped me by post right before you joined the faculty." Severus drank deep of his pint.

"Idiot," said Remus.

Jan. 20th, 2010


Title: A Night on the Town, III
Challenge: help [info]snape100, bitten [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

The Farmer George was packed. Remus slipped a fiver to one of the barmaids with a whispered "my friend needs to sit down. Dog bite, you know," and followed her to a suddenly empty booth near the back. Severus nodded stiffly at her helpful suggestion of "a pint to help the pain," and took his seat.

"Are you all right?" Remus frowned at how pale Severus had gone. "We can - "

"That man by the telly. The one with ginger hair." Severus swallowed. "Does he come here often?"

Remus peered over his reading glasses. "Sometimes. Why?"

"He's my ex-boyfriend."

Jan. 19th, 2010


Title: A Night on the Town, II
Challenge: help [info]snape100, bitten [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

"Have you seen Poppy? Thestral bites can be nasty." Remus automatically stepped forward to help as Severus tried to pull on a jacket with one hand. "I've heard some horror stories about infection."

"She's seen it. Said I needed to keep it open for a few hours until she'd heal it." Severus raised the wounded hand. "I've taken the standard anti-infection potions. Now all I have to do is wait three hours."

He gave Remus a sardonic look. "Going to London is an acceptable way to pass the time."

"Glad to help," said Remus as they reached the sally port.

Jan. 18th, 2010


Title: A Night on the Town, I
Challenge: help [info]snape100, bitten [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, help -

Remus paused outside the door to Severus' quarters. Muggle music on the wireless was understandable during the holidays, but it was halfway through January.

He's a half-blood, like me. Why shouldn't he like the Beatles?

"Severus? I was at the school and - my God, what happened to you?"

Severus scowled at the bandage swathing his hand. "Hagrid was ill, so I took his classes. Thestral bite."

"If you want to put off going into town - "

"I'm fine. Let's go."

Jan. 14th, 2010


Title: New Year's Resolutions at the Copper Beeches, #4
Challenges: fifty [info]snape100, resolutions [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100
Note: the Snape/Lupin household, like many others, has its New Year's Resolutions…..

Severus opened the creamy white envelope. He stared at the contents, then tore invitation and envelope into precise halves, quarters, and eighths.

Remus waited for him to finish before slipping an arm about his waist. "What was it?"

"An invitation. It's the fiftieth anniversary of that old fraud Pickingill serving on the Board of Governors." Severus exhaled. He was trembling slightly.

"I know you hate him, love - "

"It was addressed to 'Deputy Headmaster Snape and guest.'"

Remus hugged him more tightly. "He won't live forever."

Resolution #4: We will only accept invitations that acknowledge us as a family.

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