April 2012



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Feb. 21st, 2012


Who: Trystan and Llewellyn
When: Wednesday, Feb 22, lunch
Where: Llewellyn's office in the Ministry
What: Trystan is worried about his brother.

Sod any meetings you might have, we're having a weekly lunch. )

Feb. 15th, 2012


An anonymous Howler sent to the office of the Minister. )

Feb. 14th, 2012


Who: Llewellyn Cadwallader, Bellatrix Black
When: 10 AM, February 12th, 1980; the morning of the execution
Where: Llew's office
What: Llew confronts Bellatrix about the accusations of her being a Death Eater. It... does not go well.

Bellatrix’s record was spotless, even with her conservative leanings. )

Feb. 13th, 2012


Narrative: Sturgis, Cadwallader, and Hayden Jugson (also, anyone who happened to be there)

Who: Stugis Podmore, Llewellyn Cadwallader, Hayden Jugson, various politicians and media folks, DMLE folks, etc.
When: 8 PM, February 12th, 1980.
Where: The Ministry of Magic Atrium
What: A Press Conference; Executive Order 3125

'He's just...just a stupid kid...' )

Feb. 2nd, 2012


One never knows what each day is going to bring. The important thing is to be open and ready for it.

Who: Frank, Alice, and Llewellyn
Where: Minister's Office.
When: Friday the 25th, after the battle.
What: Alice has confirmation of a Death Eater. The Minister needs to know.

But it had to be done. )

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Who: Trystan and Llewellyn
When: After his entry
Where: Trystan and Emilie's home
What: Trys and Llew finally get some stuff out in the open and make up.

Time to make up. )

Nov. 16th, 2011


Who: Millicent and the Minister
What: What about a spot of infringing on civil liberties? Good for the complexion!
Where: Cads' office of infinite justice!
When: Evening, when all the work really gets done around here
Rating: Conceptually tame, linguistically suspect

Barefoot in the... ministry )

Oct. 19th, 2011


Who: Llewellyn and Trystan Cadwallader
When: BACKDATED - July, 1979
Where: A jewelry store
What: Trystan is trying to buy an engagement ring, except he sucks at it. Llewellyn helps him not suck so bad. :D

'We’re Cadwalladers. We’re not going to let a little ring trouble set us back, are we?' )

Oct. 7th, 2011


Owl: Llewellyn Cadwallader to Phillip Summers

Owl to Phillip Summers )

Oct. 5th, 2011


PLOT! Minister's Address

Who: Llewellyn Cadwallader
When: Wednesday October 5th, 1979
Where: The Ministry of Magic Atrium
What: A Press Conference, Changes.

They have been three steps ahead of us for too long, and I say no more! )

Sep. 25th, 2011


RP Log: Amelia and Llewellyn

Who: Amelia Bones and Llewellyn Cadwallader
When: Sunday, September 4th; after the attack on Little Hangleton.
Where: The Minister's office, Ministry of Magic, London
What: Amelia reads Llew the riot act. Shenanigans do not ensue.

'Do you have an appointment, Madam Bones? Because I’m afraid I’m awfully busy at the moment.' )

Sep. 16th, 2011


Private Owl Post for Llewellyn Cadwallader.

Cursed private for the receiver only. )

Aug. 17th, 2011


Who: Llewellyn Cadwallader and Amelia Bones
When: The night Order 3120 was announced, after this conversation.
Where: The Ministerial Manor
What: Drinks. DMLE Discussions. Professional affection.

'Let’s look at you. Still in one piece, still looking strong. Think we’ll make it through the weekend?' )

Aug. 13th, 2011


Official Memo from the Desk of Amelia S. Bones

[For the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Aurors and Hitwizards | CC: Minister Cadwallader, Deputy Minister Frobisher] )

[Specifically for Obliviators, Excusers, Mediwizards | CC: Minister Cadwallader, Deputy Minister Frobisher] )