Sep. 4th, 2011


Who: The Death Eaters, citizens of Little Hangleton. Eventually, the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix.
When: Sundown, Sunday the 4th of September
Where: Little Hangleton
What: An object lesson.

The instructions were clear: No survivors. )

Aug. 17th, 2011


Who: Llewellyn Cadwallader and Amelia Bones
When: The night Order 3120 was announced, after this conversation.
Where: The Ministerial Manor
What: Drinks. DMLE Discussions. Professional affection.

'Let’s look at you. Still in one piece, still looking strong. Think we’ll make it through the weekend?' )

Aug. 14th, 2011


IC/OOC Protest Post

Who: Anyone who cares to show up!
When: Sunday, August 14th
Where: Hogsmeade
What: Sticking it to the man!
So, guys, this is how this goes. )

The streets of Hogsmeade had been suspiciously busy all day )