Nov. 11th, 2011


RP Log: Audrey Dearborn and Geoffrey Wood

Who: Audrey and Geoffrey
What: Audrey is impatient again.
Where: Audrey's office
When: Shortly after this
Rating: I dunno. PG?

He should have expected that Dearborn was getting impatient, should have known that this was coming.  )

Nov. 3rd, 2011


RP Log: Audrey Dearborn and Caradoc Dearborn

Who: Audrey and Caradoc
What: Cousin-ly love. Dearborn style.
Where: The DMLE drunk tank and her office.
When: Now works.
Rating: PG-13 for language?

Didn’t I sign a waiver last time banning you from being my emergency contact? )

Sep. 12th, 2011


RP Log: Audrey Dearborn and Geoffrey Wood

Who: Audrey Dearborn and Geoffrey Wood
What: Geoff is in troouuuuble
Where: Audrey's office
When: Three o'clock. A month to the day after Geoff started his assignment.
Rating: PG (and Audrey's a hardass)

Geoff knew he slipped up, and hated it. )

Sep. 4th, 2011


Official Memo from the desk of Audrey Dearborn.

To: Ms. Amelia S. Bones.
CC: Minister Cadwallader, Deputy Minister Frobisher, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, Mr. Frank Longbottom, and Mr. Eugene Avery

Re: Special Investigations Training )


RP Log: Audrey Dearborn and Amelia Bones

Who: Audrey Dearborn and Amelia Bones
What: Looking over the new recruits and an idea.
Where: Audrey's office in the DMLE
When: Late afternoon/ Early evening, September 4th
Rating: PGish for drinking and a bit of language

Audrey was finally, finally finishing up for the day )

Aug. 13th, 2011


RP Log: Geoffrey and Audrey

Who: Geoffrey Wood and Audrey Dearborn
When: Friday, August 12th, day.
Where: Audrey's Office; Department of Magical Law Enforcement; The Ministry of Magic; London.
What: Briefing.

'So what makes him so special?' 'The Order of the Phoenix,' Audrey said simply and clearly. )