Feb. 13th, 2012


Narrative: Sturgis, Cadwallader, and Hayden Jugson (also, anyone who happened to be there)

Who: Stugis Podmore, Llewellyn Cadwallader, Hayden Jugson, various politicians and media folks, DMLE folks, etc.
When: 8 PM, February 12th, 1980.
Where: The Ministry of Magic Atrium
What: A Press Conference; Executive Order 3125

'He's just...just a stupid kid...' )

Dec. 26th, 2011


Ministry Christmas Ball!

Who: Minister Cadwallader, the Ministry folks, anyone who bought a ticket, the ridiculous amount of security.
When: December 20th
Where: The Ministerial Manor
What: A ball! Where nothing bad happened! At all!

After a long and trying year, the annual Ministry of Magic Fundraiser Christmas Charity Ball...thing... is undoubtedly the biggest event of the winter season. There's food, music, dancing, formalwear, lost of alcohol and more Christmas cheer than a country in such dire straights has any right to have.

Cads himself will be getting a bit tipsy, with his personal bodyguards on hand to ensure that nothing bad should happen, and will personally tell each and every individual Ministry employee how much he appreciates their hard work and dedication to their job. Depending on the time of night/how drunk he is/how friendly they are, they might even get a hug. All Ministry employees will also receive various gifts from the Ministry, usually something small and kitschy, like a mug that says "I <3 my M.o.M." or similar.

NB: Mistletoe was banned after the Holly Incident of 1937 (seven Wizengamot Witches and Wizards were fired after harassment suits, mostly from one another. Much damage control was done by all).

Dec. 2nd, 2011


Inter-Office Memo to all members of the DMLE



Henceforth, all records belonging to the Spell Damage ward of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries relating to individuals suspected of extralegal terrorist activity OR dated around the occurrence of known terrorist attacks will be subject to search and seizure by the Hitwizard and Auror departments of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

This information is to be considered classified, and not to be needlessly released to the general public.

Nov. 16th, 2011


Who: Millicent and the Minister
What: What about a spot of infringing on civil liberties? Good for the complexion!
Where: Cads' office of infinite justice!
When: Evening, when all the work really gets done around here
Rating: Conceptually tame, linguistically suspect

Barefoot in the... ministry )

Oct. 5th, 2011


PLOT! Minister's Address

Who: Llewellyn Cadwallader
When: Wednesday October 5th, 1979
Where: The Ministry of Magic Atrium
What: A Press Conference, Changes.

They have been three steps ahead of us for too long, and I say no more! )

Sep. 4th, 2011


Who: The Death Eaters, citizens of Little Hangleton. Eventually, the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix.
When: Sundown, Sunday the 4th of September
Where: Little Hangleton
What: An object lesson.

The instructions were clear: No survivors. )

Aug. 17th, 2011


Who: Llewellyn Cadwallader and Amelia Bones
When: The night Order 3120 was announced, after this conversation.
Where: The Ministerial Manor
What: Drinks. DMLE Discussions. Professional affection.

'Let’s look at you. Still in one piece, still looking strong. Think we’ll make it through the weekend?' )

Aug. 13th, 2011


RP Log: Geoffrey and Audrey

Who: Geoffrey Wood and Audrey Dearborn
When: Friday, August 12th, day.
Where: Audrey's Office; Department of Magical Law Enforcement; The Ministry of Magic; London.
What: Briefing.

'So what makes him so special?' 'The Order of the Phoenix,' Audrey said simply and clearly. )