Sep. 25th, 2011


RP Log: Amelia and Llewellyn

Who: Amelia Bones and Llewellyn Cadwallader
When: Sunday, September 4th; after the attack on Little Hangleton.
Where: The Minister's office, Ministry of Magic, London
What: Amelia reads Llew the riot act. Shenanigans do not ensue.

'Do you have an appointment, Madam Bones? Because I’m afraid I’m awfully busy at the moment.' )

Sep. 16th, 2011


Private Owl Post for Llewellyn Cadwallader.

Cursed private for the receiver only. )

Sep. 15th, 2011


Who: Ewan Rosier and Amelia Bones
What: Ewan is having an attack of conscience and has some children for Amelia.
Where: An abandoned house in Limerick
When: after this
Rating: Violence. Quite a lot of it.

For now, she was focused on the task at hand )

Sep. 4th, 2011


Official Memo from the desk of Audrey Dearborn.

To: Ms. Amelia S. Bones.
CC: Minister Cadwallader, Deputy Minister Frobisher, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, Mr. Frank Longbottom, and Mr. Eugene Avery

Re: Special Investigations Training )


RP Log: Audrey Dearborn and Amelia Bones

Who: Audrey Dearborn and Amelia Bones
What: Looking over the new recruits and an idea.
Where: Audrey's office in the DMLE
When: Late afternoon/ Early evening, September 4th
Rating: PGish for drinking and a bit of language

Audrey was finally, finally finishing up for the day )

Aug. 30th, 2011


Who: Amelia Bones and Gideon Prewett
When: The night of the protest (so Sunday the 14th)
Where: Amelia's home
What: Amelia doesn't want Gideon at the protest. In exchange, she gets woe. SO MUCH WOE.
Warnings: mentions of self-harm

Gideon Prewett. Stand up and drop your pants. )

Aug. 17th, 2011


Who: Llewellyn Cadwallader and Amelia Bones
When: The night Order 3120 was announced, after this conversation.
Where: The Ministerial Manor
What: Drinks. DMLE Discussions. Professional affection.

'Let’s look at you. Still in one piece, still looking strong. Think we’ll make it through the weekend?' )

Aug. 13th, 2011


Official Memo from the Desk of Amelia S. Bones

[For the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Aurors and Hitwizards | CC: Minister Cadwallader, Deputy Minister Frobisher] )

[Specifically for Obliviators, Excusers, Mediwizards | CC: Minister Cadwallader, Deputy Minister Frobisher] )