Aug. 31st, 2011


RP Log: Aglaia Greengrass and Bellatrix Black

Who: Aglaia Greengrass and Bellatrix Black
What: Tea and Cleaning up for Jasper
Where: The Greengrass Solarium
When: A few days after the riot.
Rating: PG, tops.

Bellatrix looked forward to her afternoons with Aglaia, as odd as that sometimes felt. )

Aug. 16th, 2011


Owl to Aglaia Greengrass

Owl to Miss Greengrass )

Aug. 13th, 2011


Owl to Aglaia Greengrass

[Owl to Miss Aglaia Greengrass]


Thank you for the invitation - that sounds delightful! I miss your company as well, much to catch up on. My work schedule is flexible during the upcoming week, so please let me know what day and time work best for you. I will be looking out for your owl. Thank you.



Owls to Bellatrix and Briseis

[Owl to Miss Bellatrix Black]

Hello Bella,

It has been too long. If you are available, I would be pleased to invite you to tea at your convenience. I would value your opinion of the Minister's latest executive order. I am sure that The Elder Beacon would be glad to have a piece on the subject, but I feel as yet unqualified to discuss the matter fully. Please let me know if you are available; I know how busy you are.

Your friend,

Aglaia Greengrass.

[Owl to Miss Briseis Vaisey]


Would you care to come by for tea or luncheon? I miss your company.

