December 14th, 2008

[info]2ndbanana in [info]lechance


Leo had been drawn out of the sherrif's office by a sound she both couldn't identify and couldn't locate. Which explained why she was on her hands and knees in front of the porch and making a sort of "tsk" noise.

"Come on little one, I ain't gonna hurt you."

[info]doctorroberts in [info]lechance

Sunday, James

Sunday afternoon. The third banns had been read, and neither of them had decided to refuse the match - a fact that Paul was surprised to find himself relieved by, having thought he was sure of James' commitment.

At 3 o' clock, he was waiting in the library. A fire was laid, but not burning, in the grate, and paper and ink lay waiting on the table in the window. Two chairs were positioned by the fireplace, and Paul was seated in one of them, leafing through the day's newspaper when the door opened to reveal Harry's grinning face, and then James beyond him, bringing Paul smartly to his feet, both hands held out.