October 29th, 2008

[info]lenoy in [info]lechance

Edward- Backdated, last night

Cathy arrived at the hotel at 7pm, wandering around with flowers and looking for Edward before she got smart and sent a maid to locate him. She settled in a parlor and waited, fingers tapping lightly against her skirt.

[info]_delphina_ in [info]lechance


They'd made another appointment. This one couldn't be done over a picnic lunch, sadly. It required paper and ink, but Delphina was just as excited. Maybe more so. She stood as Hattie joined her in a private room off the hotel. Not a chaperone in sight. No one needed to be present for discussions like this.

She came around the table, offered Hattie both hands, and leaned in close to kiss her cheek. "I'm glad to see you."