September 19th, 2008

[info]tokyosteel in [info]lechance


Daisuke arrived a few minutes before the appointed time with a chaperone in tow, of course. He waited in the lobby of the hotel, arms folded behind him, and when Edward came down, took a study of him as politely as he could. When the other man reached the bottom stair, he bowed a bit before stepping forward to offer his hand as well. "Daisuke Shimada," he introduced, and then the chaperone. "Good afternoon."

[info]jonathan_ibis in [info]lechance


Jon found his way to the Beloved's hotel Friday afternoon with a picnic lunch and a chaperon who was more than inclined to be part of the game. Jon sent his card up to Hattie with a maid then waited in the foyer for her.

[info]ilovetodabble in [info]lechance

Open to One

Mercedes had allowed Alex and Thea to lead her up to where they'd seen the fissure. There was no red or black smoke, nor did they hear any weird noises, but the fissure was definitely still there. The soil didn't look any different, but it seemed to her to be a fairly large opening compared to the magnitude of the quake itself, but she was no scientist.

Thea looked rather vindicated as Mercedes agreed that yes, it was rather impressive looking. She hadn't known the two children to be trouble makers or liars, but their story did seem a little far fetched. That was, however, before the rumors that the sheriff was missing.

Having assured herself that there was in fact something there, Mercedes went back into town, her hair was askew and she was sweaty, dirt marring her clothing and her face. Very, very unlike her usual appearance. She was not surprised when someone stopped her.