August 24th, 2008

[info]willfreeman in [info]lechance

Hattie - Sunday Morning

William had been offered a house, his right as Ascendant, but he could not accept until he knew he could properly pay for upkeep out of a continuing wage, not just his meager savings. Consequently, when he set off that morning in his best black suit and simple hat, it was from the boarding house, along with a few of his fellow lodgers.

It was only after William had arrived at the cathedral and the others had dispersed that it occurred to him a chaperon might have been needed; Ms Palmer was unbetrothed after all. Yet the cathedral, while sizable for the small city, was well attended, with small groups of people chattering softly together around him, waiting for the start of the services, so they would not actually be alone together. That, surely, was appropriate enough?

Unsure, he introduced himself to the priest, explaining that a young Beloved new to the faith would be joining him. 'New to the faith' was, admittedly, somewhat of an exaggeration as Ms Palmer had only agreed to attend one service, but it gave him an excuse to remain with the priest at the cathedral entrance, engaging in rather stilted small talk while they waited for her to arrive.

Assuming she hadn't changed her mind since Friday evening.