August 2017



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July 6th, 2014

[info]insibbegerest in [info]kiseki_logs

006 ♔ Action | open to everyone

[With all the new arrivals lately, it seems that Miracle Country wants to help encourage some new jobs and positions in the community...

Which is why today, flyers are appearing under everyone's doors with advertisements for all of the many attractions in Miracle Country. Want a relaxing job? There's the onsen to consider. Want something more exciting? How about being a keeper at the zoo! Want something more sweet and fun? The amusement park needs ticket-takers. There are lots of ads available and today you might feel motivated to finally get out there and get yourself a paying job!

And for those who already have jobs, or go to the school, perhaps these advertisements don't mean much to you. But, fear not, because Miracle Country wants you to support your friends and family in their pursuits - and you might find some coupons tucked under your door: a free slice of cake at the Cherry Blossom Café, a free ride on the roller coaster at the amusement park, 50% off of a ticket into the museum, etc. The choices and opportunities are endless!

Signing up for a job today means you'll get a small starting bonus, too, so even more reason to get up and get out, find something you'd like to do! There are lots of places and opportunities to explore, either as an employee or as a customer.]