August 2017




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Mar. 3rd, 2016


all day || action || open

[Pink and fluff everywhere, that's the sight that might greet you today, as you find yourself in one of the many kiddy pool-like pits around Kiseki. Well, not just pink, but we like to shove pink at your faces. Yes, it could be full of marshmallows. But perhaps the little pool you're in has plastic balls in it, like the ballpit at the playground. Maybe it's full of mud. Or flowers. Or cupcakes. Or cottonballs. Or jell-o. Some actually have water in them!

But worry not! (You weren't worried? Even better) You're not alone in them. You'll end up with someone else, it's the whole point of them. You and your companion might notice, all the little pools have a sign saying:

"Find common ground."

What does that mean? Precisely that! You won't be able to leave the pool until you find something in common with the person you're sharing it with. Then, the contents will disappear, and once it's all gone, you'll be able to leave. Maybe you'll need to find more than one thing in common, if you're very similar people. These pools can be picky. And tricky, given that even if you've managed to get free, you might find yourself in yet another of those, with someone else...

In case you're growing bored in them, the content of the pool will change randomly every now and then - so maybe you're perfectly comfortable in a sea of nice cushions, only to then find yourself sitting in fresh paint. At least, Miracle Country will make sure to clean you up once you're out of it, or when the content of the pools changes... sometimes, that is. Enjoy!]

Feb. 19th, 2016


all day || action || open

[Now that everyone got to enjoy looking pretty and fancy for a while, it's time for some silliness - not in the form of failed attempts at baking or terrible craft-making.

This time, people will get... sweaters. Yes, as simple as that. Fluffy, warm, cute, and they're even useful, given the time of the year, so what's the catch? Well, for people who qualify for it, the sweaters will magically display a knitted pattern with nicknames the character has. Do they go by many different names? Perhaps a title? The pattern will change accordingly! Do they have no nicknames at all? Too bad, no cute sweaters for you. Perhaps it's time you try and find one.

Is your nickname embarrassing and you'd rather not have it displayed in front of everyone? Oh, but of course, you can't take the sweaters off. That is to say, you can, but it'll reappear where it was. You'll have to endure it for a while - they'll be fully removable by the time the day ends.]

Feb. 3rd, 2016


action || open

[Despite the many complaints about it, it's still winter. Now that the world isn't changing things around nor causing a blizzard, why not take advantage of the cold to have a little fun?

With a little help from certain resident wizards, and the intention of cheering up a certain shinki, the lake's been polished for use as a skating ring, and David & Snow are setting out ice-skates in various sizes (left over from previous, more dramatic ice-related shenanigans) for anyone who'd like to give it a try. If twirling around on ice isn't really your thing, there'll surely be some who engage in snowball fights instead, or play other games in the snow.

Maybe you simply want to watch the others, or end up being curious about what's going on and just come over to chat - there'll be plenty of the Charmings family's trademark hot cocoa with cinnammon for anyone who'd like some, regardless. You might want to watch out for Snow trying to fuss over your clothes not looking warm enough, though, don't think she won't try and shove an extra sweater or scarf your way.]

[[Charming house mingle! Hit up the residents of their home while they do various things, or play out your own threads among yourselves.]]

Dec. 31st, 2014


action || open to all

As would be expected, the last few days at the Bridge Between Worlds has been complete and utter chaos. Korra and Aang have spread themselves thin, using their magic in order to keep the world stabilized and not collapse in on itself and plunge the three worlds into thousands of years of war. But things are only getting worse the longer things go on – the barriers are weakening between the worlds and the dark spirits keep rushing in. Peace Talks have derailed completely, everyone looking out for their own and in-fighting becoming prominent as sides are chosen and paranoia and confusion mounts.

The Bridge’s lack of total collapse is the only reason that anyone can still exist. With all the Bridge Keepers’ magic focused entirely on keeping the Bridge stabilized, the barriers between worlds have all but collapsed and locked down, preventing everyone leaving and finding sanctuary in their own worlds, perhaps an unexpected side-effect to those who plotted for this. Everyone is trapped, and it’s only a matter of time before the world destroys itself.

Or so you might think.

Because within all this infighting, this plethora of magic, this confusion – there’s still Aang and Korra. And they absolutely won’t let this world die. There’s no time to speak of it, no time to really say goodbye, just the understanding of what they have to do—

So anyone looking towards the Bridge will see Aang and Korra alighting there, their eyes aglow, a grand display of their magic and their abilities, hand-in-hand as they finally understand what needs to be done, in order to keep everyone from disappearing.

And that’s to disappear themselves. With their magic combining, they smile at one another one last time and then close their eyes, disappearing in a wave of light and magic that stretches across the entire world – and vanish.

There’s barely any room to breathe, because with Korra and Aang’s disappearance in a blinding light, the aftermath is this – a beautiful, calm world yet again, untouched by the fighting and the violence, with a strong and stable Bridge at the center of it. And no Bridge Keepers in sight. They’ve become the Bridge.

And with it, perhaps, peace.

But that moment of peace does not last long… because soon the world is shaking all over again. This time not with explosions, but with something else entirely: the worlds are colliding, curling into themselves and merging as one—

Because Miracle Country is returning, and the worlds are condensing yet again to the world you all know and remember. Miracle Country returns, and just in time to celebrate a new year – as the worlds shake and collide, as the familiar sights disappear and reappear again, there is a release of light and fireworks from the cracks of the worlds, the barriers exploding in shimmering lights, and a sweep of paper lanterns lighting off into the sky and across the water – everywhere you look, there’s a paper lantern to light your way. These will last throughout the night and well into the morning.

And what becomes of you? Whether you were angel, demon, or otherworlder, you now remember the life you truly lived before arriving to Miracle Country – only you now hold the memories of another life, everything fresh with these memories. It’s part of you now.

So Happy New Year… welcome back.

Dec. 5th, 2014


Video, open to action

[There's an accidental video of Esmeralda's face, still with the same half-smile half-grimace it's been sporting since her conversation with the WC ladies.]

Hm. Cute.

[She flips open her journal to doodle a butterfly. And then a flower. C:]

What do you say, Djali? Is that enough "writing to our friends"? [Baa.] I think so, too.

[Urgh, but she really is going to have to talk to a supposedly magical book? About her supposed kidnapping?]

...Someone's got nerve, that's for sure. Not to mention a nice supply of smoke and mirrors. I might even be impressed, if you're not careful. Oh, or is this the secret back room of the cathedral? Someone like me wouldn't know, right? [Not exactly a regular church-goer, is she.] Who knows, maybe "the way to the Heavenly Kingdom is through the church" was always more literal than I thought. Wouldn't that be unexpected.

[Cocks an eyebrow at the journal, that same unamused half-smile back in place.]

There! I've talked. You can't go to all these lengths to promise me conversation and then not deliver. [Let her out of here, you jerk.]

[OOC: Esmeralda most likely doesn't know how to read. If your character responds with text, please let me know somewhere in the comment?]