August 2017




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Apr. 18th, 2017


action || open

[And in a flutter of sakura petals, suddenly everything returns to normal. That wasteland sweeps away, the vegetation and water growing out to cover the proper main island of Miracle Country. And you’re back to normal, too! Everything that just happened… was it a dream or another life? Those memories will linger, regardless.

You’ll find that with the abrupt change, though, that some of the other effects still linger, too: relationships from that ‘world,’ that expectation that there won’t be enough food or water, residual abilities you had then, your own abilities being slow to return. Don’t stray too far into the forest, either – there are worms out there now. And they're a little uneasy with this suddenly new, foreign environment.

But welcome back. The sakura trees are blooming today – and hey, there’s plenty of food and water after a few weeks of dire scenarios. Maybe it’s a little too abundant. A few areas around Miracle Country are a little flooded with the rush to return to normal.]

Apr. 10th, 2017


action || open

[The days pass, and more and more creatures begin to show up on both lands. The border between both sides is now the best hunting area, with easy access to creatures from either side, nevermind the possibility of sneaking around to get some other supplies, to gather info, to steal weapons. Maybe even simply visiting to have a chat, nothing says diplomacy can't be attempted, right? Much as the memories everyone holds say it hasn't worked out so far...

Ah, speaking of memories, they'll be getting a little fuzzy these days. Now and then, you'll feel like you can't recall certain things, some encounters, past events, stories you've heard. Or maybe you remember them, but they're not what you expect. Small flashes of people you can't remember ever meeting here. Locations that aren't anywhere to be seen, neither here nor back home. Like dreams that feel too real, too solid, too important to you, to merely be some construct of your imagination.

Is it the confinement, maybe? A longing for a different life, now that everyone seems trapped here and left to fight a battle not even their own? But then, why is it that some of those memories resemble a trap, as well? Trying to manage in an unknown world, the feeling of helplessness, the bonds you couldn't have made otherwise.

On this clear night, with a full moon visible from either side, these visions will be clearer than ever, more powerful than before. And if the ruins of some destroyed building seem familiar all of a sudden (haven't you seen that exact shade of pink before? Were the ruins the sand covers ever this colorful?), or the vegetation over at the other side looks oddly shaped (like the vines and trees on one area are forming a bridge, all of a sudden), well, it's clear something might be changing. Your own abilities might be shifting, as well. Is your magic not working as it should, doing new things, unable to do the usual spells? Is your aim off, or suddenly incredibly accurate? Does your trusted weapon suddenly feel inadequate? Let's just hope your skills in this world didn't involve things like flying, or aren't needed at a crucial moment, such as when fighting a giant monster, right? You wouldn't want a malfunction at that time, afterall.]


[[Our CLAMP AU event continues!]]

Apr. 1st, 2017


action || open

[It’s another beautiful day in this wasteland, isn’t it?

You know how it is here – you’ve been brought here from your own world, maybe months ago, maybe years ago, but very little has changed: the two sides fighting for the much-needed but depleted supplies, the harsh conditions of this battered desert landscape, the tensions that run high on the worst of days or simmer towards the boiling point on better days.

There’s been a tentative peace between the Dragons of Heaven and the Dragons of Earth these last few weeks, though... Very tentative. You’ve all had enough on either side to warrant a ceasefire on all the fighting – not needing to interact with anyone on the other side. Nobody really knows when all this fighting started – only that it keeps going and no resolution has worked so far.

This isn’t your original world. You still want to go home – but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen anytime soon. You’ve been brought here to fight on these two sides. Hopefully you can survive this, because this place is certainly not doing you any favors.

Because now the supplies are running lower and the monsters lurking out in the sand, or beneath the water, or in the limited vegetation are getting more aggressive, fueled by their own hunger. Maybe it’s not such a peaceful day, after all.

You’re all in need of supplies. One side has the water and vegetation, what you desperately need to survive another day. But the other side has the clothes, medical supplies, shelter materials, hunting materials. Supplies on both sides are running low – it’s “spring”, after all, and so the plants haven’t yet started to grow back fully, and the underground locations in the old city are running low on the stockpiled medical supplies. You’ll have to find a new cache soon.

But not all hope is lost…

A large sand worm – the first of the season! – has been spotted near the border between the two territories. It’s a good chance to get a leg-up on the other side: the meat can be used for food, its poison for weapons and antidotes, its skin for clothing or shelter, its teeth for tools. Of course, it is dangerous, so it’s important to be cautious. Especially if you run into the other side while hunting! Or maybe you’re sneaking across into enemy territory to steal supplies by force. It’s been known to happen. But you better make sure you don’t get caught or there could be real trouble.]


[ooc: Our (belated) anniversary/CLAMP day event begins - CLAMP AU! Go here for information/plotting.

Happy CLAMP Day!]

Jan. 1st, 2016


everywhere || action || open

[It’s the new year. And with tradition, the first dream of the new year will create the foundation of the rest of that year – either well-wishes or burdens. Enjoy the fireworks as you ring in the new year – you deserve it, perhaps, after such a trying year stuck in this world. Fireworks are sounding, a spark of noise and fire, and it’s exciting… but you might feel a sudden wave of sleepiness – nothing too extreme, but expected after such a long year of various magic and uncertainties.

The next day, though, there is no bright sunny day – instead, there’s an eclipse, the moon steadily moving across the sky to block out the sun. Instead of lasting a few minutes, however, this eclipse will last the entire week. As the moon moves across the sun, lights will begin to flicker out across Miracle Country, light by light. Soon, you’ll be complete darkness.

That darkness won’t last for long, though, so don’t be too frightened… Little flickers of light will emerge, small floating candles hovering in the air and set on certain places – your rooms, the hotel reception, other buildings, and the underground common rooms. You don’t have to be afraid of the dark – these candles won’t abandon you now. You can even go about your normal routine, despite the darkness.

But remember that wave of sleepiness you felt on that first day? It’s back. Like the lights, that feeling of sleepiness won’t abandon you – and no matter how much you sleep, it won’t stop you from nodding off throughout the week.

You and everyone around you will enter a more conscious state of dreaming when you do finally fall asleep. Things will seem vivid, lucid – you’ll remember your dreams with a new clarity you never have before.

And once you do fall asleep, you will find yourself with an ability you hadn’t had before: dreamwalking.

Suddenly, you are not limited just to the landscape of your own dreams – but rather the dreams of others. It could be a simple dream or an extravagant dream – a nightmare or a passing daydream. Symbolism or straight-forward understandings – will your presence warp the dream around you or will you need to locate the dreamer in order to find a way out? There’s no set way to awaken or a clear way to tell whose dream you might stumble into. And there’s no way to keep inquiring people out of your own dream, either.

As the eclipse progresses throughout the week, you will find yourself sleepier and sleepier – falling asleep without intention or without the aid of a bed or resting. Sometimes, you might fall asleep just where you stand, or sit, or in the middle of a conversation. You will fall asleep anywhere and for longer than normal, even through nightmares.

The lines between reality will begin to blur. That strange world you visited – was it a dream or was it reality? That conversation you had with a complete stranger, a dear friend, a precious loved one – did it happen or did you dream it? Did you witness someone in your own dream, visiting you, or were they simply a fragment of your own dream passing through the night? And was it a dream at all?

The lines will only continue to blur throughout the week. This new world you’ve stumbled into – is it a dream? Or, perhaps, it is only Miracle Country transformed, like so many times before. Perhaps you’ve actually returned home, to that moment you’ve been thinking of for so long… Or, perhaps, you have found yourself in a completely different world all together. After all, Miracle Country can’t be the only impossible world out there... right?]

[our anniversary event starts right now! For a reminder on specifics and plotting, please refer to this post]

Dec. 31st, 2014


action || open to all

As would be expected, the last few days at the Bridge Between Worlds has been complete and utter chaos. Korra and Aang have spread themselves thin, using their magic in order to keep the world stabilized and not collapse in on itself and plunge the three worlds into thousands of years of war. But things are only getting worse the longer things go on – the barriers are weakening between the worlds and the dark spirits keep rushing in. Peace Talks have derailed completely, everyone looking out for their own and in-fighting becoming prominent as sides are chosen and paranoia and confusion mounts.

The Bridge’s lack of total collapse is the only reason that anyone can still exist. With all the Bridge Keepers’ magic focused entirely on keeping the Bridge stabilized, the barriers between worlds have all but collapsed and locked down, preventing everyone leaving and finding sanctuary in their own worlds, perhaps an unexpected side-effect to those who plotted for this. Everyone is trapped, and it’s only a matter of time before the world destroys itself.

Or so you might think.

Because within all this infighting, this plethora of magic, this confusion – there’s still Aang and Korra. And they absolutely won’t let this world die. There’s no time to speak of it, no time to really say goodbye, just the understanding of what they have to do—

So anyone looking towards the Bridge will see Aang and Korra alighting there, their eyes aglow, a grand display of their magic and their abilities, hand-in-hand as they finally understand what needs to be done, in order to keep everyone from disappearing.

And that’s to disappear themselves. With their magic combining, they smile at one another one last time and then close their eyes, disappearing in a wave of light and magic that stretches across the entire world – and vanish.

There’s barely any room to breathe, because with Korra and Aang’s disappearance in a blinding light, the aftermath is this – a beautiful, calm world yet again, untouched by the fighting and the violence, with a strong and stable Bridge at the center of it. And no Bridge Keepers in sight. They’ve become the Bridge.

And with it, perhaps, peace.

But that moment of peace does not last long… because soon the world is shaking all over again. This time not with explosions, but with something else entirely: the worlds are colliding, curling into themselves and merging as one—

Because Miracle Country is returning, and the worlds are condensing yet again to the world you all know and remember. Miracle Country returns, and just in time to celebrate a new year – as the worlds shake and collide, as the familiar sights disappear and reappear again, there is a release of light and fireworks from the cracks of the worlds, the barriers exploding in shimmering lights, and a sweep of paper lanterns lighting off into the sky and across the water – everywhere you look, there’s a paper lantern to light your way. These will last throughout the night and well into the morning.

And what becomes of you? Whether you were angel, demon, or otherworlder, you now remember the life you truly lived before arriving to Miracle Country – only you now hold the memories of another life, everything fresh with these memories. It’s part of you now.

So Happy New Year… welcome back.

Oct. 18th, 2014


action || open to everyone

[How's it going, Kisekians? Are you weirded out or traumatized enough yet? Have you lost your ability to feel anything at all and therefore don't care about trauma? Are you angry because you can no longer tie your shoes?

No worries, though, Miracle Country has just the way to cheer you all up. Stopping the attacks? Please, are you new? Come on. In fact, you might be so not new you might've already spent a whole year here! Kiseki is celebrating opening itself up to more dimensions, not that anyone around would understand that's the point.

In the Sakura park, in place of its usual perpetually pink tree, there'll be a massive, multiple-layered cake, decorated in white and, you guessed it, little pink sakura flowers. On top of it there'll be a candle indicating one, and there'll be small tables with plates and utensils to eat the cake if anyone'd like to. There'll be balloons and confetti falling randomly on people all day, as well as native Kisekians passing around party hats.

It seems even the monsters are celebrating, as today any you encounter will be carrying its own cute party hat as well. Not even being a soulless-NPC can stop Miracle Country's festive cheer!]

Dec. 30th, 2013



[It's New Year's! Time to recharge your batteries, start fresh, make resolutions you won't follow through, or curse your luck that you're still stuck in a goddamn sparkly island. Whichever your choice, Miracle Country is set to celebrate and get everyone together.

Starting during the evening of the 31st, the park in the main island, as well as the shopping district and other main areas all around (the Welcome Center, the hotels, etc) will be decorated with lanters, christmas lights, and other colorful things. Even a few stray mistletoes might be found among the mix, although they'll be more rare than before. Tables with all sorts of holiday-themed food and drinks will be set all over the park & shopping district plaza, as well. And by the time midnight strikes, there'll be a huge fireworks display, visible from any point in the islands.

But that's not it!

A few days ago, everyone would've gotten a little note from a Kiseki lady, instructing them on a gift exchange the place has decided to have. How does this work? It's easy - everyone is assigned someone to get a gift to at random. They're meant to attend the end of year celebrations, in order to give that present to whoever was assigned to them.

If they fail to follow through (either they don't get the present or they do but don't go to the party), they'll face some retaliation. Since not wanting to participate in these means you're most likely a big grump, you'll get your own personal grey cloud following you around, in the spirit of old cartoons - it'll randomly rain or snow on you, and getting angry at it will only make it worse. Only through an act of sincere happiness/cheer can you make the cloud disappear.

And that's about it. The list for the gift exchange can be found HERE. Just mingle and have fun, and - because the date matches - happy 6th anniversary, Kiseki!]

Jan. 7th, 2013


AU Fairy Tale Event log

Who: Everyone~
What: AU Fairy Tale event shenanigans!
Where: All over Kiseki!
When: From the 7th till the 18th!
Rating: NC-83
Warnings: All the warnings!


Log for the anniversary Fairy Tale event! Thread anything you'd like concerning the event here \:D/