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Feb. 15th, 2017


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[Are you busy watching that special person from afar, convinced they will never notice your existance? At home, working hard on that home-made lunch to share with them? Busy rehearsing that perfect confession to your special person, to say during a windy day so that flower petals flutter all around the two of you? Alone, longingly thinking of that one person you can't meet, the world separating the two of you...

Wait, that doesn't sound right, does it? But today, it might not seem that far-fetched. It's St Valentine's Day, and today, love is in the air. Cheesy, clichéd, corny love, it seems, the kind that makes you trip in slow-motion into the arms of the object of your affections, reach your loved one just in time for a perfect confession, get to do all the things you love with that person, find that ridiculous teddy bear or gift that'll turn you and your significant other into pure mush around each other, and so on.

But of course, there's no need to always stick to the traditional and obvious. So if that confession which you didn't plan on ends up being heard by someone you can't stand, or if you get momentary romantic feelings from someone sneaking into your room at midnight to hide, or maybe something more upsetting such as your confessions being interrupted constantly, well, here's to new traditions!]

[[Romantic cliches event! No need to stick to CLAMP themes, pick your favorite trope and roll with it.]]