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Dec. 21st, 2015


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[Winter is finally here, and of course, it's holidays season as well. With the treehouses gone, Miracle Country will dress itself accordingly, with the Welcome Center, hotels, and other buildings getting snow-themed decorations, christmas lights, and other various things. You might notice that a few of the huts remain, here and there in the garden island and inside the forests - well, the usual cabins in the forest are a little cold for this season, aren't they?

In any case - it's a good time to check out the shopping district to get gifts, or ask about holiday traditions around the multiverse, should you be less familiar with some of them...

The one that's very likely to come up is mistletoe, as these little plants will be appearing along with the decorations; some perfectly harmless and normal, others the magical ones which some of our residents will be familiar with. These'll get people stuck under them until they fulfill one of these randomly-picked instructions, so have fun with that... or, as these could show up anywhere and are indestructible, maybe watch out for them and try to stay close to someone you trust, or even opt for hiding in your room. Don't forget, your handy journals can aid you in finding someone to get you unstuck. Afterall, no one wants to spend the holidays glued to one spot, right?]

Dec. 12th, 2015


action || open

[Winter is... nearby! And Miracle Country is now shifting to reflect it. With a little extra this time. Snow will fall across the island, with occasional hailstorms now and then.

But of course, our residents won't be left to freeze. For maximum cozy points, today people will find that the hotels are temporarily gone, and the forests seem to have expanded to take over that area. Accessible through many ladders and interconnected through hanging bridges, large treehouses meant to accomodate everyone have been set up. You'll want to look around to find your own, as rooms don't exactly match: the tree houses are big, some meant to house several people in it (with only the usual mini-kitchens missing from them), while others will work the part of the common rooms such as the cafeteria and other underground locations, holding food supplies, blankets and clothes, or even the TVs and other items like books or electronics available.

You might not even notice this at first, however. Some will not be in one of these treehouses, and instead find themselves in smaller huts found across Miracle Country's islands, even on places such as the beach, deep in the forests, or outside the amusement park! Small and cozy, they can either work as more private housing, or simply be an option to take a short break in while walking around. Some of them will carry fitting items for the occasion - things like bags of marshmallows, chocolates, or even scarves and dry, fluffy socks for anyone who might've been caught up in the storm.

With everything looking so accomodating for the most part, it might come as a surprise if certain events happen during these days, given the chances of them happening seem to be a little higher than usual. Perhaps you'll be lucky and simply get to enjoy the changes as they are. ... If you're not the type to enjoy sharing a space with others too much, though, you'll have to learn to manage - the treehouses and huts will remain this way until Sunday 20th!]

Dec. 3rd, 2015


friday evening & night || action

[During Friday, there'll be an easy way to relax after the week. Miracle Country's taking advantage of the last few days before the winter, and so the Usyagi will be flying around, handing out little cards encouraging people to take a boat ride. Even if they don't get one, it'll be clear they're set up specially for the evening, all of them looking new as ever and decorated with small lights around them, ready to take those who feel like accepting the offer over to the beach. The ride will be slow and let them enjoy the peaceful trip over to the beach (or the company of anyone riding with them). Maybe you found yourself on one of the boats with someone you didn't mean to take the trip with? Well, it's either enduring the ride, or jumping into the cold river. The choice is up to you.

Once there, they'll find the beach is also set up to receive them. Lanterns light up the way around seats under parasols, some fancier and set up with tables and plenty of food to be shared, some cozier and meant to be used by fewer people. There'll even be a few bonfires you can gather around, if you'd like.

Late at night, the lights from lanterns or fires will seem to dim, allowing the starry sky to be seen more brightly. It might look a little strange, however. Is that constellation meant to be a pig? Perhaps that one's a rabbit, then. Some might make even less sense. At least it's still pretty to look at, right?]