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December 29th, 2013

[info]cowered in [info]kiseki_logs

first thread; a little video, a little action EYYYYY take your pick

I don't want this book, I want answers. I want to know where this is and by whose power I--

[the journal's recording as one of the babbling ladies at the Welcome Center is holding it open, facing the pages at a man hissing at them with barely contained fury. when he notices that he's being recorded, he tries to grab the journal out of the lady's hands, but she dances away giggling. they chatter at him about Kiseki, and the hotel, and the magic--]

Well, that wasn't perfectly obvious. [he snaps irritably, but he tries to listen, in case they tell him anything that isn't immediately apparent, or better if they tell him anything important.

but of course they don't. the man's eyes narrow dangerously more and more. after a minute of endless overexcited chatter, he finally loses his patience.]

This is pointless. I'll find out for myself.

[the feed cuts as he grabs the book and snaps it shut.]

[he can be seen around Kiseki later, taking his time to walk around. to most, it might look like he's just looking around at the sky or the horizon for no reason, but he does occasionally turn his hand as quietly and surreptitiously as possible. the air around it flickers and wavers. he never seems terribly happy with whatever this does; he's no longer brimming with anger, but he's clearly still tense and irritable, at least.]

[eventually, he begrudgingly opens the book and uses the video record function. at first glance, he might seem bored; his eyes are half-lidded and his expression, for the most part, neutral. but there's a tension to his jaw that says otherwise. he speaks calmly enough, in what is supposed to be a pleasant tone but comes off more...oily.]

It's my understanding that I'm far from the first person to find themselves in this city unexpectedly. While the...helpful people at the start did their best, I'm sure I only have an idea of the generalities of the current circumstances. All I ask of you, my fellow...refugees, is to tell me what you were doing just before you arrived here. At home, or normal or magical means.

[the face he makes is probably...supposed to be a smile. though, whether it can actually be called that is a matter of debate.]

There's no obligation to reply, of course. I thank those who do choose to cooperate. It may help me a great deal.

You can call me Gold. If you wish to discuss your experience in person, I will be at the hotel bar.