Keys to Wonderland

And Rabbit Hole Reflections

Keys to Wonderland - Messages


February 8th, 2013

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[written on a sheet of paper that was meant to be a display sign]

Edited: one free samples per person

February 2nd, 2013

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If ever I could bring a downpour,

now feels like it would be a nice time.


Consider my bones chilled. I'm not quite afraid of anything- but such blatant sadism on the Queen's part is enough to make my stomach turn.

How are you faring?


And how've you been?

January 28th, 2013

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Oh, well. It seems like it's as good as any other time to decide to pass by. It seems like I might be staying "around" for a while.

Maybe a little story will make things better, yes?



[Rebellion types]


What a pickle.

January 26th, 2013

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So, I'm 'the most peculiar kitty', now? Peculiar... I like that word.

Words are such funny, fickle things, are they not? I bet, if I wrote a word right now, no two people would look at it the same. That's the lovely thing about words, is it not? They can be everything and nothing all at once, and all because you -- the person reading this, that is -- has already made up their mind about what it is or isn't.

Reasons like that are why I don't like when people try to define me, since who are you to decide what I am, even if it's just what I am to you. You're nothing, that's what. Not from where I'm standing... but none of that matters, right, as you've already made your judgments. Maddening, that, but then again what isn't? Not that any of you lot seem to care.

Oi, Hatter, there's something I've been wanting to tell you. It's about your hat. I.. I've always admired that hat... Give it to me, would you? Bah, I know you won't, but I still had to ask. Honestly though, I really do love that hat. I would wear it to all the finest occasions...

[People of the Rebellion]

As I inadvertently kicked off this whole farce of a competition do let me know if there are any Oysters out there you feel are in need of an Invisibility Token-Charms. These will be given on a case by case basis and not for free, so be willing to offer me something in return.

[Billy (aka Caradoc)/Darius] (separate filters to each)

I've set aside some Invisibility Token-Charms, if you feel a need for one or two.

January 25th, 2013

[Rebellion and Rebellion-leaning]

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tHe fiRst One tO stOp tHe mOst gamEinEss Of tHe qUeEn's Will eaRn An AnsWeR tO A pROblEm
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