March 13th, 2011


Opening when we have a few more characters

Something wicked is happening in Louisiana, and everyone's showing up to the party. A vampire or werewolf here and there is almost expected, but there's a brand new rainbow assortment of things that likely want to eat you, suck you dry, or make a deal for that pretty little soul of yours.

Be careful what you invite in, chere.
When Night Falls is a True Blood/ Supernatural crossover game set in Bon Temps, Louisiana, and the surrounding area.

Pax Letale: a modern myth game


In Southern California, there recently opened a new luxury apartment building. Impeccably designed, impossibly convenient, ideally located, Pax Letale is the sort of residential Shangri La where Southern Californians spend all manner of favors and years trying to secure a spot. But Pax doesn't have a waiting list, nor can a place there be bought or sold. The people who find their way to Pax Letale belong there.

Every tenant of Pax is a reincarnated deity whose worshipers are by and large long dead. Once very real, these gods began to fade as science and reason dispelled the probability of their existence. Reborn as mortals, their essences remain, waiting to be awakened. Somehow, sometimes one by one, sometimes in groups or pairs, these creatures of destiny have discovered Pax, and have not been able to resist its pull.

For at Pax Letale, the awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their myths. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

A lovely place. A peculiar place. A dangerous place.

Available Tenants:

Enki is the Babylonian god of water, crafts, intelligence and creation. Twin of and best friend of Ereshkigal, goddess of the Underworld, he is often seen as a positive foil to his brother Enlil, utilizing his magic and cunning for the good of others; he brings aid to deities and humans alike, serving as a rare masculine nuturer in a chaotic and often oppressively patriarchal pantheon. He will likely have connections to Tiamat and other Sumero-Babylonian deities.

Brighid is the Celtic goddess of the forge, inspiration, compassion and creativity, and a patron goddess of artists, craftsmen, and other creative types. In her mortal life, she may have connections to her parents, her siblings, or any of the Celtic pantheon.

Masauwu is a Hopi deity sometimes called the Skeleton Man, Keeper of Fire, Spirit of Death, and the Master of the Fourth (present) World. He is depicted as a dark-skinned man wearing a mask; sometimes the creature beneath this mask is described as handsome, sometimes as a disfigured monster. Connections to Native American deities and gods and goddesses of death or enlightenment are likely.


Don't see a tenant that interests you? Original creations are welcome - pick one of the active pantheons in the game, or talk to a mod if there's one you don't see, and make your modern god as you see him/her/it.

Holds on Greek and Norse deities to resume April 1st, prior to a game-wide event.



[No Subject]


Welcome to Paradise...

Premise | Rules | Taken Characters | Held Characters | Wanted Characters
Application | Room Assignments | Player Contact | FAQs

Network | Logs | Communications | OOC

On an island somewhere in the Bermuda triangle, you wake up, confused, in a luxury beach resort. A suitcase of your clothes by the bed, which you don’t remember packing. As you inspect the suite, you find a brand new laptop and blackberry on the coffee table. A note sits on top of the laptop and simply reads:

Welcome to Paradise.


Questions run through your mind rapidly. Where are you? How did you get here? Why are you here? Who did this to you? And most importantly...

Where do you go from here?

[Triangle Initiative is a Panfandom Game Updated and Expanded Upon from an old LJ Game]

[No Subject]

☾ Moonlight Nocturne
Welcome to Seattle, Washington, where the grass is green all the time, where the air always smells like the ocean, and where the next end of the world is scheduled to take place, T minus: now.

Something is happening in Seattle. People are showing up dead with no explicable cause, people are reporting seeing monsters in the streets late at night, and young men and women all around the city are beginning to change. Ordinary at first, but at a moment of danger they find themselves either drawn to it... or bringing it about.

You are a student, or maybe you're not. You are a businessman, or maybe you're not. You are a mother, a daughter, a son, a husband. You are a father, a sister, a brother. But you are also something else, something not meant for this world, but born into it for a specific cause: to defend it, or to overtake it. Who are you?


Moonlight Nocturne is an AU, PB Sailor Moon game set in present-day Seattle. A new race of soul snatchers has come to earth and is hell-bent on refueling its dying population with star seeds - and Seattle's population is first. The Celestians didn't plan on a fight, but who could have known the earth would have a bunch of guardians dressed in tutus? Actually, it was probably someone's job to find that out. Their bad.

We're an active, welcoming group of players currently in search of more males to join our cast!

FAQ & Drop BoxRulesHolds & Taken PBsApplicationCanon ListEveryone Else


the fountain




welcome to the written world.

Character Directory
All anyone needs to write a story is a ink and an idea. What's hard is creating a character.

The Storyteller spends his life creating characters. He's one of the few who can Read characters into the world, making them real and in turn changing their source material so that they can peaceably exist in our world. Since 1990 he has been Reading characters at random- from books, comics, movies and songs. If a character has a name, they can be Read. They wind up in Boston, histories just a memory and new lives ahead of them.

The Fountain is a panfandom game with origins in Inkheart and Vertigo's Fables. Any character who has a name and a fictional backstory is available for play- books, movies, television, song essences, folklore, etc. We're a low-key game- that means the hammer doesn't drop if activity slows, judgement isn't passed on creative content, and nobody's going to hate you if you miss a night or two to catch up on sleep. All levels of RP experience are welcome!

The Fountain opens for game-wide plot on April 1st. Applications submitted before that time will be reviewed for pre-play.

More questions? Comments? Cookies? Email them to ( except the cookies. Eat those and think of us.


[No Subject]


once bitten


They crept in so slowly, so discreetly, no-one really noticed until nothing could be done. Bloodsuckers, creatures of the night, monsters, vampires: many names for a surprisingly common breed of indeterminate origin. Regardless of what they were called, they appeared, and it became evident that humanity would have to adapt to a new way of life infiltrating their own

In Chicago, the city was divided. Those who cared, those who didn't, those who didn't know any better. And the factions live on a knife edge, waiting for the day that that everything changes.

It is not that day. Yet.


Game opens March 20


[No Subject]

[info]augmented: A Game for Freaks with Powers
and the People Who Love (and Hate!) Them
First adds on Sunday, March 20!