Mar. 23rd, 2011


[public from lightedline]

A question for the masses: in the eternal predestination vs. free will debate, where do you stand?

I'm admittedly interested in a comparison between the quality of whatever answers I may receive here and the responses from this morning's class. I have some time to kill.

Mar. 21st, 2011


[public from notjailbait]

It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood. Or it was. I hope this weather continues. Lucien needs a new dogwalker, or he shall begin to miss the park.

[locked to withoutapulse]

What are we doing tonight to celebrate a marvellous Monday? The duchess wants to know.

[locked to countingclocks]

Can we leave class early every Monday, oh great and mighty professor? I don't think I know anybody who takes pretzel day as seriously as you.


text to cole evans

[Sent Monday morning, around 8:30]

Do you know what day it is?


[Posted filtered to vampires only]

My favorite donor is moving back home to Topeka.

Best meal pickup in the mean time?


[public from badassbookworm]

Recently, a number of people have taken out books on vampire mythology from the Chicago Public Library. While I understand that many of you are interested in the practical applications provided in these books, I ask you not to take them onto the field with you while you attempt to kill the vampires in our city. There is no way to remove blood stains from books, and once stained, the books can no longer be provided for public consumption.

Thank you very much.